Projects STRLCPY ekko-rs Commits d45cb27b
  • Cargo fmted and added some checks (BUG: RtlCaptureContext)

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  • memN0ps committed 2 years ago
    1 parent abb29d87
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  use ntapi::winapi::um::errhandlingapi::GetLastError;
    2  -use std::{ffi::c_void, mem::zeroed, ptr::null_mut};
     2 +use std::{
     3 + ffi::c_void,
     4 + mem::zeroed,
     5 + ptr::{null, null_mut},
     6 +};
    3 7  use windows_sys::Win32::{
    4  - Foundation::{HANDLE, UNICODE_STRING},
    5 9   System::{
    6 10   Diagnostics::Debug::{CONTEXT, IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64},
    7 11   LibraryLoader::{GetModuleHandleA, GetProcAddress, LoadLibraryA},
    skipped 25 lines
    33 37   
    34 38   // Creates or opens a named or unnamed event object.
    35 39   //
    36  - let h_event = unsafe { CreateEventW(null_mut(), 0, 0, null_mut()) };
     40 + let h_event = unsafe { CreateEventW(null(), 0, 0, null()) };
    37 41   log::info!("[+] h_event: {:#x}", h_event);
    38 42   
     43 + if h_event == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE {
     44 + panic!("[!] CreateEventW failed with error: {}", unsafe {
     45 + GetLastError()
     46 + });
     47 + }
     48 + 
    39 49   // Creates a queue for timers. Timer-queue timers are lightweight objects that enable you to specify a callback function to be called at a specified time.
    40 50   //
    41 51   let h_timer_queue = unsafe { CreateTimerQueue() };
    42 52   log::info!("[+] h_timer_queue: {:#x}", h_timer_queue);
    43 53   
     54 + if h_timer_queue == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE {
     55 + panic!("[!] CreateTimerQueue failed with error: {}", unsafe {
     56 + GetLastError()
     57 + });
     58 + }
     59 + 
    44 60   let nt_continue = unsafe {
    45 61   GetProcAddress(
    46 62   GetModuleHandleA("ntdll.dll\0".as_ptr()),
    47 63   "NtContinue\0".as_ptr(),
    48 64   )
    49 65   };
     66 + 
     67 + if nt_continue.is_none() {
     68 + panic!("[!] NtContinue not found");
     69 + }
     70 + 
     71 + log::info!("[+] NtContinue: {:#x}", nt_continue.unwrap() as u64);
     72 + 
    50 73   let sys_func032 = unsafe {
    51 74   GetProcAddress(
    52 75   LoadLibraryA("cryptsp.dll\0".as_ptr()),
    53 76   "SystemFunction032\0".as_ptr(),
    54 77   )
    55 78   };
     79 + 
     80 + if sys_func032.is_none() {
     81 + panic!("[!] SystemFunction032 not found");
     82 + }
     83 + 
     84 + log::info!("[+] SystemFunction032: {:#x}", sys_func032.unwrap() as u64);
     85 + 
    56 86   let rtlcont = unsafe {
    57 87   GetProcAddress(
    58 88   GetModuleHandleA("ntdll.dll\0".as_ptr()),
    skipped 1 lines
    60 90   )
    61 91   };
    62 92   
     93 + if rtlcont.is_none() {
     94 + panic!("[!] RtlCaptureContext not found");
     95 + }
     96 + 
     97 + log::info!("[+] RtlCaptureContext: {:#x}", rtlcont.unwrap() as u64);
     98 + 
    63 99   let image_base = unsafe { GetModuleHandleA(null_mut()) };
    64 100   let dos_header = image_base as *mut IMAGE_DOS_HEADER;
    65  - let nt_headesr =
     101 + let nt_headers =
    66 102   unsafe { (dos_header as u64 + (*dos_header).e_lfanew as u64) as *mut IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 };
    67  - let image_size = unsafe { (*nt_headesr).OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage };
     103 + let image_size = unsafe { (*nt_headers).OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage };
    68 104   
    69 105   log::info!("[+] Image Base: {:#x}", image_base as u64);
    70 106   log::info!("[+] Image Size: {:#x}", image_size as u64);
    71  - log::info!("[+] NtContinue: {:#x}", nt_continue.unwrap() as u64);
    72  - log::info!("[+] SystemFunction032: {:#x}", sys_func032.unwrap() as u64);
    73  - log::info!("[+] RtlCaptureContext: {:#x}", rtlcont.unwrap() as u64);
    74 107   
    75 108   key.Buffer = key_buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u16;
    76 109   key.Length = key_buf.len() as u16; // 16
    skipped 2 lines
    79 112   img.Buffer = image_base as *mut u16;
    80 113   img.Length = image_size as u16;
    81 114   img.MaximumLength = image_size as u16;
     115 + pause();
    82 116   
    83 117   log::info!("[+] Calling CreateTimerQueueTimer with ctx_thread");
    84 118   // Creates a timer-queue timer. This timer expires at the specified due time, then after every specified period. When the timer expires, the callback function is called.
    skipped 229 lines
    314 348  }
    315 349   
    316 350  fn dump_virtual_protect_context(rop: &CONTEXT) {
    317  - log::info!("[+] RSP: {:#x} RIP: {:#x} -> VirtualProtect({:#x}, {:#x}, {:#x}, {:#x})" , rop.Rsp, rop.Rip, rop.Rcx, rop.Rdx, rop.R8, rop.R9);
     351 + log::info!(
     352 + "[+] RSP: {:#x} RIP: {:#x} -> VirtualProtect({:#x}, {:#x}, {:#x}, {:#x})",
     353 + rop.Rsp,
     354 + rop.Rip,
     355 + rop.Rcx,
     356 + rop.Rdx,
     357 + rop.R8,
     358 + rop.R9
     359 + );
    318 360  }
    319 361   
    320 362  fn dump_system_function036_context(rop: &CONTEXT) {
    321  - log::info!("[+] RSP: {:#x} RIP: {:#x} -> SystemFunction036({:#x}, {:#x})" , rop.Rsp, rop.Rip, rop.Rcx, rop.Rdx);
     363 + log::info!(
     364 + "[+] RSP: {:#x} RIP: {:#x} -> SystemFunction036({:#x}, {:#x})",
     365 + rop.Rsp,
     366 + rop.Rip,
     367 + rop.Rcx,
     368 + rop.Rdx
     369 + );
    322 370  }
    323 371   
    324 372  fn dump_wait_for_single_object_context(rop: &CONTEXT) {
    325  - log::info!("[+] RSP: {:#x} RIP: {:#x} -> WaitForSingleObject({:#x}, {:#x})" , rop.Rsp, rop.Rip, rop.Rcx, rop.Rdx);
     373 + log::info!(
     374 + "[+] RSP: {:#x} RIP: {:#x} -> WaitForSingleObject({:#x}, {:#x})",
     375 + rop.Rsp,
     376 + rop.Rip,
     377 + rop.Rcx,
     378 + rop.Rdx
     379 + );
    326 380  }
    327 381   
    328 382  fn dump_set_event_context(rop: &CONTEXT) {
    329  - log::info!("[+] RSP: {:#x} RIP: {:#x} -> SetEvent({:#x})" , rop.Rsp, rop.Rip, rop.Rcx);
     383 + log::info!(
     384 + "[+] RSP: {:#x} RIP: {:#x} -> SetEvent({:#x})",
     385 + rop.Rsp,
     386 + rop.Rip,
     387 + rop.Rcx
     388 + );
    330 389  }
     390 + 
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