Projects STRLCPY ekko-rs Commits abb29d87
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    3 3  A small sleep obfuscation technique that uses `CreateTimerQueueTimer` Win32 API in Rust. This is ported from C to Rust.
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     5 +## Debugging
     6 + 
     7 +For debugging uncomment `env_logger::init();` in main and set Powershell environment variable to `$Env:RUST_LOG="info"`.
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    5 9  ## Credits / References
    6 10   
    7 11  - [@C5pider](
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    148 148   rop_mem_dec.Rsp = -8 as isize as u64;
    149 149   rop_mem_dec.Rip = sys_func032.unwrap() as u64;
    150 150   rop_mem_dec.Rcx = &mut img as *mut UNICODE_STRING as *mut c_void as u64;
    151  - rop_mem_dec.Rdx = key.MaximumLength as u64;
     151 + rop_mem_dec.Rdx = key.Length as u64;
    152 152   dump_system_function036_context(&rop_mem_dec);
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    154 154   // pub unsafe extern "system" fn VirtualProtect(lpaddress: *const c_void, dwsize: usize, flnewprotect: PAGE_PROTECTION_FLAGS, lpfloldprotect: *mut PAGE_PROTECTION_FLAGS) -> BOOL
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    170 170   
    171 171   log::info!("[+] Rop chain built");
    172 172   log::info!("[+] Queue timers");
     173 + //unsafe { core::arch::asm!("int3") };
    173 174   
    174 175   let result = unsafe {
    175 176   CreateTimerQueueTimer(
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