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    CyberSecurity/Web/BountyStory/RemoteCodeExecution/20230316 - The Tale of a Command Injection by Changing the Logo.md
     1 +# The Tale of a Command Injection by Changing the Logo 🩸🩸
     2 + 
     3 +### 1. Recon (searching ASN)
     4 +### 2. Checking Wappalyzer --> PHP
     5 +### 3. Fuzz (ffuf) --> didn't work
     6 +### 4. Find File Upload
     7 +### 5. Testing SQLi (filename )--> didn't work
     8 +### 6. Testing RCE (filename) --> BINGO
     9 + 
     10 +## Credit
     11 +Based on [Oxrz](https://infosecwriteups.com/command-injection-by-changing-the-logo-2d730887ab6c)'s writeup.
     12 +<br>&nbsp;
     13 + 
     14 +## Support
     15 +You can Follow [me](https://twitter.com/MeAsHacker_HNA) on twitter or
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