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WrongSecrets Desktop

Welcome to the WrongSecretss desktop/toolcontainer! With this Docker container you have the minimal tools next to Docker ready on your finger tips. Need more? Don't worry: you can always do sudo apk add <package> .

What is inside

We have packed it with the following content:


The WrongSecrets Desktop contains the following tools:

  • Radare2 for reverse engineering (Use it with r2/radare2 in the commandline)
  • OpenSSL for encoding/decoding
  • AWS-cli for AWS challenges (Use it with aws in the commandline)
  • KeepassXC for password manager related challenges (Use it with keepassXC in the commandline)
  • Firefox
  • Docker
  • Geany to have a look at the code (use it with geany in the commandline)

Binaries to play with

We added the Keepass file and the binaries for the reverse-engineer challenges to /config/Desktop/wrongsecrets. Just open the wrongsecrets folder on the Desktop and you will find it.

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