Projects STRLCPY CatSniffer Files
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Live Packet Sniffer to Wireshark bridge for IEEE 802.15.4 networks.

NOTE WELL: at the moment pycatsniffer only supports packet capture of the following protocols: Bluetooth Low Energy Adversiting Channels (does not support decryption of encrypted packets)

A Python module that uses a CatSniffer (TI CC1352 chip) to sniff packets and pipe them to (primarily) wireshark.

This tool is a mashup of three existing GitHub projects:

  • ccsniffpiper: A python tool by Andrew Dodd, based on the two below, that pipes the captured frames to wireshark.
  • sensniff: A python tool by George Oikonomou to capture packets with the "sensniff" firmware for the TI CC2531 sniffer.
  • ccsniffer: A python module by Christian Panton to capture packets with the original TI firmware and print them to stdout.

This tool is intended to be an alternative to the Windows-based SmartRF Packet Sniffer 2 program using TI's default firmware on CC13XX chips (and combine it with Wireshark's live capture utility). pycatsniffer has been developed on Linux.

Requires: pyserial

pycatsniffer can run in interactive or headless mode. In interactive mode, the user can change the radio channel while running.

How to Use

Run pycatsniffer

pycatsniffer's main role it to read packets captured from the CatSniffer board and pipe the packets in PCAP format to a named pipe (by default "/tmp/ccsniffpiper").

To get this default behaviour, just run the command: python

To see further information, run the help command: python -h

To run in headless mode and pipe using /tmp/ccsniffpiper sudo python -d -f /tmp/ccsniffpiper

Run Wireshark

To receive the packets from pycatsniffer you need to use Wireshark to start a capture using a FIFO file as the 'interface'. By default, pycatsniffer will use /tmp/ccsniffpiper.

To setup Wireshark correctly, perform the following steps:

  • Go to Capture -> options -> Manage Interfaces -> New (under Pipes) -> type /tmp/ccsniffpiper and save.
  • The pipe will then appear as an interface. Start a capture on it.

General packet format

This is just * documentation of the packet format from the TI firmware on CatSniffer.

The UART packet format is shown in the table below.

0       1       2       3       4       5       6       7            -2       -1     EOF
|_______|_______|_______|_______|_______|_______|_______|>>  ...  |_______|_______|_______|
|Start of Frame |Packet  Packet Length  |Payload         >>       |   FCS |   End of Frame|
|               |Info   |               |                         |       |               |       
        2B	       1B	   2B	        0-2049B	                 1B	   2B        


I don't see anything appearing in Wireshark!

  • Check that the sniffer is sniffing in the correct channel.
  • Check that you have opened the named pipe that is being piped to. In particular, I would recommend reading the "Run Wireshark" section carefully.
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