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Cypress UI Tests

This project uses Cypress to run UI tests for the project.

How to run the tests

  • Clone this repository and navigate to the project folder.
  • Run npm install to install the dependencies.
  • Run npm run test:open to launch the Cypress Test Runner.

How to interact with elements

  • To select an element in the UI, add a data-cy attribute to the HTML element and give it a unique value.
  • To interact with the element in the test, use the cy.dataCy() command and pass the value of the data-cy attribute as an argument. For example:
// HTML element
<h1 th:attr="data-cy='spoiler-title'">Spoiling secret</h1>

// Cypress test

How the tests work

  • The tests are located in the cypress/e2e folder.
  • The tests loop through all the enabled challenges and check if they meet the expected criteria.

When to create new tests

  • A new UI test(s) only needs creating when the UI changes, not with each PR.
  • If a new challenge is added or an existing challenge is modified no changes are needed.
  • If a new UI element is added or an existing element is changed, update the data-cy attributes and the tests accordingly.
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