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NSW Hackathon 2020 5G Malicious traffic detection

Purpose of the project: The project was initiated for NSW Hackathon 2020 for creating a basic solution framework to handle cyber security attacks in 5G network. This project has evaluated the possibility to recognize attacks based on ML Neural Networks. It introduced the concept of mobile edge computing for security by getting streaming traffic from RAN and searching for malicious traffic on mobile egde side to achive quick recognition of threats. In that way it differentiates from solutions (e.g. VoltDB), which need to have data from core network stored and in a second step evaluate for possible threats.

Motivation: Cyber security defense systems have evolved in the last years with innovative approaches and new Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) capable of identifying cyber-threats that had gone unnoticed to date. However, new protection challenges are raised by the upcoming fifth generation (5G) mobile technology with new and advanced features. The project introduces a 5G-oriented architecture with which to conduct the analysis of network flows to identify cyber-threats in 5G mobile networks efficiently and quickly, by making use of deep learning techniques. Additionally this project would like to introduce "armed microservices" approach. A microservice can be launched with own ML algorithm and training set to defend against certain groups of threats, like DOS, U2R, R2L, probe but also telecom specific threats like M3UA threats, SMS fraud ans spam.

System Components:

  • Stream data capture and flow generation by using Argus binetflow https://openargus.org/ . Time window feature aggregation will be evt. implemented with Spark. This step is not part of hackathon and will be introduced as next step.
  • ASD: Anomaly symptom detection. It is located into the Radio Access Network (RAN) infrastructure, and it is focused on the quick search of anomaly symptom, i.e., any trace or sign of anomaly in the network traffic generated by UEs connected to the RAN. This component is part of Hackathon implementation using Deep Neural Network fully connected. However the data used are not real RAN data but datasets used for Malicious traffic ML projects, like KDD and CTU-13.
  • NAD: Network anomaly detection. It is a collector of timestampted and RAN-associated symptoms, produced and forwarded by ASDs, where a central process in e.g. EPC analyses the timeline and the relation of these symptoms to identify any network anomaly. Once an anomaly is produced, it is immediately communicated to the Monitoring and Diagnoser module. This component is part of Hackthon implementation using an RNN LSTM network.
  • Diagnose and policy server. A GUI environment, which produces graphs of interconnected infected devices and in case of botnets also the botmasters. It provides the capability to an expert to look deeper to flow packages and initiate prevention actions. This component is only partly implemented for the Hackathon. Only the graph generation was implemented.

Dataset used for training: NSL-KDD:

ASD NN Network description and results: Full connected deep neural network. RandomSearchCV was used for training with cross validation and best parameters extracted are the following:

  • 3 hidden layers
  • hidden layer 1 = 256 neurons
  • hidden layer 2 = 32 neurons
  • hidden layer 3 = 32 layers
  • learning_rate = 0.0003467
  • Kernel initializer = glorot_uniform
  • Dropout = 0.2

Training data:

  • Epochs = 75
  • verbose =2
  • batch size = 2000
  • scoring = f1_macro
  • optimizer = RMSprop
  • loss = binary_crossentropy

DNN results:

precision recall f1-score support

       0       1.00      1.00      1.00     12833
       1       1.00      1.00      1.00      9711

accuracy                           1.00     22544

macro avg 1.00 1.00 1.00 22544 weighted avg 1.00 1.00 1.00 22544

  • Best score: 0.9999680776451911
  • Estimator time: 645.5822646617889
  • Prediction time: 0.7374951839447021
  • Total time for fit and predict: 646.3197634220123 seconds

NAD NN Network description and results: LSTM : Long short term memory recurrent neural network. RandomSearchCV was used for training with cross validation and best parameters: hidden_layers =4, learning_rate = 0.0002267

Training data:

  • Epochs = 250
  • verbose =2
  • batch size = 2000
  • scoring = accuracy
  • optimizer = Adam
  • loss = binary_crossentropy

LSTM results:

precision recall f1-score support

       0       1.00      1.00      1.00     12833
       1       1.00      0.99      1.00      9711

accuracy                           1.00     22544

macro avg 1.00 1.00 1.00 22544 weighted avg 1.00 1.00 1.00 22544

  • Best score: 0.9998968032832433
  • Estimator time: 956.7115938663483
  • Prediction time: 1.4246132373809814
  • Total time for fit and predict: 958.1362102031708 seconds

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