Projects STRLCPY C2-Tracker Files
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C2 Tracker

This repo houses the code I made to mine various C2 IPs from Shodan. The searches used were sourced from Michael Koczwara's Research (see references below).

Current Metrics

  • Suspected C2 Servers: 2,641

    • Cobalt Strike: 1,757
    • Metaploit Framework: 603
    • Covenant: 33
    • Mythic: 55
    • Brute Ratel C4: 9
    • Posh C2: 9
  • (Those numbers don't add up so I suspect a few IPs are housing multiple C2s, see future state)

Current State

I currently have this script running nightly on a crontab and automatically updating the files in data. There is a backup of the data in backup, this is not touched by the automation and will occassionally be updated manually.

Last Backup: 11/24/2022

Running Locally

However if you want to host a private version, put your Shodan API key in an environment variable called SHODAN_API_KEY

echo SHODAN_API_KEY=API_KEY >> ~/.bashrc
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Future State

  • Write scripts to analyze DNS/WHOIS info
  • Build automation into the script
  • Write script to identify servers with multiple frameworks running
  • Track metrics over time


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