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Event trigger boilerplates on Netlify

Contributions are welcome for boilerplates in other languages.

Setup Hasura GraphQL Engine

Click on the following button to deploy GraphQL Engine on Heroku with the free Postgres add-on:

Deploy to Heroku

Checkout docs for other deployment options.

Setup netlify-cli

  1. Create a Netlify account @
  2. Download netlify-cli:
    npm install netlify-cli -g
  3. Login to netlify:
    ntl login
  4. Create a Netlify instance:
    ntl init # or `ntl link` if you already have one and want to link the project

Setup and deploy the trigger

ntl functions:create # and pick the hasura template

The code is located here

and you can write and host your own in your own git repo.

When you are ready to deploy your functions to production, use:

ntl deploy --prod

For built in authentication, check netlify-identity-widget and its alternatives.

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