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    CyberSecurity/Web/BountyStory/RemoteCodeExecution/20230314 - $10.000 bounty for exposed .git to RCE.md
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    8 8  nuclei -l aqua_$1/aquatone_urls.txt -t ~/nuclei-templates -es info -o nuclei_$1.txt
    9 9  ```
    10 10  Fortunately, the output of nuclei showed me the exposed .git/ directories:<br>
    11  -![20230314-1.png](../../images/20230314-1.png)<br>
     11 +![20230314-1.png](../images/20230314-1.png)<br>
    12 12  Using the git-dumper tool to download the source:
    13 13  ```
    14 14  git-dumper http://example.com/.git/ output
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    22 22   
    23 23  ### 3. Preparing Exploit
    24 24  To craft the request, I also had to take into account a simple validation that required hardcoded secret keys<br>
    25  -![20230314-2.png](../../images/20230314-2.png)
     25 +![20230314-2.png](../images/20230314-2.png)
    26 26  <br>&nbsp;
    27 27   
    28 28  ### 4. Final Result
    29 29  And the final result:
    30 30  `http://example.com/ftp-upload/sync.php?deluser=INJECTION&secret1=[secret1]&secret2=[sha1 encoded secret2]`
    31  -![20230314-3.png](../../images/20230314-3.png)
     31 +![20230314-3.png](../images/20230314-3.png)
    32 32  <br>&nbsp;
    33 33   
    34 34  ## Credit
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