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WrongSecrets Desktop

Welcome to the WrongSecretss desktop/toolcontainer! With this Docker container you have the minimal tools next to Docker ready on your finger tips. Need more? Don't worry: you can always do sudo apk add <package> .

Warning in CTF-mode

Please note that this is a 1:1 user interface: if you are running a CTF as a team, be aware you cannot run the webtop together at the same time. You will have to reconnect after someone else connected.

What is inside

We have packed it with the following content:


The WrongSecrets Desktop contains the following tools:

  • Radare2 for reverse engineering (Use it with r2/radare2 in the commandline)
  • OpenSSL for encoding/decoding
  • AWS-cli for AWS challenges (Use it with aws in the commandline, might be disabled during CTF)
  • KeepassXC for password manager related challenges (Use it with keepassXC in the commandline)
  • Firefox
  • Docker (disabled in cloud env/CTF challenges)
  • Kubectl
  • Geany to have a look at the code (use it with geany in the commandline)

Binaries to play with

We added the Keepass file and the binaries for the reverse-engineer challenges to /config/Desktop/wrongsecrets. Just open the wrongsecrets folder on the Desktop and you will find it.

Note on kubectl

When working in a minikube deployment: make sure to export KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST and KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT first! on Aws that would be:


When you are in a CTF

  • Want to get back to the overview of your environments? just go to /balancer
  • Want to know where to hand over the actual flag? Check with your CTF instructor if you lost the URLs.
  • Want to use AWS Cli and/or checkout the code in Git and/or check a container with the docker cli? Please use your own computer. In most cases you can use the online services (, to find the information you are looking for. For the AWS state-related challenge your CTF instructor will release credentials you can use to checkout the shared state file.
  • Note that we have limited what you can do in your desktop in terms of file I/O. Please use /var/tmp/wrongsecrets to play around with the files instead.
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