
Browser extension for

## Features - Minimal UI - Instant QR Code - Cross Browser Support - Supports Secure Passwords for URLs - History & Incognito Feature - Auto Copy Feature - Free and Open Source - Uses WebExtensions API ## Warning Right now I'm not in the mood to deal with the enrolment policies of each browser marketplace, so the links below are currently NOT working. If you really need to use the extension please load it unpacked as explained [here]( ## Browser Support | [![Chrome](]( | [![Firefox](]( | [![Opera](]( | [![Edge](]( | [![Yandex](]( | [![Brave](]( | [![vivaldi](]( | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | 49 & later ✔ | 52 & later ✔ | 36 & later ✔ | 79 & later ✔ | Latest ✔ | Latest ✔ | Latest ✔ ## How to use - Download for browser(s) - Chrome: [ :: Chrome Web Store]( - Firefox: [ :: Add-ons for Firefox]( - Opera [ :: Opera addons]( - Edge: [ :: Chrome Web Store]( - Generate an API Key from `` after signing up. (Settings page) - Paste and Save this `Key` in extension's `options page` when asked.
## Author **[Abhijith Vijayan](** ## License Code released under [the MIT license](license).