Projects STRLCPY graphql-engine Files
functions Loading last commit info...

Setup tables

  1. Create table:
  id: int
  note: text

Setup Cloud Function

  1. Add netlify.toml to your Netlify root directory
  2. Rename .netlifygitignore to .gitignore to your Netlify root directory
  3. (alt) Alternatively edit your pre-existing .gitignore to ignore your functions folder
  4. Add the following scripts to your package.json:
// functions is the name of your functions folder
// if you are using a different name change it
"scripts": {
  "lambda-serve": "netlify-lambda serve functions",
  "lambda-build": "netlify-lambda build functions"
  1. Add the file index.js to your functions folder

Running locally

netlify-lambda serve functions


netlify-lambda build functions

Add the trigger in Hasura GraphQL

  1. In events tab, add a trigger
  2. Select all insert, update, delete operations for the trigger.
  3. Paste your function URL as the webhook. (eg: http://host.docker.internal:9000/index)
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