Projects STRLCPY pikvm Commits 6d6766b7
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    22 22  We expect to implement this in [TigerVNC]( The relative mode is also not supported by mobile browsers.
    23 23   
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    25  -## Relative mouse on v2+ platform (OTG HID)
     25 +## Relative mouse on V2+ platform (OTG HID)
     26 + 
     27 +!!! info
     28 + On PiKVM V4 dual mode is enabled by default. To disable it and enable single mode, set `kvmd/hid/mouse_alt/device` (see below) to empty string:
     29 + 
     30 + ```yaml
     31 + kvmd:
     32 + hid:
     33 + mouse_alt:
     34 + device: ""
     35 + ```
    26 36   
    27 37  ### Dual mode
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    71 81  5. Don't forget to perform `reboot`.
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    74  -## Relative mouse on v0 platform (Arduino HID)
     84 +## Relative mouse on V0 platform (Arduino HID)
    75 85   
    76 86  Mode switching for [Arduino HID]( can be performed on-the-fly starting with KVMD 2.6 and the corresponding firmware. No additional actions are required.
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