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The method to create multiple architecture images for a single tag pushed to DockerHub is taken from

We created multiple Dockerfiles for creating Docker Image of Dolt for different architectures.

  • Dockerfile without extension is for 'linux/amd64'
  • Dockerfile.arm64 is for 'linux/arm64'
  • No Windows architecture is supported yet.

If new Dockerfile is added to support different OS/architecture, make sure to add appropriate jobs in .github/workflows/cd-release.yaml that updates DOLT_VERSION for the Dockerfile.

The directory hooks here include script file that help us create images for different architectures on x86_64 machine. The Docker documentation on hooks,

hooks/post_checkout installs appropriate version of QEMU tool, multiarch/qemu-user-static, which is used to enable an execution of different multi-architecture containers

hooks/pre_build prepares the binary for running shell scripts on specific architecture. It's required for any OS/architecture except for x86_64.

hooks/post_push uses two separate Docker Images for linux/amd64 and linux/arm64 to combine them in a single tag using docker manifest command which is 'experimental'. This requires 'experimental' config variable to be set to 'enabled'.

IMPORTANT: Currently, we need to set up automated build for each of Dockerfiles for both latest and <release_version> tags. For example, we support linux/amd64 and linux/arm64, so we need build for tags, latest-amd64, latest-arm64, 0.50.4-amd64, 0.50.4-arm64, if the current release version is '0.50.4'.

-- COPY docker/qemu-aarch64-static /usr/bin/ is required for building (non x86 architecture image) in x86 host before any RUN commands.

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