  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +#!/bin/bash
     2 +# crash.fyi CLI
     3 +# description: Script to access crash.fyi REST API version 1
     4 +# Author: James Hillyerd
     5 +# Porting: from inbucket by crash.fyi
     6 +# License: MIT
     7 + 
     8 +API_HOST="crash.fyi"
     9 +URL_ROOT="https://$API_HOST:443/api/v1"
     10 + 
     11 +set -eo pipefail
     12 +[ $TRACE ] && set -x
     13 + 
     14 +usage() {
     15 + echo "Usage: $0 <command> [argument1 [argument2 [..]]]" >&2
     16 + echo >&2
     17 + echo "Options:" >&2
     18 + echo " -h - show this help" >&2
     19 + echo " -i - show HTTP headers" >&2
     20 + echo >&2
     21 + echo "Commands:" >&2
     22 + echo " list <mailbox> - list mailbox contents" >&2
     23 + echo " body <mailbox> <id> - print message body" >&2
     24 + echo " source <mailbox> <id> - print message source" >&2
     25 + echo " delete <mailbox> <id> - delete message" >&2
     26 + echo " purge <mailbox> - delete all messages in mailbox" >&2
     27 +}
     28 + 
     29 +arg_check() {
     30 + declare command="$1" expected="$2" received="$3"
     31 + if [ $expected != $received ]; then
     32 + echo "Error: Command '$command' requires $expected arguments, but received $received" >&2
     33 + echo >&2
     34 + usage
     35 + exit 1
     36 + fi
     37 +}
     38 + 
     39 +main() {
     40 + # Process options
     41 + local curl_opts=""
     42 + local pretty="true"
     43 + for arg in $*; do
     44 + if [[ $arg == -* ]]; then
     45 + case "$arg" in
     46 + -h)
     47 + usage
     48 + exit
     49 + ;;
     50 + -i)
     51 + curl_opts="$curl_opts -i"
     52 + pretty=""
     53 + ;;
     54 + **)
     55 + echo "Unknown option: $arg" >&2
     56 + echo
     57 + usage
     58 + exit 1
     59 + ;;
     60 + esac
     61 + shift
     62 + else
     63 + break
     64 + fi
     65 + done
     66 + 
     67 + # Store command
     68 + declare command="$1"
     69 + shift
     70 + 
     71 + local url=""
     72 + local method="GET"
     73 + local is_json=""
     74 + 
     75 + case "$command" in
     76 + body)
     77 + arg_check "$command" 2 $#
     78 + url="$URL_ROOT/mailbox/$1/$2"
     79 + is_json="true"
     80 + ;;
     81 + delete)
     82 + arg_check "$command" 2 $#
     83 + method=DELETE
     84 + url="$URL_ROOT/mailbox/$1/$2"
     85 + ;;
     86 + list)
     87 + arg_check "$command" 1 $#
     88 + url="$URL_ROOT/mailbox/$1"
     89 + is_json="true"
     90 + ;;
     91 + purge)
     92 + arg_check "$command" 1 $#
     93 + method=DELETE
     94 + url="$URL_ROOT/mailbox/$1"
     95 + ;;
     96 + source)
     97 + arg_check "$command" 2 $#
     98 + url="$URL_ROOT/mailbox/$1/$2/source"
     99 + ;;
     100 + *)
     101 + echo "Unknown command $command" >&2
     102 + echo >&2
     103 + usage
     104 + exit 1
     105 + ;;
     106 + esac
     107 + 
     108 + # Use jq to pretty-print if installed and we are expecting JSON output
     109 + if [ $pretty ] && [ $is_json ] && type -P jq >/dev/null; then
     110 + curl -s $curl_opts -H "Accept: application/json" --noproxy "$API_HOST" -X "$method" "$url" | jq .
     111 + else
     112 + curl -s $curl_opts -H "Accept: application/json" --noproxy "$API_HOST" -X "$method" "$url"
     113 + fi
     114 +}
     115 + 
     116 +if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
     117 + usage
     118 + exit 1
     119 +fi
     120 + 
     121 +main $*
     122 + 
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