Projects STRLCPY wrongsecrets Commits 6f22c898
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    67 67   
    68 68  ## Basic docker exercises
    69 69   
    70  -_Can be used for challenges 1-4, 8, 12-28_
     70 +_Can be used for challenges 1-4, 8, 12-29_
    71 71   
    72 72  For the basic docker exercises you currently require:
    73 73   
    skipped 30 lines
    104 104  - [localhost:8080/challenge/26](http://localhost:8080/challenge/26)
    105 105  - [localhost:8080/challenge/27](http://localhost:8080/challenge/27)
    106 106  - [localhost:8080/challenge/28](http://localhost:8080/challenge/28)
     107 +- [localhost:8080/challenge/28](http://localhost:8080/challenge/29)
    107 108   
    108 109  Note that these challenges are still very basic, and so are their explanations. Feel free to file a PR to make them look
    109 110  better ;-).
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    120 121   
    121 122  ## Basic K8s exercise
    122 123   
    123  -_Can be used for challenges 1-6, 8, 12-28_
     124 +_Can be used for challenges 1-6, 8, 12-29_
    124 125   
    125 126  ### Minikube based
    126 127   
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    173 174   
    174 175  ## Vault exercises with minikube
    175 176   
    176  -_Can be used for challenges 1-8, 12-28_
     177 +_Can be used for challenges 1-8, 12-29_
    177 178  Make sure you have the following installed:
    178 179   
    179 180  - minikube with docker (or comment out line 8 and work at your own k8s setup),
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    191 192   
    192 193  ## Cloud Challenges
    193 194   
    194  -_Can be used for challenges 1-28_
     195 +_Can be used for challenges 1-29_
    195 196   
    196 197  **READ THIS**: Given that the exercises below contain IAM privilege escalation exercises,
    197 198  never run this on an account which is related to your production environment or can influence your account-over-arching
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    skipped 79 lines
    80 80   value: "k9+HuPXEiFD6efujS5h1lOL1xgAC2OIgE2alg9Jwe0qQlT+RGDJH/otpFgUzixTbCndwPW3HOqOCQYY844MgxM0N+RRbclS1bpJnYd7BT2aj8v4iA9xR8DwAjU0tt2n84PFKN4vNKjyNATETwPE1GQKBTIi1"
    81 81   - name: K8S_ENV
    82 82   value: Okteto(k8s)
     83 + - name: SPRINGDOC_UI
     84 + value: "true"
     85 + - name: SPRINGDOC_DOC
     86 + value: "true"
    83 87   - name: SPECIAL_K8S_SECRET
    84 88   valueFrom:
    85 89   configMapKeyRef:
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 13 lines
    14 14   Number of active sessions: <span th:text="${sessioncounter}"></span><br/>
    15 15   Number of canary callbacks since boot: <span th:text="${canaryCounter}"></span><br/>
    16 16   Active sessions are currently active visitors to challenges.<br/>
    17  - <span class="d-none d-lg-block"><br/></span>
    18  - <span class="d-none d-lg-block" th:if="${springdocenabled==true}"><br/><br/><br/></span>
     17 + <span class="d-none d-lg-block"><br/><br/></span>
     18 + <span class="d-none d-lg-block" th:if="${springdocenabled==true}"><br/><br/></span>
    19 19   </p>
    20 20   
    21 21   </div>
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