Projects STRLCPY wrongsecrets Commits 8ef4b2dd
Revision indexing in progress... (symbol navigation in revisions will be accurate after indexed)
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +GsJy3Ko=9Aplb6tUA=2hYby7
     2 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +NY6u6RObCYuu5wm2X4/pQkP4kGaonuHGsVoJAC/r16c=
     2 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 56 lines
    57 57  azure/k8s/pod-id.yml
    58 58   
    59 59  # Challenge 12 ;-)
    60  -.github/scripts/yourkey.txt
     60 +# .github/scripts/yourkey.txt
    61 61   
    62 62  # Challenge 16
    63  -.github/scripts/secondkey.txt
     63 +# .github/scripts/secondkey.txt
    64 64   
    65 65  # Challenge 17
    66  -.github/scripts/thirdkey.txt
     66 +# .github/scripts/thirdkey.txt
    67 67   
    68 68  yourkey.txt
    69 69   
    skipped 10 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 64 lines
    65 65  }
    66 66   
    67 67  provider "" {
    68  - version = "2.18.1"
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    71  - "h1:y4VED+vsulAqE7YbQC7x1XXrzvi/dEIjupttSyzSA/M=",
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    81  - "zh:dbef9698d842eb49a846db6d7694f159ae5154ffbb7a753a9d4cab88c462a6d4",
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     71 + "h1:E7VAZorKe5oXn6h1nxP3ROwWNiQSrZlTawzix1sh8kM=",
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     79 + "zh:abb3cd606e485a46c076d6f60d37b5e5ecaa128c0150c8235627b484f2fac902",
     80 + "zh:afc07f5c0d7ce2cc907600e4f87a1290203a36221951e19e5d3f1409a0502377",
     81 + "zh:d9c01e4f12fabf5d6d9d11ceb409585b71c2abcad478496446de6ff18bbf2f5f",
     82 + "zh:f40faba2269184b305f229503945400ed6eeafec7ac395c23f243bccab7b11b2",
    83 83   "zh:f569b65999264a9416862bca5cd2a6177d94ccb0424f3a4ef424428912b9cb3c",
    84 84   ]
    85 85  }
    skipped 61 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +# This file is maintained automatically by "terraform init".
     2 +# Manual edits may be lost in future updates.
     3 + 
     4 +provider "" {
     5 + version = "4.67.0"
     6 + constraints = "~> 4.0"
     7 + hashes = [
     8 + "h1:5Zfo3GfRSWBaXs4TGQNOflr1XaYj6pRnVJLX5VAjFX4=",
     9 + "zh:0843017ecc24385f2b45f2c5fce79dc25b258e50d516877b3affee3bef34f060",
     10 + "zh:19876066cfa60de91834ec569a6448dab8c2518b8a71b5ca870b2444febddac6",
     11 + "zh:24995686b2ad88c1ffaa242e36eee791fc6070e6144f418048c4ce24d0ba5183",
     12 + "zh:4a002990b9f4d6d225d82cb2fb8805789ffef791999ee5d9cb1fef579aeff8f1",
     13 + "zh:559a2b5ace06b878c6de3ecf19b94fbae3512562f7a51e930674b16c2f606e29",
     14 + "zh:6a07da13b86b9753b95d4d8218f6dae874cf34699bca1470d6effbb4dee7f4b7",
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     16 + "zh:7be5177e698d4b547083cc738b977742d70ed68487ce6f49ecd0c94dbf9d1362",
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     23 + "zh:fac0d2ddeadf9ec53da87922f666e1e73a603a611c57bcbc4b86ac2821619b1d",
     24 + ]
     25 +}
     26 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 12 lines
    13 13   
    14 14  | Name | Version |
    15 15  |------|---------|
    16  -| <a name="provider_aws"></a> [aws](#provider\_aws) | ~> 4.0 |
     16 +| <a name="provider_aws"></a> [aws](#provider\_aws) | 4.67.0 |
    17 17   
    18 18  ## Modules
    19 19   
    skipped 22 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  import ChallengesPage from '../pages/challengesPage'
     2 +import HomePage from '../pages/homePage'
    2 3  const challengesPage = new ChallengesPage()
    3 4   
    4 5  describe('Challenge Tests', () => {
    skipped 82 lines
    87 88   cy.dataCy(ChallengesPage.SUBMIT_TEXTBOX_BTN).click()
    88 89   cy.dataCy(ChallengesPage.SUCCESS_ALERT).should('contain', 'Your answer is correct!')
    89 90   cy.dataCy(ChallengesPage.PROGRESS_BAR).should('be.visible').should('not.have.attr', 'aria-valuenow', '0')
     91 + })
     92 + 
     93 + it('Submitting right answer gives visual cue on homepage that the challenge is successfully solved', () => {
     94 + cy.visit('/challenge/0')
     95 + cy.dataCy(ChallengesPage.ANSWER_TEXTBOX).type('The first answer')
     96 + cy.dataCy(ChallengesPage.SUBMIT_TEXTBOX_BTN).click()
     97 + cy.visit('/')
     98 + cy.dataCy(HomePage.CHALLENGE_TABLE_ROW).first().should('have.class', 'solved')
     99 + cy.dataCy(HomePage.CHALLENGE_0_COMPLETED).should('exist')
     100 + cy.dataCy(HomePage.TOTAL_SCORE).scrollIntoView()
     101 + cy.dataCy(HomePage.TOTAL_SCORE).should('contain', '100')
    90 102   })
    91 103  })
    92 104   
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +export default class HomePage {
     2 + static CHALLENGE_TABLE = 'challenge-overview'
     3 + static CHALLENGE_TABLE_ROW = 'challenge-row'
     4 + static CHALLENGE_0_COMPLETED = '"challenge 0_completed-link"'
     5 + static TOTAL_SCORE = 'total-score'
     6 +}
     7 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  package org.owasp.wrongsecrets;
    2 2   
     3 +import java.util.ArrayList;
    3 4  import java.util.HashSet;
     5 +import java.util.List;
    4 6  import java.util.Set;
    5 7  import org.owasp.wrongsecrets.challenges.Challenge;
    6 8   
    skipped 27 lines
    34 36   return
    35 37   .map(challenge -> challenge.difficulty() * (100 + (challenge.difficulty() - 1) * 25))
    36 38   .reduce(0, Integer::sum);
     39 + }
     40 + 
     41 + @Override
     42 + public List<String> getCompletedChallenges() {
     43 + List<String> completed = new ArrayList<>();
     44 + for (Challenge challenge : solvedChallenges) {
     45 + completed.add(challenge.getNumber());
     46 + }
     47 + return completed;
    37 48   }
    38 49   
    39 50   @Override
    skipped 5 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  package org.owasp.wrongsecrets;
    2 2   
     3 +import;
    3 4  import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation;
    4 5  import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
     6 +import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
    5 7  import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
     8 +import org.springframework.ui.Model;
    6 9  import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
    7 10   
    8 11  /** Controller used to return the dynamic data for the welcome screen. */
    skipped 1 lines
    10 13  @Slf4j
    11 14  public class IndexController {
    12 15   
     16 + private final ScoreCard scoreCard;
     17 + 
     18 + private final String ctfServerAddress;
     19 + 
     20 + public IndexController(
     21 + ScoreCard scoreCard, @Value("${CTF_SERVER_ADDRESS}") String ctfServerAddress) {
     22 + this.scoreCard = scoreCard;
     23 + this.ctfServerAddress = ctfServerAddress;
     24 + }
     25 + 
    13 26   @GetMapping("/")
    14 27   @Operation(description = "Returns all dynamic data for the welcome screen")
    15  - public String index() {
     28 + public String index(Model model) {
     29 + if ((!"not_set".equals(ctfServerAddress)) && !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(ctfServerAddress)) {
     30 + model.addAttribute("ctfServerAddress", ctfServerAddress);
     31 + } else {
     32 + model.addAttribute("totalScore", scoreCard.getTotalReceivedPoints());
     33 + }
     34 + 
    16 35   return "welcome";
    17 36   }
    18 37  }
    skipped 1 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  package org.owasp.wrongsecrets;
    2 2   
     3 +import java.util.List;
    3 4  import org.owasp.wrongsecrets.challenges.Challenge;
    4 5   
    5 6  /** Interface of a scorecard where a player's progress is stored into. */
    skipped 27 lines
    33 34   * @return int with points
    34 35   */
    35 36   int getTotalReceivedPoints();
     37 + 
     38 + /**
     39 + * Gives all completed challenges
     40 + *
     41 + * @return Set of ints
     42 + */
     43 + List<String> getCompletedChallenges();
    36 44   
    37 45   /**
    38 46   * Resets the status of a given challenge its entry in the score-card.
    skipped 6 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 112 lines
    113 113   public String getReason() {
    114 114   return this.getClass().getSimpleName().toLowerCase() + "_reason";
    115 115   }
     116 + 
     117 + /**
     118 + * Returns the number of the challenge extracted from the classname
     119 + *
     120 + * @return int of the challenge
     121 + */
     122 + public String getNumber() {
     123 + return this.getClass().getSimpleName().replaceAll("[^0-9]", "");
     124 + }
    116 125  }
    117 126   
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 145 lines
    146 146   }
    147 147   
    148 148   /**
     149 + * Used to setup the label for the link to the challenge on the homescreen return "challenge
     150 + * 1(_disabled)(_solveD)-link"
     151 + *
     152 + * @return label
     153 + */
     154 + public String getDataLabel() {
     155 + String label = getName().trim().toLowerCase();
     156 + if (!this.isChallengeEnabled()) {
     157 + label = label + "_disabled";
     158 + }
     159 + if (challengeCompleted()) {
     160 + label = label + "_completed";
     161 + }
     162 + label = label + "-link";
     163 + return label;
     164 + }
     165 + 
     166 + /**
     167 + * Used to return whether the challenge is completed or not
     168 + *
     169 + * @return boolean
     170 + */
     171 + public boolean challengeCompleted() {
     172 + return challenge.getScoreCard().getChallengeCompleted(challenge);
     173 + }
     174 + 
     175 + /**
    149 176   * Returns the difficulty level in stars, for example for level NORMAL it will return "☆☆".
    150 177   *
    151 178   * @return stars
    skipped 36 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 33 lines
    34 34   border-bottom: 1px solid var(--bs-gray-300);
    35 35  }
    36 36   
     37 +tr.solved {
     38 + --bs-success-soft: rgba(0, 188, 140, 0.5);
     39 + background-color: var(--bs-success-soft) !important;
     40 +}
     41 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -<html xmlns:layout="" xmlns:th=""
    2  - layout:decorate="~{index.html}">
    3  -<body>
    4  - 
    5  -<div layout:fragment="content">
    6  - <div class="container-fluid mt-3 text-sm p-4 bg-light">
    7  - <div class="display-5">Welcome</div>
    8  - <p class="lead">Welcome to OWASP WrongSecrets. With this app, we hope you will re-evaluate your secrets
    9  - management
    10  - strategy.</p>
    11  - <hr class="my-2 my-lg-3">
    12  - <p>For each of the challenges below: try to find the secret! Enter it in the `Answer to solution` box and
    13  - score points! Note that some challenges require this app to run on additional infrastructure (see in the
    14  - table below).
    15  - </p>
    16  - </div>
    17  - <div class="container-fluid text-sm p-2 p-lg-3">
    18  - <div class="row">
    19  - <div class="col-12 col-lg-7">
    20  - <table class="table table-responsive" id="challenge_overview">
    21  - <thead>
    22  - <tr>
    23  - <th scope="col" class="d-none d-xl-table-cell">#</th>
    24  - <th scope="col">&nbsp;Challenge&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
    25  - <th scope="col">Focus&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
    26  - <th scope="col" class="d-none d-md-table-cell">Difficulty&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
    27  - <th scope="col"
    28  - th:text="'Runs on environment (current: '+${#strings.replace(environment,'_',' _')}+')'"></th>
    29  - </tr>
    30  - </thead>
    31  - <tbody>
    32  - <tr th:each="challenge: ${challenges}">
    33  - <th scope="row" class="d-none d-xl-table-cell" th:text="${}"></th>
    34  - <td>&nbsp;<a th:href="@{/challenge} + '/' + ${}"
    35  - th:class="${challenge.isChallengeEnabled} ? '' : 'disabled'"
    36  - th:attr="data-cy=${#strings.toLowerCase(} + '-link'"><span
    37  - th:text="${}"
    38  - th:remove="tag"></span></a></td>
    39  - <td th:text="${}"></td>
    40  - <td class="d-none d-md-table-cell" th:text="${challenge.starsOnScale}">
    41  - </td>
    42  - <th:block th:if="${challenge.requiredEnv} == 'DOCKER'">
    43  - <td class="" >Docker</td>
    44  - </th:block>
    45  - <th:block th:if="${challenge.requiredEnv} == 'K8S'">
    46  - <td class="" >K8S</td>
    47  - </th:block>
    48  - <th:block th:if="${challenge.requiredEnv} == 'VAULT'">
    49  - <td class="" >K8S with Vault</td>
    50  - </th:block>
    51  - <th:block
    52  - th:if="${challenge.requiredEnv} == 'AWS' or ${challenge.requiredEnv} == 'GCP' or ${challenge.requiredEnv} == 'AZURE'">
    53  - <td class="" >AWS, GCP, Azure</td>
    54  - </th:block>
    55  - </tr>
    56  - </tbody>
    57  - </table>
    58  - 
    59  - 
    60  - <!-- <p th:text="'You are currently running on the following environment: '+${environment}"></p>-->
    61  - <p>Hasty? Here is the Vault <a href="spoil-7">secret;-)</a></p>
    62  - 
    63  - 
     1 +<html
     2 + xmlns:layout=""
     3 + xmlns:th=""
     4 + layout:decorate="~{index.html}"
     5 +>
     6 + <body>
     7 + <div layout:fragment="content">
     8 + <div class="container-fluid mt-3 text-sm p-4 bg-light">
     9 + <div class="display-5">Welcome</div>
     10 + <p class="lead">
     11 + Welcome to OWASP WrongSecrets. With this app, we hope you will re-evaluate your secrets management
     12 + strategy.
     13 + </p>
     14 + <hr class="my-2 my-lg-3" />
     15 + <p>
     16 + For each of the challenges below: try to find the secret! Enter it in the `Answer to solution` box
     17 + and score points! Note that some challenges require this app to run on additional infrastructure
     18 + (see in the table below).
     19 + </p>
    64 20   </div>
    65  - <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 offset-lg-1">
    66  - <div class="border border-dark thank-you text-center">
    67  - Like what you see? Please <br/>
    68  - <a class="github-button"
    69  - href=""
    70  - data-icon="octicon-star"
    71  - data-size="large"
    72  - data-color-scheme="dark: light;"
    73  - data-show-count="true"
    74  - aria-label="Star commjoen/wrongsecrets on GitHub">Star us on Github</a>
    75  - </div>
    76  - <div class="border border-dark thank-you">
    77  - OWASP Project Leaders:
    78  - <ul>
    79  - <li><a href="">Ben de Haan @bendehaan</a></li>
    80  - <li><a href="">Jeroen willemsen @commjoen</a></li>
    81  - </ul>
    82  - Top Contributors:
    83  - <ul>
    84  - <li><a href="">Nanne Baars @nbaars</a></li>
    85  - <li><a href="">Marcin Nowak @MarcinNowak-codes</a></li>
    86  - <li><a href="">Joss Sparkes @remakingeden</a></li>
    87  - <li><a href="">Tibor Hercz @tiborhercz</a></li>
    88  - <li><a href="">Chris Elbring Jr. @neatzsche</a>
    89  - <li><a href="">Puneeth Y @puneeth072003</a>
    90  - <li><a href="">Mike Woudenberg @mikewoudenberg</a></li>
    91  - <li><a href="">Divyanshu Dev @Novice-expert</a></li>
    92  - <li><a href="">Filip Chyla @fchyla</a></li>
    93  - <li><a href="">Dmitry Litosh @Dlitosh</a></li>
    94  - <li><a href="">Josh Grossman @tghosth</a></li>
    95  - <li><a href="">Turjo Chowdhury @turjoc120</a></li>
    96  - <li><a href="">Spyros @northdpole</a></li>
    97  - <li><a href="">Ruben Kruiver @RubenAtBinx</a></li>
    98  - <li><a href="">Shlomo Zalman Heigh @szhx</a></li>
    99  - <li><a href="">Nicolas Humblot @nhumblot</a></li>
    100  - <li><a href="">Madhu Akula @madhuakula</a></li>
    101  - <li><a href="">Alex Bender @alex-bender</a></li>
    102  - <li><a href="">Finn @f3rn0s</a></li>
    103  - <li><a href="">Rick M @kingthorin</a></li>
    104  - </ul>
    105  - Testers:
    106  - <ul>
    107  - <li><a href="">Dave van Stein @davevs</a></li>
    108  - <li><a href="">Marcin Nowak @MarcinNowak-codes</a></li>
    109  - <li><a href="">Marc Chang Sing Pang @mchangsp</a></li>
    110  - </ul>
    111  - Special mentions for helping out:
    112  - <ul>
    113  - <li><a href="">Madhu Akula @madhuakula</a></li>
    114  - <li><a href="">Björn Kimminich @bkimminich</a></li>
    115  - <li><a href="">Xiaolu Dai @saragluna</a></li>
    116  - <li><a href="">Jonathan Giles @jonathanGiles</a></li>
    117  - </ul>
    118  - </div>
    119  - <div class="border border-dark thank-you text-center">
    120  - Developing our solution in 3 clouds costs money. Want to help us to cover our cloud bills?
    121  - <a href="" target="_blank">Donate</a>.
    122  - </div>
    123  - </div>
    124  - <div class="col-12 col-lg-7">
    125  - <div class="border border-dark thank-you">
    126  - Resources/further reading on secrets management:<br/>
    127  - <ul>
    128  - <li><a href="">Blog:
    129  - 10 Pointers on Secrets Management</a></li>
    130  - <li><a href="">OWASP SAMM
    131  - on Secret Management</a></li>
    132  - <li><a href="">The secret detection topic at
    133  - Github</a></li>
    134  - <li><a
    135  - href="">OWASP
    136  - Secretsmanagement Cheatsheet</a></li>
    137  - <li><a
    138  - href=",training&description=With%20this%20app%2C%20we%20have%20packed%20various%20ways%20of%20how%20to%20not%20store%20your%20secrets.%20These%20can%20help%20you%20to%20realize%20whether%20your%20secret%20management%20is%20ok.%20The%20challenge%20is%20to%20find%20all%20the%20different%20secrets%20by%20means%20of%20various%20tools%20and%20techniques.%20Can%20you%20solve%20all%20the%2014%20challenges%3F&trk=flagship-messaging-web&messageThreadUrn=urn:li:messagingThread:2-YmRkNjRkZTMtNjRlYS00OWNiLWI2YmUtMDYwNzY3ZjI1MDcyXzAxMg==&lipi=urn:li:page:d_flagship3_feed;J58Sgd80TdanpKWFMH6z+w==">Open
    139  - CRE on Secrets Management</a></li>
    140  - </ul>
    141  - </div>
    142  - </div>
    143  - <div class="col-12 col-lg-7">
    144  - <div class="border border-dark thank-you">
    145  - Wondering what a secret is? A secret is often a confidential piece of information that is required
    146  - to unlock certain functionalities or information.
    147  - It can exists in many shapes or forms, for instance:
    148  - <ul>
    149  - <li>2FA keys</li>
    150  - <li>Activation/Callback links</li>
    151  - <li>API keys</li>
    152  - <li>Credentials</li>
    153  - <li>Passwords</li>
    154  - <li>Private keys (decryption, signing, TLS, SSH, GPG)</li>
    155  - <li>Secret keys (symmetric encryption, HMAC)</li>
    156  - <li>Session cookies</li>
    157  - <li>Tokens (Session, Refresh, Authentication, Activation, etc.)</li>
    158  - </ul>
    159  - </div>
    160  - </div>
    161  - <div class="col-12 col-lg-7">
    162  - <div class="border border-dark thank-you">
    163  - Want to see if your tool of choice detects all the secrets available in this project? <a
    164  - href="">Check
    165  - the instructions in the README</a>.
     21 + <div class="container-fluid text-sm p-2 p-lg-3">
     22 + <div class="row">
     23 + <div class="col-12 col-lg-7">
     24 + <table class="table table-responsive" id="challenge_overview" data-cy="challenge-overview">
     25 + <thead>
     26 + <tr>
     27 + <th scope="col" class="d-none d-xl-table-cell">#</th>
     28 + <th scope="col">&nbsp;Challenge&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
     29 + <th scope="col">Focus&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
     30 + <th scope="col" class="d-none d-md-table-cell">
     31 + Difficulty&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
     32 + </th>
     33 + <th
     34 + scope="col"
     35 + th:text="'Runs on environment (current: '+${#strings.replace(environment,'_',' _')}+')'"
     36 + ></th>
     37 + <th scope="col" class="d-none d-xl-table-cell">Solved</th>
     38 + </tr>
     39 + </thead>
     40 + <tbody>
     41 + <tr
     42 + th:each="challenge: ${challenges}"
     43 + th:class="${challenge.challengeCompleted} ? solved : ''"
     44 + data-cy="challenge-row" >
     45 + <th scope="row" class="d-none d-xl-table-cell" th:text="${}"></th>
     46 + <td>
     47 + &nbsp;<span
     48 + class="d-xl-none"
     49 + th:if="${challenge.challengeCompleted}"
     50 + >&#9745; </span>
     51 + <a th:href="'/challenge/' + ${}" th:class="${challenge.isChallengeEnabled} ? '' : 'disabled'">
     52 + <span th:text="${}" th:attr="data-cy=${challenge.getDataLabel}"></span>
     53 + </a>
     54 + </td>
     55 + <td th:text="${}"></td>
     56 + <td class="d-none d-md-table-cell" th:text="${challenge.starsOnScale}"></td>
     57 + <th:block th:if="${challenge.requiredEnv} == 'DOCKER'">
     58 + <td class="">Docker</td>
     59 + </th:block>
     60 + <th:block th:if="${challenge.requiredEnv} == 'K8S'">
     61 + <td class="">K8S</td>
     62 + </th:block>
     63 + <th:block th:if="${challenge.requiredEnv} == 'VAULT'">
     64 + <td class="">K8S with Vault</td>
     65 + </th:block>
     66 + <th:block
     67 + th:if="${challenge.requiredEnv} == 'AWS' or ${challenge.requiredEnv} == 'GCP' or ${challenge.requiredEnv} == 'AZURE'"
     68 + >
     69 + <td class="">AWS, GCP, Azure</td>
     70 + </th:block>
     71 + <td class="d-none d-xl-table-cell">
     72 + <span
     73 + th:if="${challenge.challengeCompleted}"
     74 + >&#9745;</span
     75 + >
     76 + </td>
     77 + </tr>
     78 + </tbody>
     79 + </table>
     80 + <p th:if="${ctfServerAddress == null}" th:text="'Total score: '+${totalScore}" th:attr="data-cy='total-score'"></p>
     81 + <p
     82 + th:if="${ctfServerAddress != null}"
     83 + th:text="'Scoring and progress keeping is disabled in CTF mode, have a look at '+${ctfServerAddress}+' for your actual score and progress'"
     84 + ></p>
     85 + <!-- <p th:text="'You are currently running on the following environment: '+${environment}"></p>-->
     86 + <p>Hasty? Here is the Vault <a href="spoil-7">secret;-)</a></p>
     87 + </div>
     88 + <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 offset-lg-1">
     89 + <div class="border border-dark thank-you text-center">
     90 + Like what you see? Please <br />
     91 + <a
     92 + class="github-button"
     93 + href=""
     94 + data-icon="octicon-star"
     95 + data-size="large"
     96 + data-color-scheme="dark: light;"
     97 + data-show-count="true"
     98 + aria-label="Star commjoen/wrongsecrets on GitHub"
     99 + >Star us on Github</a
     100 + >
     101 + </div>
     102 + <div class="border border-dark thank-you">
     103 + OWASP Project Leaders:
     104 + <ul>
     105 + <li><a href="">Ben de Haan @bendehaan</a></li>
     106 + <li><a href="">Jeroen willemsen @commjoen</a></li>
     107 + </ul>
     108 + Top Contributors:
     109 + <ul>
     110 + <li><a href="">Nanne Baars @nbaars</a></li>
     111 + <li>
     112 + <a href="">Marcin Nowak @MarcinNowak-codes</a>
     113 + </li>
     114 + <li><a href="">Joss Sparkes @remakingeden</a></li>
     115 + <li><a href="">Tibor Hercz @tiborhercz</a></li>
     116 + <li><a href="">Chris Elbring Jr. @neatzsche</a></li>
     117 + <li><a href="">Puneeth Y @puneeth072003</a></li>
     118 + <li><a href="">Mike Woudenberg @mikewoudenberg</a></li>
     119 + <li><a href="">Divyanshu Dev @Novice-expert</a></li>
     120 + <li><a href="">Filip Chyla @fchyla</a></li>
     121 + <li><a href="">Dmitry Litosh @Dlitosh</a></li>
     122 + <li><a href="">Josh Grossman @tghosth</a></li>
     123 + <li><a href="">Turjo Chowdhury @turjoc120</a></li>
     124 + <li><a href="">Spyros @northdpole</a></li>
     125 + <li><a href="">Ruben Kruiver @RubenAtBinx</a></li>
     126 + <li><a href="">Shlomo Zalman Heigh @szhx</a></li>
     127 + <li><a href="">Nicolas Humblot @nhumblot</a></li>
     128 + <li><a href="">Madhu Akula @madhuakula</a></li>
     129 + <li><a href="">Alex Bender @alex-bender</a></li>
     130 + <li><a href="">Finn @f3rn0s</a></li>
     131 + <li><a href="">Rick M @kingthorin</a></li>
     132 + </ul>
     133 + Testers:
     134 + <ul>
     135 + <li><a href="">Dave van Stein @davevs</a></li>
     136 + <li>
     137 + <a href="">Marcin Nowak @MarcinNowak-codes</a>
     138 + </li>
     139 + <li><a href="">Marc Chang Sing Pang @mchangsp</a></li>
     140 + </ul>
     141 + Special mentions for helping out:
     142 + <ul>
     143 + <li><a href="">Madhu Akula @madhuakula</a></li>
     144 + <li><a href="">Björn Kimminich @bkimminich</a></li>
     145 + <li><a href="">Xiaolu Dai @saragluna</a></li>
     146 + <li><a href="">Jonathan Giles @jonathanGiles</a></li>
     147 + </ul>
     148 + </div>
     149 + <div class="border border-dark thank-you text-center">
     150 + Developing our solution in 3 clouds costs money. Want to help us to cover our cloud bills?
     151 + <a
     152 + href=""
     153 + target="_blank"
     154 + >Donate</a
     155 + >.
     156 + </div>
     157 + </div>
     158 + <div class="col-12 col-lg-7">
     159 + <div class="border border-dark thank-you">
     160 + Resources/further reading on secrets management:<br />
     161 + <ul>
     162 + <li>
     163 + <a
     164 + href=""
     165 + >Blog: 10 Pointers on Secrets Management</a
     166 + >
     167 + </li>
     168 + <li>
     169 + <a href=""
     170 + >OWASP SAMM on Secret Management</a
     171 + >
     172 + </li>
     173 + <li>
     174 + <a href=""
     175 + >The secret detection topic at Github</a
     176 + >
     177 + </li>
     178 + <li>
     179 + <a
     180 + href=""
     181 + >OWASP Secretsmanagement Cheatsheet</a
     182 + >
     183 + </li>
     184 + <li>
     185 + <a
     186 + href=",training&description=With%20this%20app%2C%20we%20have%20packed%20various%20ways%20of%20how%20to%20not%20store%20your%20secrets.%20These%20can%20help%20you%20to%20realize%20whether%20your%20secret%20management%20is%20ok.%20The%20challenge%20is%20to%20find%20all%20the%20different%20secrets%20by%20means%20of%20various%20tools%20and%20techniques.%20Can%20you%20solve%20all%20the%2014%20challenges%3F&trk=flagship-messaging-web&messageThreadUrn=urn:li:messagingThread:2-YmRkNjRkZTMtNjRlYS00OWNiLWI2YmUtMDYwNzY3ZjI1MDcyXzAxMg==&lipi=urn:li:page:d_flagship3_feed;J58Sgd80TdanpKWFMH6z+w=="
     187 + >Open CRE on Secrets Management</a
     188 + >
     189 + </li>
     190 + </ul>
     191 + </div>
     192 + </div>
     193 + <div class="col-12 col-lg-7">
     194 + <div class="border border-dark thank-you">
     195 + Wondering what a secret is? A secret is often a confidential piece of information that is
     196 + required to unlock certain functionalities or information. It can exists in many shapes or
     197 + forms, for instance:
     198 + <ul>
     199 + <li>2FA keys</li>
     200 + <li>Activation/Callback links</li>
     201 + <li>API keys</li>
     202 + <li>Credentials</li>
     203 + <li>Passwords</li>
     204 + <li>Private keys (decryption, signing, TLS, SSH, GPG)</li>
     205 + <li>Secret keys (symmetric encryption, HMAC)</li>
     206 + <li>Session cookies</li>
     207 + <li>Tokens (Session, Refresh, Authentication, Activation, etc.)</li>
     208 + </ul>
     209 + </div>
     210 + </div>
     211 + <div class="col-12 col-lg-7">
     212 + <div class="border border-dark thank-you">
     213 + Want to see if your tool of choice detects all the secrets available in this project?
     214 + <a
     215 + href=""
     216 + >Check the instructions in the README</a
     217 + >.
     218 + </div>
     219 + </div>
    166 220   </div>
    167 221   </div>
    168 222   </div>
    169  - </div>
    170  -</div>
    171  -</body>
     223 + </body>
    172 224  </html>
    173 225   
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +package org.owasp.wrongsecrets;
     2 + 
     3 +import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
     4 +import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.request.MockMvcRequestBuilders.get;
     5 +import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.model;
     6 +import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.status;
     7 + 
     8 +import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
     9 +import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith;
     10 +import org.mockito.Mock;
     11 +import org.mockito.junit.jupiter.MockitoExtension;
     12 +import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.MockMvc;
     13 +import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.setup.MockMvcBuilders;
     14 + 
     15 +@ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class)
     16 +class IndexControllerTest {
     17 + 
     18 + private MockMvc mvc;
     19 + @Mock private ScoreCard scoreCard;
     20 + 
     21 + @Test
     22 + void disableScoringWhenAddressIsSet() throws Exception {
     23 + var controller = new IndexController(scoreCard, "address");
     24 + mvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(controller).build();
     25 + mvc.perform(get("/"))
     26 + .andExpect(status().isOk())
     27 + .andExpect(model().attributeExists("ctfServerAddress"))
     28 + .andExpect(model().attributeDoesNotExist("totalScore"));
     29 + }
     30 + 
     31 + @Test
     32 + void enableScoringWhenAddressIsNotSet() throws Exception {
     33 + var controller = new IndexController(scoreCard, "not_set");
     34 + mvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(controller).build();
     35 + mvc.perform(get("/"))
     36 + .andExpect(status().isOk())
     37 + .andExpect(model().attributeDoesNotExist("ctfServerAddress"))
     38 + .andExpect(model().attributeExists("totalScore"));
     39 + }
     40 + 
     41 + @Test
     42 + void shouldShowScoreAndChallengeWhenCompleted() throws Exception {
     43 + when(scoreCard.getTotalReceivedPoints()).thenReturn(1000);
     44 + var controller = new IndexController(scoreCard, "not_set");
     45 + mvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(controller).build();
     46 + mvc.perform(get("/"))
     47 + .andExpect(status().isOk())
     48 + .andExpect(model().attribute("totalScore", 1000));
     49 + }
     50 +}
     51 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 70 lines
    71 71   }
    72 72   
    73 73   @Test
    74  - void shouldEnableK8sExercises() throws Exception {
     74 + void shouldNotEnableK8sExercises() throws Exception {
    75 75   mvc.perform(get("/"))
    76 76   .andExpect(status().isOk())
    77  - .andExpect(
    78  - content()
    79  - .string(
    80  - containsString(
    81  - "class=\"disabled\" data-cy=\"challenge 5-link\">Challenge 5</a></td>")))
    82  - .andExpect(
    83  - content()
    84  - .string(
    85  - containsString(
    86  - "class=\"disabled\" data-cy=\"challenge 6-link\">Challenge 6</a></td>")))
    87  - .andExpect(
    88  - content()
    89  - .string(
    90  - containsString(
    91  - "class=\"disabled\" data-cy=\"challenge 7-link\">Challenge 7</a></td>")));
     77 + .andExpect(content().string(containsString("challenge 5_disabled-link")))
     78 + .andExpect(content().string(containsString("challenge 6_disabled-link")))
     79 + .andExpect(content().string(containsString("challenge 7_disabled-link")));
    92 80   }
    93 81   
    94 82   @Test
    skipped 26 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 63 lines
    64 64   }
    65 65   
    66 66   @Test
    67  - void shouldEnableK8sExercises() throws Exception {
     67 + void shouldNotEnableK8sExercises() throws Exception {
    68 68   mvc.perform(get("/"))
    69 69   .andExpect(status().isOk())
    70  - .andExpect(
    71  - content()
    72  - .string(
    73  - containsString(
    74  - "class=\"disabled\" data-cy=\"challenge 5-link\">Challenge 5</a></td>")))
    75  - .andExpect(
    76  - content()
    77  - .string(
    78  - containsString(
    79  - "class=\"disabled\" data-cy=\"challenge 6-link\">Challenge 6</a></td>")))
    80  - .andExpect(
    81  - content()
    82  - .string(
    83  - containsString(
    84  - "class=\"disabled\" data-cy=\"challenge 7-link\">Challenge 7</a></td>")));
     70 + .andExpect(content().string(containsString("challenge 5_disabled-link")))
     71 + .andExpect(content().string(containsString("challenge 6_disabled-link")))
     72 + .andExpect(content().string(containsString("challenge 7_disabled-link")));
    85 73   }
    86 74   
    87 75   @Test
    skipped 26 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 124 lines
    125 125   void shouldEnableCloudExerciseBut11() throws Exception {
    126 126   mvc.perform(get("/"))
    127 127   .andExpect(status().isOk())
    128  - .andExpect(
    129  - content()
    130  - .string(
    131  - not(
    132  - containsString(
    133  - "class=\"disabled\" data-cy=\"challenge 9-link\">Challenge"
    134  - + " 9</a></td>"))))
    135  - .andExpect(
    136  - content()
    137  - .string(
    138  - not(
    139  - containsString(
    140  - "class=\"disabled\" data-cy=\"challenge 10-link\">Challenge"
    141  - + " 10</a></td>"))))
    142  - .andExpect(
    143  - content()
    144  - .string(
    145  - containsString(
    146  - "class=\"disabled\" data-cy=\"challenge 11-link\">Challenge 11</a></td>")));
     128 + .andExpect(content().string(not(containsString("challenge 9_disabled-link"))))
     129 + .andExpect(content().string(not(containsString("challenge 10_disabled-link"))))
     130 + .andExpect(content().string(containsString("challenge 11_disabled-link")));
    147 131   }
    148 132   
    149 133   @Test
    150 134   void shouldEnableK8sExercises() throws Exception {
    151 135   mvc.perform(get("/"))
    152 136   .andExpect(status().isOk())
    153  - .andExpect(
    154  - content()
    155  - .string(
    156  - not(
    157  - containsString(
    158  - "class=\"disabled\" data-cy=\"challenge 5-link\">Challenge"
    159  - + " 5</a></td>"))))
    160  - .andExpect(
    161  - content()
    162  - .string(
    163  - not(
    164  - containsString(
    165  - "class=\"disabled\" data-cy=\"challenge 6-link\">Challenge"
    166  - + " 6</a></td>"))))
    167  - .andExpect(
    168  - content()
    169  - .string(
    170  - not(
    171  - containsString(
    172  - "class=\"disabled\" data-cy=\"challenge 7-link\">Challenge"
    173  - + " 7</a></td>"))));
     137 + .andExpect(content().string(not(containsString("challenge 5_disabled-link"))))
     138 + .andExpect(content().string(not(containsString("challenge 6_disabled-link"))))
     139 + .andExpect(content().string(not(containsString("challenge 7_disabled-link"))));
    174 140   }
    175 141  }
    176 142   
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 86 lines
    87 87   void shouldEnableK8sAndVaultExercises() throws Exception {
    88 88   mvc.perform(get("/"))
    89 89   .andExpect(status().isOk())
    90  - .andExpect(
    91  - content()
    92  - .string(
    93  - not(
    94  - containsString(
    95  - "class=\"disabled\" data-cy=\"challenge 5-link\">Challenge"
    96  - + " 5</a></td>"))))
    97  - .andExpect(
    98  - content()
    99  - .string(
    100  - not(
    101  - containsString(
    102  - "class=\"disabled\" data-cy=\"challenge 6-link\">Challenge"
    103  - + " 6</a></td>"))))
    104  - .andExpect(
    105  - content()
    106  - .string(
    107  - not(
    108  - containsString(
    109  - "class=\"disabled\" data-cy=\"challenge 7-link\">Challenge"
    110  - + " 7</a></td>"))));
     90 + .andExpect(content().string(not(containsString("challenge 5_disabled-link"))))
     91 + .andExpect(content().string(not(containsString("challenge 6_disabled-link>"))))
     92 + .andExpect(content().string(not(containsString("challenge 7_disabled-link"))));
    111 93   }
    112 94  }
    113 95   
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 85 lines
    86 86   void shouldEnableK8sButVaultExercises() throws Exception {
    87 87   mvc.perform(get("/"))
    88 88   .andExpect(status().isOk())
    89  - .andExpect(
    90  - content()
    91  - .string(
    92  - not(
    93  - containsString(
    94  - "class=\"disabled\" data-cy=\"challenge 5-link\">Challenge"
    95  - + " 5</a></td>"))))
    96  - .andExpect(
    97  - content()
    98  - .string(
    99  - not(
    100  - containsString(
    101  - "class=\"disabled\" data-cy=\"challenge 6-link\">Challenge"
    102  - + " 6</a></td>"))))
    103  - .andExpect(
    104  - content()
    105  - .string(
    106  - containsString(
    107  - "class=\"disabled\" data-cy=\"challenge 7-link\">Challenge 7</a></td>")));
     89 + .andExpect(content().string(not(containsString("challenge 5_disabled-link"))))
     90 + .andExpect(content().string(not(containsString("challenge 6_disabled-link"))))
     91 + .andExpect(content().string(containsString("challenge 7_disabled-link")));
    108 92   }
    109 93  }
    110 94   
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