Projects STRLCPY wrongsecrets Commits bd3c008d
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    39 39   volumeAttributes:
    40 40   secretProviderClass: "wrongsecrets-gcp-secretsmanager"
    41 41   containers:
    42  - - image: jeroenwillemsen/wrongsecrets:1.5.10-k8s-vault
     42 + - image: jeroenwillemsen/wrongsecrets:gcp-287-2-k8s-vault
    43 43   imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    44 44   name: secret-challenge
    45 45   ports:
    skipped 31 lines
    77 77   terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
    78 78   terminationMessagePolicy: File
    79 79   env:
    80  - - name: GCP_PROJECT_ID
     80 + - name: GCP_PROJECT
     81 + value: ${GCP_PROJECT}
     82 + - name: GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT
    81 83   value: ${GCP_PROJECT}
    82 84   - name: K8S_ENV
    83 85   value: gcp
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    43 43   <>19</>
    44 44   <>2021.0.4</>
    45 45   <lombok.version>1.18.24</lombok.version>
    46  - <aws.sdk.version>2.18.7</aws.sdk.version>
     46 + <aws.sdk.version>2.18.11</aws.sdk.version>
    47 47   <asciidoctorj.version>2.5.7</asciidoctorj.version>
    48 48   <jruby.version></jruby.version>
    49 49   <bootstrap.version>5.2.2</bootstrap.version>
    50 50   <github.button.version>2.14.1</github.button.version>
    51  - <gcp.sdk.version>26.1.4</gcp.sdk.version>
     51 + <gcp.sdk.version>3.4.0</gcp.sdk.version>
    52 52   <thymeleaf-spring5.version>3.0.15.RELEASE</thymeleaf-spring5.version>
    53 53   <thymeleaf.version>3.0.15.RELEASE</thymeleaf.version>
    54 54   <thymeleaf.layout>3.1.0</thymeleaf.layout>
    55 55   <asciidoctor.maven.plugin.version>2.2.2</asciidoctor.maven.plugin.version>
    56 56   <azure.keyvault.version>4.5.1</azure.keyvault.version>
    57  - <azure.identity.version>1.6.1</azure.identity.version>
     57 + <azure.identity.version>1.7.0</azure.identity.version>
    58 58   <azure.keyvault.spring.version>2.3.5</azure.keyvault.spring.version>
    59 59   <>5.7.5</>
    60 60   <cyclonedx.core.version>7.2.0</cyclonedx.core.version>
    61 61   <KeePassJava2.version>2.1.4</KeePassJava2.version>
    62 62   <system-stubs-jupiter.version>2.0.1</system-stubs-jupiter.version>
    63  - <dependency-check-maven.version>7.0.4</dependency-check-maven.version>
     63 + <dependency-check-maven.version>7.3.0</dependency-check-maven.version>
    64 64   </properties>
    65 65   
    66 66   <dependencies>
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    227 227   </dependency>
    228 228   <dependency>
    229 229   <groupId></groupId>
    230  - <artifactId>libraries-bom</artifactId>
     230 + <artifactId>spring-cloud-gcp-dependencies</artifactId>
    231 231   <version>${gcp.sdk.version}</version>
    232 232   <type>pom</type>
    233 233   <scope>import</scope>
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    skipped 59 lines
    60 60   @Value("${default_azure_value}") String azureDefaultValue,
    61 61   @Value("${azure.keyvault.uri}") String azureVaultUri,
    62 62   @Value("${wrongsecret-3}") String azureWrongSecret3, // Exclusively auto-wired for Azure
    63  - @Value("${GCP_PROJECT_ID}") String projectId,
     63 + @Value("${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}") String projectId,
    64 64   @Value("${default_aws_value_challenge_11}") String ctfValue,
    65 65   @Value("${ctf_enabled}") boolean ctfEnabled,
    66 66   RuntimeEnvironment runtimeEnvironment) {
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    24 24  secretmountpath=/mnt/secrets-store
    25 25  challengedockermtpath=/var/tmp/helpers
    26 26  AWS_REGION=if_you_see_this_please_use_AWS_Setup
    27  -GCP_PROJECT_ID=if_you_see_this_please_use_GCP_Setup
     27 +GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT=if_you_see_this_please_use_GCP_Setup
    28 28  K8S_ENV=DOCKER
    29 29  [email protected]@
    30 30  logging.level.root=INFO
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