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    CyberSecurity/Web/BountyStory/XXE/20230315 - Exploiting Out-of-Band XXE in the Wild from P4 to P1.md
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    35 35  4. And guess what?I got the result.<br>
    36 36  ![20230315-4.png](../images/20230315-4.png)<br>
    37 37  ![20230315-5.png](../images/20230315-5.png)<br>
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    40 40  ### Phase 6 --> final XXE (P1) 🏅
    41 41  1. I made the OOB XXE exploitation successfully!! But actually, I couldn’t get any file with multiple lines<br>
    42 42  2. I tried several techniques such as base64, FTP, ... but i failed in all of them.<br>
    43 43  3. Finally I was able to do this with error messages<br>
    44 44  ![20230315-6.png](../images/20230315-6.png)<br>
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    47 47  ## Credit
    48 48  Based on [Mahmoud Youssef](https://0xmahmoudjo0.medium.com/exploiting-out-of-band-xxe-in-the-wild-16fc6dad9ee2)'s writeup.
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