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    CyberSecurity/Web/BountyStory/RemoteCodeExecution/20230317 - Remote Command Execution in a Bank Server.md
     1 +# Remote Command Execution in a Bank Server 👽
     2 + 
     3 +### Discovery 🔍
     4 +1. There was a functionality that user could download a PDF file<br>
     5 +2. Observe the filename and folder parameters in the request<br>
     6 +3. It was straightforward, send passwd and /etc<br>
     7 +It's WORKED 🥳<br>
     8 +![20230317-1.png](../images/20230317-1.png)<br>
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     11 +### Deep Dive 🔬
     12 +1. The app does not allow us to pass directory traversal payloads (‘../’, ‘%2e%2e%2f’)<br>
     13 +2. tried to get some default internal OS configuration files, but most of the files give an error.<br>
     14 +3. Looked at the passwd file again and saw an interesting 'grcdm' user.<br>
     15 +![20230317-2.png](../images/20230317-2.png)<br>
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     18 +### Further exploration 🔦
     19 +1. I tried with ~/.bash_history payload (/home/grcdm and .bash_history)
     20 +2. I got the complete command history of user 'grcdm'
     21 +3. After analyzing all the commands, I found the web host’s root path.
     22 +![20230317-3.png](../images/20230317-3.png)<br>
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     25 +### Analysis 🧩
     26 +1. I copied the names of all JSP pages using the Target Analyzer of the Burp Suite (Engagement Tools)
     27 +2. Configured the intruder and set the attack point to the filename parameter.
     28 +3. I found a Directory Listing. vulnerability in cr_master_invoice.jsp.
     29 +![20230317-4.png](../images/20230317-4.png)<br>
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     32 +### Analysis 🧩
     33 +1. I passed ../../../../../../etc and saw that it listed all contents of etc directory.
     34 +2. Crawled all folders with the help of internal directory listing.
     35 +3. I saw an unlinked JSP file that was vulnerable to Unrestricted File Upload.
     36 +![20230317-5.png](../images/20230317-5.png)<br>
     37 +<br>&nbsp;
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     39 +### Exploitation 💣
     40 +1. I quickly created an HTML file upload page and specified a vulnerable endpoint in the action attribute of the form tag.
     41 +2. Opened the created HTML page in the browser and selected the JSP web shell to upload.
     42 +![20230317-6.png](../images/20230317-6.png)<br>
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     45 +## Credit
     46 +Based on [Bipin Jitiya](https://medium.com/@win3zz/remote-command-execution-in-a-bank-server-b213f9f42afe)'s writeup.
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     49 +## Support
     50 +You can Follow [me](https://twitter.com/MeAsHacker_HNA) on twitter or
     51 +<br><br><a href="https://www.buymeacoffee.com/NafisiAslH" target="_blank"><img src="https://cdn.buymeacoffee.com/buttons/v2/default-yellow.png" alt="Buy Me A Coffee" style="height: 60px !important;width: 217px !important;" ></a>
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