Projects STRLCPY wrongsecrets Commits 5f624d7c
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    248 248   import org.springframework.core.annotation.Order;
    249 249   import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
    250 250   import java.util.List;
     251 + /**
     252 + * Describe what your challenge does
     253 + */
    251 254   @Slf4j
    252 255   @Component
    253 256   @Order(28) //make sure this number is the same as your challenge
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    272 275   public boolean answerCorrect(String answer) {
    273 276   return secret.equals(answer);
    274 277   }
    275  - //which runtime can you use to run the challenge on ? (You can just use Docker here)
     278 + //which runtime can you use to run the challenge on? (You can just use Docker here)
     279 + /**
     280 + * {@inheritDoc}
     281 + */
    276 282   @Override
    277 283   public List<RuntimeEnvironment.Environment> supportedRuntimeEnvironments() {
    278 284   return List.of(RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.DOCKER);
    279 285   }
    280 286   //set the difficulty: 1=low, 5=very hard
     287 + /**
     288 + * {@inheritDoc}
     289 + * Difficulty: 1.
     290 + */
    281 291   @Override
    282 292   public int difficulty() {
    283 293   return 1;
    284 294   }
    285 295   //on which tech is this challenge? See ChallengeTechnology.Tech for categories
     296 + /**
     297 + * {@inheritDoc}
     298 + * Secrets based.
     299 + */
    286 300   @Override
    287 301   public String getTech() {
    288 302   return;
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    1 1  package org.owasp.wrongsecrets;
    2 2   
    3 3  import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation;
    4  -import org.owasp.wrongsecrets.canaries.CanaryCounter;
    5  -import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
    6  -import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
    7 4  import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
    8 5  import org.springframework.ui.Model;
    9 6  import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
    10 7   
     8 +/**
     9 + * About controler hosting /about endpoint.
     10 + */
    11 11  @Controller
    12 12  public class AboutController {
    13 13   
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    7 7  import;
    8 8  import;
    9 9   
     10 +/**
     11 + * Configuration used to disable CSRF on the actuator health endpoint otherwise it does not work for health-checks.
     12 + */
    10 13  @Configuration
    11 14  public class ActuatorSecurityConfiguration {
    12 15   
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    2 2   
    3 3  import org.springframework.boot.ExitCodeGenerator;
    4 4   
     5 +/**
     6 + * Used to give a clear non-0 exit code when the Application cannot start.
     7 + */
    5 8  public class FailtoStartupException extends RuntimeException implements ExitCodeGenerator {
    6 9   
    7 10   public FailtoStartupException(String message) {
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    8 8  import;
    9 9  import;
    10 10   
     11 +/**
     12 + * Used to implement https redirect for our Heroku-hosted workload.
     13 + */
    11 14  @Configuration
    12 15  public class HerokuWebSecurityConfig {
    13 16   
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    5 5  import java.util.HashSet;
    6 6  import java.util.Set;
    7 7   
     8 +/**
     9 + * In-memory implementation of the ScoreCard (E.g. no persistence).
     10 + */
    8 11  public class InMemoryScoreCard implements ScoreCard {
    9 12   
    10 13   private final int maxNumberOfChallenges;
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    5 5  import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
    6 6  import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
    7 7   
     8 +/**
     9 + * Controller used to return the dynamic data for the welcome screen.
     10 + */
    8 11  @Controller
    9 12  @Slf4j
    10 13  public class IndexController {
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    21 21   
    22 22  import java.util.Set;
    23 23   
     24 +/**
     25 + * Used to generate and return all the html in thymeleaf and convert asciidoc to html.
     26 + */
    24 27  @Configuration
    25 28  @Slf4j
    26 29  public class MvcConfiguration implements WebMvcConfigurer {
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    13 13   
    14 14  import static org.owasp.wrongsecrets.RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.*;
    15 15   
     16 +/**
     17 + * Class establishing whether a challenge can run or not depending on the given RuntimeEnvironment and whether components are configured and the CTFmode is enabled or not.
     18 + */
    16 19  @Component
    17 20  public class RuntimeEnvironment {
    18 21   
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    30 33   
    31 34   private static final Map<Environment, List<Environment>> envToOverlappingEnvs = Map.of(FLY_DOCKER, List.of(DOCKER, FLY_DOCKER), HEROKU_DOCKER, List.of(DOCKER, HEROKU_DOCKER), DOCKER, List.of(DOCKER, HEROKU_DOCKER, FLY_DOCKER), GCP, List.of(DOCKER, K8S, VAULT), AWS, List.of(DOCKER, K8S, VAULT), AZURE, List.of(DOCKER, K8S, VAULT), VAULT, List.of(DOCKER, K8S), K8S, List.of(DOCKER), OKTETO_K8S, List.of(K8S, DOCKER, OKTETO_K8S));
    32 35   
     36 + /**
     37 + * Enum with possible environments supported by the app.
     38 + */
    33 39   public enum Environment {
    34 40   DOCKER("Docker"), HEROKU_DOCKER("Heroku(Docker)"), FLY_DOCKER("Fly(Docker)"), GCP("gcp"), AWS("aws"), AZURE("azure"), VAULT("k8s-with-vault"), K8S("k8s"), OKTETO_K8S("Okteto(k8s)");
    35 41   
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    47 53   @Getter
    48 54   private final Environment runtimeEnvironment;
    49 55   
    50  - private boolean isK8sUnlockedInCTFMode() {
    51  - String defaultValueChallenge5 = "if_you_see_this_please_use_k8s";
    52  - return ctfModeEnabled && !challenge5Value.equals(defaultValueChallenge5);
    53  - }
    54  - 
    55  - private boolean isVaultUnlockedInCTFMode() {
    56  - String defaultVaultAnswer = "ACTUAL_ANSWER_CHALLENGE7";
    57  - String secondDefaultVaultAnswer = "if_you_see_this_please_use_K8S_and_Vault";
    58  - return ctfModeEnabled && !challenge7Value.equals(defaultVaultAnswer) && !challenge7Value.equals(secondDefaultVaultAnswer);
    59  - }
    60  - 
    61  - private boolean isCloudUnlockedInCTFMode() {
    62  - String defaultValueAWSValue = "if_you_see_this_please_use_AWS_Setup";
    63  - return ctfModeEnabled && !defaultChallenge9Value.equals(defaultValueAWSValue);
    64  - }
    65  - 
    66 56   @Autowired
    67 57   public RuntimeEnvironment(@Value("${K8S_ENV}") String currentRuntimeEnvironment) {
    68 58   this.runtimeEnvironment = Environment.fromId(currentRuntimeEnvironment);
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    95 85   return ctfModeEnabled;
    96 86   }
    97 87   
     88 + private boolean isK8sUnlockedInCTFMode() {
     89 + String defaultValueChallenge5 = "if_you_see_this_please_use_k8s";
     90 + return ctfModeEnabled && !challenge5Value.equals(defaultValueChallenge5);
     91 + }
     92 + 
     93 + private boolean isVaultUnlockedInCTFMode() {
     94 + String defaultVaultAnswer = "ACTUAL_ANSWER_CHALLENGE7";
     95 + String secondDefaultVaultAnswer = "if_you_see_this_please_use_K8S_and_Vault";
     96 + return ctfModeEnabled && !challenge7Value.equals(defaultVaultAnswer) && !challenge7Value.equals(secondDefaultVaultAnswer);
     97 + }
     98 + 
     99 + private boolean isCloudUnlockedInCTFMode() {
     100 + String defaultValueAWSValue = "if_you_see_this_please_use_AWS_Setup";
     101 + return ctfModeEnabled && !defaultChallenge9Value.equals(defaultValueAWSValue);
     102 + }
    98 103  }
    99 104   
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    2 2   
    3 3  import org.owasp.wrongsecrets.challenges.Challenge;
    4 4   
     5 +/**
     6 + * Interface of a scorecard where a player's progress is stored into.
     7 + */
    5 8  public interface ScoreCard {
     9 + 
     10 + /**
     11 + * Marks a challenge as completed.
     12 + * @param challenge Challenge object which is completed
     13 + */
    6 14   void completeChallenge(Challenge challenge);
    7 15   
     16 + /**
     17 + * Checks if the given challenge is marked as completed in the scorecard.
     18 + * @param challenge Challenge object tested for completion
     19 + * @return true if challenge solved correctly
     20 + */
    8 21   boolean getChallengeCompleted(Challenge challenge);
    9 22   
     23 + /**
     24 + * Gives a 0-100 implementation completeness score.
     25 + * @return float with completeness percentage
     26 + */
    10 27   float getProgress();
    11 28   
     29 + /**
     30 + * Gives total number of received points.
     31 + * @return int with points
     32 + */
    12 33   int getTotalReceivedPoints();
    13 34   
     35 + /**
     36 + * Resets the status of a given challenge its entry in the score-card.
     37 + * @param challenge Challenge of which the status should be reset.
     38 + */
    14 39   void reset(Challenge challenge);
    15 40  }
    16 41   
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    1 1  package org.owasp.wrongsecrets;
    2 2   
     3 +import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation;
    3 4  import org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.error.ErrorController;
    4 5  import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
    5 6  import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
    6 7  import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
    7 8   
     9 +/**
     10 + * Controller used to generate content for the error page.
     11 + */
    8 12  @Controller
    9 13  public class SecretsErrorController implements ErrorController {
    10 14   
    11 15   @GetMapping("/error")
     16 + @Operation(summary = "Returns data for the error page")
    12 17   public String handleError() {
    13 18   return "error";
    14 19   }
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    6 6  import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    7 7  import;
    8 8   
     9 +/**
     10 + * Filter used to provide basic security headers in all cases.
     11 + */
    9 12  @Component
    10 13  public class SecurityHeaderAddingFilter implements Filter {
    11 14   
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    8 8  import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpSessionListener;
    9 9  import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
    10 10   
     11 +/**
     12 + * HTTPSessionListener with decorator: adds logging on new sessions started so we can keep track somewhat.
     13 + */
    11 14  @Configuration
    12 15  @Slf4j
    13 16  public class SessionConfiguration {
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    9 9  import java.util.Arrays;
    10 10  import;
    11 11   
     12 +/**
     13 + * Helps handling application startup and breaks nicely if K8S_ENV is wrong.
     14 + */
    12 15  @Slf4j
    13 16  public class StartupListener implements ApplicationListener<ApplicationEvent> {
    14 17   
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    8 8  import org.springframework.ui.Model;
    9 9  import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
    10 10   
     11 +/**
     12 + * Controller that is used to render data in the stats page.
     13 + */
    11 14  @Controller
    12 15  public class StatsController {
    13 16   
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    3 3  import;
    4 4   
    5 5  /**
    6  - * Template generagor used for Asciidoc to HTMLK conversion
     6 + * Template generator used for Asciidoc to HTML conversion.
    7 7   */
    8 8  public interface TemplateGenerator {
    9 9   
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    5 5  import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
    6 6   
    7 7  /**
    8  - * Canarytokens used to communicate with <a href=""></a>
    9  - * will send a CanaryToken with this AdditionalCanaryData
     8 + * Canarytokens used to communicate with <a href=""></a>.
     9 + * will send a CanaryToken with this AdditionalCanaryData.
    10 10   * @see org.owasp.wrongsecrets.canaries.CanaryToken
    11 11   */
    12 12  @RequiredArgsConstructor
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    1 1  package org.owasp.wrongsecrets.canaries;
    2 2   
    3 3  /**
    4  - * Used for counting the number of canary-token based callbacks
     4 + * Used for counting the number of canary-token based callbacks.
    5 5   * @see org.owasp.wrongsecrets.StatsController for the tracking controller
    6 6   * @see org.owasp.wrongsecrets.canaries.CanariesController for the calling controler
    7 7   */
    8 8  public interface CanaryCounter {
    9 9   
    10 10   /**
    11  - * incement the counter of callbacks with 1
     11 + * incement the counter of callbacks with 1.
    12 12   */
    13 13   void upCallBackCounter();
    14 14   
    15 15   /**
    16  - * Gets the total number of canary token callback calls
     16 + * Gets the total number of canary token callback calls.
    17 17   * @return int ≥ 0
    18 18   */
    19 19   int getTotalCount();
    20 20   
    21 21   /**
    22  - * Sets the content of the last token its contents as a Strings
     22 + * Sets the content of the last token its contents as a Strings.
    23 23   * @param tokenContent unprocessed contents of the callback (E.g. full data of the canarytoken)
    24 24   */
    25 25   void setLastCanaryToken(String tokenContent);
    26 26   
    27 27   /**
    28  - * Returns the last token given during the callback invocation
     28 + * Returns the last token given during the callback invocation.
    29 29   * @return unprocessed callback token contents
    30 30   */
    31 31   String getLastToken();
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    5 5  import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
    6 6   
    7 7  /**
    8  - * Implementation of CanaryCounter using an Atomic integer for actual implementation
     8 + * Implementation of CanaryCounter using an Atomic integer for actual implementation.
    9 9   */
    10 10  @Service
    11 11  public class CanaryCounterImpl implements CanaryCounter {
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    17 17   
    18 18   private final ScoreCard scoreCard;
    19 19   
     20 + /**
     21 + * Returns a Spoiler object containing the secret for the challenge.
     22 + * @return Spoiler with anser
     23 + */
    20 24   public abstract Spoiler spoiler();
    21 25   
    22 26   /**
    23  - * method that needs to be overwritten by the Challenge implementation class to do the actual
    24  - * evaluation of the answer
     27 + * method that needs to be overwritten by the Challenge implementation class to do the actual evaluation of the answer.
    25 28   * @param answer String provided by the user
    26 29   * @return true if answer is Correct
    27 30   */
    28 31   protected abstract boolean answerCorrect(String answer);
    29 32   
    30 33   /**
    31  - * Gives the supported runtine envs in which the class can run
     34 + * Gives the supported runtime envs in which the class can run.
    32 35   * @return a list of Environment objects representing supported envs for the class
    33 36   */
    34 37   public abstract List<Environment> supportedRuntimeEnvironments();
    35 38   
    36 39   /**
    37  - * returns the difficulty (1-5)
     40 + * returns the difficulty (1-5).
    38 41   * @return int with difficulty
    39 42   */
    40 43   public abstract int difficulty();
    41 44   
    42 45   /**
    43  - * returns the technology used
     46 + * returns the technology used.
    44 47   * @see ChallengeTechnology.Tech
    45 48   * @return a string from
    46 49   */
    47 50   public abstract String getTech();
    48 51   
    49 52   /**
    50  - * boolean indicating a challenge needs to be run differently with a different explanation/steps when running on a shared platform
     53 + * boolean indicating a challenge needs to be run differently with a different explanation/steps when running on a shared platform.
    51 54   * @return boolean with true if a different explanation is required when running on a shared platform
    52 55   */
    53 56   public abstract boolean isLimittedWhenOnlineHosted();
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    55 58   /**
    56 59   * boolean indicating if the challenge can be enabled when running in CTF mode.
    57 60   * Note: All challenges should be able to run in non-CTF mode.
    58  - * @return true if th echallenge can be run in CTF mode.
     61 + * @return true if the challenge can be run in CTF mode.
    59 62   */
    60 63   public abstract boolean canRunInCTFMode();
    61 64   
    62 65   /**
    63  - * Solving method which, if the correct answer is provided, will mark the challenge as solved in the scorecard
     66 + * Solving method which, if the correct answer is provided, will mark the challenge as solved in the scorecard.
    64 67   * @param answer String provided by the user to validate.
    65 68   * @return true if answer was correct.
    66 69   */
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    73 76   }
    74 77   
    75 78   /**
    76  - * Returns the name of the explanation file for adoc rendering
     79 + * Returns the name of the explanation file for adoc rendering.
    77 80   * @return String with name of file for explanation
    78 81   */
    79 82   public String getExplanation() {
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    81 84   }
    82 85   
    83 86   /**
    84  - * Returns the name of the hints file for adoc rendering
     87 + * Returns the name of the hints file for adoc rendering.
    85 88   * @return String with name of file for hints
    86 89   */
    87 90   public String getHint() {
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    89 92   }
    90 93   
    91 94   /**
    92  - * Returns the name of the reason file for adoc rendering
     95 + * Returns the name of the reason file for adoc rendering.
    93 96   * @return String with name of file for reason
    94 97   */
    95 98   public String getReason() {
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    1 1  package org.owasp.wrongsecrets.challenges;
    2 2   
     3 +/**
     4 + * Used to communicate with the front-end.
     5 + * @param solution as provided throught the form.
     6 + */
    3 7  public record ChallengeForm(String solution) {
    4 8   
    5 9  }
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    2 2   
    3 3  import java.util.Arrays;
    4 4   
     5 +/**
     6 + * provides the technology used within a challenge.
     7 + */
    5 8  public class ChallengeTechnology {
    6 9   
     10 + /**
     11 + * enum from which you can choose the tech to have consistent naming.
     12 + */
    7 13   public enum Tech {
    8 14   
    9 15   GIT("Git"), DOCKER("Docker"), CONFIGMAPS("Configmaps"), SECRETS("Secrets"), VAULT("Vault"), LOGGING("Logging"), TERRAFORM("Terraform"), CSI("CSI-Driver"), CICD("CI/CD"), PASSWORD_MANAGER("Password Manager"), CRYPTOGRAPHY("Cryptography"), BINARY("Binary"), FRONTEND("Front-end"), IAM("IAM privilege escalation"), WEB3("Web3"), DOCUMENTATION("Documentation");
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    26 26   this.runtimeEnvironment = runtimeEnvironment;
    27 27   }
    28 28   
     29 + /**
     30 + * Converts the name of the class into the challenge name.
     31 + * @return String with name of the challenge.
     32 + */
    29 33   public String getName() {
    30 34   var matchers = challengePattern.matcher(challenge.getClass().getSimpleName());
    31 35   if (matchers.matches()) {
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    34 38   return "Unknown";
    35 39   }
    36 40   
     41 + /**
     42 + * gives back the number of the challenge.
     43 + * @return int with challenge number.
     44 + */
    37 45   public Integer getLink() {
    38 46   return challengeNumber;
    39 47   }
    40 48   
     49 + /**
     50 + * Returns the tech used for a challenge.
     51 + * @return string with tech.
     52 + */
    41 53   public String getTech() {
    42 54   return challenge.getTech();
    43 55   }
    44 56   
     57 + /**
     58 + * Returns the number of the next challenge (e.g current+1).
     59 + * @return int with next challenge number.
     60 + */
    45 61   public Integer next() {
    46 62   return challengeNumber + 1;
    47 63   }
    48 64   
     65 + /**
     66 + * Returns the number of the previous challenge (e.g current-1).
     67 + * @return int with previous challenge number.
     68 + */
    49 69   public Integer previous() {
    50 70   return challengeNumber - 1;
    51 71   }
    52 72   
     73 + /**
     74 + * Returns filename of the explanation of the challenge.
     75 + * @return String with filename.
     76 + */
    53 77   public String getExplanation() {
    54 78   return challenge.getExplanation();
    55 79   }
    56 80   
     81 + /**
     82 + * Returns filename of the hints for the challenge.
     83 + * @return String with filename.
     84 + */
    57 85   public String getHint() {
    58 86   List<RuntimeEnvironment.Environment> limitedOnlineEnvs = List.of(RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.HEROKU_DOCKER, RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.FLY_DOCKER, RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.OKTETO_K8S);
    59 87   if (limitedOnlineEnvs.contains(runtimeEnvironment.getRuntimeEnvironment()) && challenge.isLimittedWhenOnlineHosted()) {
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    62 90   return challenge.getHint();
    63 91   }
    64 92   
     93 + /**
     94 + * Returns filename of the reasons of the challenge.
     95 + * @return String with filename.
     96 + */
    65 97   public String getReason() {
    66 98   return challenge.getReason();
    67 99   }
    68 100   
     101 + /**
     102 + * String providing the minimal required env. Used in homescreen.
     103 + * @return String with required env.
     104 + */
    69 105   public String requiredEnv() {
    70 106   return challenge.supportedRuntimeEnvironments().stream()
    71 107   .map(Enum::name)
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    73 109   .collect(Collectors.joining());
    74 110   }
    75 111   
     112 + /**
     113 + * returns integer with difficulty of the challenge.
     114 + * @return int
     115 + */
    76 116   public int difficulty() {
    77 117   return challenge.difficulty();
    78 118   }
    79 119   
     120 + /**
     121 + * checks whether challenge is enabled based on used runtimemode and CTF enablement.
     122 + * @return boolean true if the challenge can run.
     123 + */
    80 124   public boolean isChallengeEnabled() {
    81 125   if (runtimeEnvironment.runtimeInCTFMode()) {
    82 126   return runtimeEnvironment.canRun(challenge) && challenge.canRunInCTFMode();
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    84 128   return runtimeEnvironment.canRun(challenge);
    85 129   }
    86 130   
     131 + /**
     132 + * returns the list of challengeUIs based on the status sof the runtime.
     133 + * @param challenges actual challenges to be used in app.
     134 + * @param environment the runtime env we are running on as an app.
     135 + * @return list of ChallengeUIs.
     136 + */
    87 137   public static List<ChallengeUI> toUI(List<Challenge> challenges, RuntimeEnvironment environment) {
    88 138   return
    89 139   .sorted(Comparator.comparingInt(challenge -> Integer.parseInt(challenge.getClass().getSimpleName().replace("Challenge", ""))))
    skipped 5 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 10 lines
    11 11  import java.util.ArrayList;
    12 12  import java.util.List;
    13 13   
     14 +import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation;
    14 15  import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
    15 16  import org.asciidoctor.Asciidoctor;
    16 17  import org.asciidoctor.Options;
    skipped 5 lines
    22 23  import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
    23 24  import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
    24 25   
     26 +/**
     27 + * Used to request and generate the required json for setting up a CTF through juiceshop CTF CLI.
     28 + */
    25 29  @Slf4j
    26 30  @RestController
    27 31  public class ChallengesAPIController {
    skipped 20 lines
    48 52   
    49 53   
    50 54   @GetMapping(value = {"/api/Challenges", "/api/challenges"}, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
     55 + @Operation(summary = "Gives all challenges back in a jsonArray, to be used with the Juiceshop CTF cli")
    51 56   public String getChallenges() {
    52 57   if (descriptions.size() == 0) {
    53 58   initiaLizeHintsAndDescriptions();
    skipped 84 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 25 lines
    26 26  import java.util.List;
    27 27  import;
    28 28   
     29 +/**
     30 + * Controller used to host the Challenges UI.
     31 + */
    29 32  @Controller
    30 33  public class ChallengesController {
    31 34   
    skipped 216 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 18 lines
    19 19  import static org.owasp.wrongsecrets.RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.GCP;
    20 20  import static org.owasp.wrongsecrets.RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.AZURE;
    21 21   
     22 +/**
     23 + * Cloud challenge that leverages the CSI secrets driver of the cloud you are running in.
     24 + */
    22 25  @Component
    23 26  @Slf4j
    24 27  @Order(10)
    skipped 12 lines
    37 40   this.challengeAnswer = getCloudChallenge9and10Value(filePath, fileName);
    38 41   }
    39 42   
     43 + /**
     44 + * {@inheritDoc}
     45 + */
    40 46   @Override
    41 47   public Spoiler spoiler() {
    42 48   return new Spoiler(challengeAnswer);
    43 49   }
    44 50   
     51 + /**
     52 + * {@inheritDoc}
     53 + */
    45 54   @Override
    46 55   public boolean answerCorrect(String answer) {
    47 56   return challengeAnswer.equals(answer);
    skipped 9 lines
    57 66   }
    58 67   }
    59 68   
     69 + /**
     70 + * {@inheritDoc}
     71 + */
    60 72   public List<RuntimeEnvironment.Environment> supportedRuntimeEnvironments() {
    61 73   return List.of(GCP, AWS, AZURE);
    62 74   }
    63 75   
     76 + /**
     77 + * {@inheritDoc}
     78 + * Difficulty: 4
     79 + */
    64 80   @Override
    65 81   public int difficulty() {
    66 82   return 4;
    67 83   }
    68 84   
     85 + /**
     86 + * {@inheritDoc}
     87 + * Uses CSI Driver
     88 + */
    69 89   @Override
    70 90   public String getTech() {
    71 91   return;
    skipped 8 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 31 lines
    32 32   
    33 33  import static org.owasp.wrongsecrets.RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.*;
    34 34   
     35 +/**
     36 + * Cloud challenge which uses IAM privilelge escalation (differentiating per cloud).
     37 + */
    35 38  @Component
    36 39  @Slf4j
    37 40  @Order(11)
    skipped 42 lines
    80 83   this.challengeAnswer = getChallenge11Value(runtimeEnvironment);
    81 84   }
    82 85   
     86 + /**
     87 + * {@inheritDoc}
     88 + */
    83 89   @Override
    84 90   public Spoiler spoiler() {
    85 91   return new Spoiler(challengeAnswer);
    86 92   }
    87 93   
     94 + /**
     95 + * {@inheritDoc}
     96 + */
    88 97   @Override
    89 98   public boolean answerCorrect(String answer) {
    90 99   return challengeAnswer.equals(answer);
    91 100   }
    92 101   
     102 + /**
     103 + * {@inheritDoc}
     104 + */
    93 105   public List<RuntimeEnvironment.Environment> supportedRuntimeEnvironments() {
    94 106   return List.of(AWS, GCP, AZURE);
    95 107   }
    96 108   
     109 + /**
     110 + * {@inheritDoc}
     111 + * Difficulty: 4
     112 + */
    97 113   @Override
    98 114   public int difficulty() {
    99 115   return 4;
    100 116   }
    101 117   
     118 + /**
     119 + * {@inheritDoc}
     120 + * Uses IAM Privilege escalation
     121 + */
    102 122   @Override
    103 123   public String getTech() {
    104 124   return;
    skipped 103 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 19 lines
    20 20  import static org.owasp.wrongsecrets.RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.AZURE;
    21 21   
    22 22  /**
    23  - * Cloud challenge which focuses on Terraform and secrets
     23 + * Cloud challenge which focuses on Terraform and secrets.
    24 24   */
    25 25  @Component
    26 26  @Slf4j
    skipped 4 lines
    31 31   private final String challengeAnswer;
    32 32   
    33 33   /**
    34  - * Cloud challenge which focuses on Terraform and secrets
     34 + * Cloud challenge which focuses on Terraform and secrets.
    35 35   * @param scoreCard required for score keeping
    36 36   * @param filePath used to mount in the secrets store where teh actual secret lands in from the cloud
    37 37   * @param awsDefaultValue used to indicate whether a cloud setup is enabled.
    skipped 10 lines
    48 48   this.challengeAnswer = getCloudChallenge9and10Value(filePath, fileName);
    49 49   }
    50 50   
     51 + /**
     52 + * {@inheritDoc}
     53 + */
    51 54   @Override
    52 55   public Spoiler spoiler() {
    53 56   return new Spoiler(challengeAnswer);
    54 57   }
    55 58   
     59 + /**
     60 + * {@inheritDoc}
     61 + */
    56 62   @Override
    57 63   public boolean answerCorrect(String answer) {
    58 64   return challengeAnswer.equals(answer);
    skipped 9 lines
    68 74   }
    69 75   }
    70 76   
     77 + /**
     78 + * {@inheritDoc}
     79 + */
    71 80   public List<RuntimeEnvironment.Environment> supportedRuntimeEnvironments() {
    72 81   return List.of(GCP, AWS, AZURE);
    73 82   }
    74 83   
     84 + /**
     85 + * {@inheritDoc}
     86 + * Difficulty: 3
     87 + */
    75 88   @Override
    76 89   public int difficulty() {
    77 90   return 3;
    78 91   }
    79 92   
     93 + /**
     94 + * {@inheritDoc}
     95 + * Uses Terraform
     96 + */
    80 97   @Override
    81 98   public String getTech() {
    82 99   return;
    skipped 8 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 4 lines
    5 5  import org.owasp.wrongsecrets.challenges.Challenge;
    6 6   
    7 7  /**
    8  - * Abstract class used to provide convinient wrapper helpers for cloud type detection for the cloud challenges
     8 + * Abstract class used to provide convinient wrapper helpers for cloud type detection for the cloud challenges.
    9 9   */
    10 10  public abstract class CloudChallenge extends Challenge {
    11 11   
    skipped 4 lines
    16 16   this.runtimeEnvironment = runtimeEnvironment;
    17 17   }
    18 18   
     19 + /**
     20 + * boolean showing whether we run in AWS.
     21 + * @return true if we are on AWS
     22 + */
    19 23   public boolean isAWS() {
    20 24   return this.runtimeEnvironment.getRuntimeEnvironment() == RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.AWS;
    21 25   }
    22 26   
     27 + /**
     28 + * boolean showing whether we run in GCP.
     29 + * @return true if we are on GCP
     30 + */
    23 31   public boolean isGCP() {
    24 32   return this.runtimeEnvironment.getRuntimeEnvironment() == RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.GCP;
    25 33   }
    26 34   
     35 + /**
     36 + * boolean showing whether we run in Azure.
     37 + * @return true if we are on Azure
     38 + */
    27 39   public boolean isAzure() {
    28 40   return this.runtimeEnvironment.getRuntimeEnvironment() == RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.AZURE;
    29 41   }
    skipped 31 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 10 lines
    11 11   
    12 12  import static org.owasp.wrongsecrets.RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.DOCKER;
    13 13   
     14 +/**
     15 + * Introduction challenge to get a user introduced with the setup.
     16 + */
    14 17  @Component
    15 18  @Order(0)
    16 19  public class Challenge0 extends Challenge {
    skipped 2 lines
    19 22   super(scoreCard);
    20 23   }
    21 24   
     25 + /**
     26 + * {@inheritDoc}
     27 + */
    22 28   @Override
    23 29   public Spoiler spoiler() {
    24 30   return new Spoiler(getData());
    25 31   }
    26 32   
     33 + /**
     34 + * {@inheritDoc}
     35 + */
    27 36   @Override
    28 37   protected boolean answerCorrect(String answer) {
    29 38   return getData().equals(answer);
    30 39   }
    31 40   
    32 41   @Override
     42 + /**
     43 + * {@inheritDoc}
     44 + */
    33 45   public List<RuntimeEnvironment.Environment> supportedRuntimeEnvironments() {
    34 46   return List.of(DOCKER);
    35 47   }
    36 48   
     49 + /**
     50 + * {@inheritDoc}
     51 + * Difficulty: 1
     52 + */
    37 53   @Override
    38 54   public int difficulty() {
    39 55   return 1;
    skipped 22 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 12 lines
    13 13   
    14 14  import static org.owasp.wrongsecrets.RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.DOCKER;
    15 15   
     16 +/**
     17 + * Challenge to find the hardcoded password in code.
     18 + */
    16 19  @Component
    17 20  @Order(1)
    18 21  public class Challenge1 extends Challenge {
    skipped 7 lines
    26 29   return true;
    27 30   }
    28 31   
     32 + /**
     33 + * {@inheritDoc}
     34 + */
    29 35   @Override
    30 36   public Spoiler spoiler() {
    31 37   return new Spoiler(Constants.password);
    32 38   }
    33 39   
     40 + /**
     41 + * {@inheritDoc}
     42 + */
    34 43   @Override
    35 44   public boolean answerCorrect(String answer) {
    36 45   return Constants.password.equals(answer);
    37 46   }
    38 47   
     48 + /**
     49 + * {@inheritDoc}
     50 + */
    39 51   public List<RuntimeEnvironment.Environment> supportedRuntimeEnvironments() {
    40 52   return List.of(DOCKER);
    41 53   }
    42 54   
     55 + /**
     56 + * {@inheritDoc}
     57 + * Difficulty: 1
     58 + */
    43 59   @Override
    44 60   public int difficulty() {
    45 61   return 1;
    46 62   }
    47 63   
     64 + /**
     65 + * {@inheritDoc}
     66 + * Git based.
     67 + */
    48 68   @Override
    49 69   public String getTech() {
    50 70   return;
    skipped 9 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 15 lines
    16 16  import java.nio.file.Paths;
    17 17  import java.util.List;
    18 18   
     19 +/**
     20 + * Challenge focused on filesystem issues in docker container due to workdir copying.
     21 + */
    19 22  @Slf4j
    20 23  @Component
    21 24  @Order(12)
    skipped 11 lines
    33 36   return true;
    34 37   }
    35 38   
     39 + /**
     40 + * {@inheritDoc}
     41 + */
    36 42   @Override
    37 43   public Spoiler spoiler() {
    38 44   return new Spoiler(getActualData());
    39 45   }
    40 46   
     47 + /**
     48 + * {@inheritDoc}
     49 + */
    41 50   @Override
    42 51   public boolean answerCorrect(String answer) {
    43 52   //log.debug("challenge 12, actualdata: {}, answer: {}", getActualData(), answer);
    skipped 1 lines
    45 54   }
    46 55   
    47 56   @Override
     57 + /**
     58 + * {@inheritDoc}
     59 + */
    48 60   public List<RuntimeEnvironment.Environment> supportedRuntimeEnvironments() {
    49 61   return List.of(RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.DOCKER);
    50 62   }
    51 63   
     64 + /**
     65 + * {@inheritDoc}
     66 + * Difficulty: 3
     67 + */
    52 68   @Override
    53 69   public int difficulty() {
    54 70   return 3;
    55 71   }
    56 72   
     73 + /**
     74 + * {@inheritDoc}
     75 + * Docker based.
     76 + */
    57 77   @Override
    58 78   public String getTech() {
    59 79   return;
    skipped 19 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 18 lines
    19 19  import java.util.Base64;
    20 20  import java.util.List;
    21 21   
     22 +/**
     23 + * Challenge focused on showing CI/CD issues through Github Actions.
     24 + */
    22 25  @Slf4j
    23 26  @Component
    24 27  @Order(13)
    skipped 2 lines
    27 30   private final String plainText;
    28 31   private final String cipherText;
    29 32   
     33 + /**
     34 + * {@inheritDoc}
     35 + */
    30 36   @Override
    31 37   public Spoiler spoiler() {
    32 38   String answer = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString("This is our first key as github secret".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
    skipped 11 lines
    44 50   return true;
    45 51   }
    46 52   
     53 + /**
     54 + * {@inheritDoc}
     55 + */
    47 56   @Override
    48 57   protected boolean answerCorrect(String answer) {
    49 58   return isKeyCorrect(answer);
    50 59   }
    51 60   
    52 61   @Override
     62 + /**
     63 + * {@inheritDoc}
     64 + */
    53 65   public List<RuntimeEnvironment.Environment> supportedRuntimeEnvironments() {
    54 66   return List.of(RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.DOCKER);
    55 67   }
    56 68   
     69 + /**
     70 + * {@inheritDoc}
     71 + * Difficulty: 3
     72 + */
    57 73   @Override
    58 74   public int difficulty() {
    59 75   return 3;
    60 76   }
    61 77   
     78 + /**
     79 + * {@inheritDoc}
     80 + * CI/CD based.
     81 + */
    62 82   @Override
    63 83   public String getTech() {
    64 84   return;
    skipped 37 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 23 lines
    24 24  import java.nio.file.Paths;
    25 25  import java.util.List;
    26 26   
     27 +/**
     28 + * This challenge is about having a weak password for your password manager.
     29 + */
    27 30  @Slf4j
    28 31  @Component
    29 32  @Order(14)
    skipped 17 lines
    47 50   return true;
    48 51   }
    49 52   
     53 + /**
     54 + * {@inheritDoc}
     55 + */
    50 56   @Override
    51 57   public Spoiler spoiler() {
    52 58   return new Spoiler(findAnswer());
    53 59   }
    54 60   
     61 + /**
     62 + * {@inheritDoc}
     63 + */
    55 64   @Override
    56 65   protected boolean answerCorrect(String answer) {
    57 66   return isanswerCorrectInKeeyPassx(answer);
    58 67   }
    59 68   
    60 69   @Override
     70 + /**
     71 + * {@inheritDoc}
     72 + */
    61 73   public List<RuntimeEnvironment.Environment> supportedRuntimeEnvironments() {
    62 74   return List.of(RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.DOCKER);
    63 75   }
    64 76   
     77 + /**
     78 + * {@inheritDoc}
     79 + * Difficulty: 4
     80 + */
    65 81   @Override
    66 82   public int difficulty() {
    67 83   return 4;
    68 84   }
    69 85   
     86 + /**
     87 + * {@inheritDoc}
     88 + * Password manager based.
     89 + */
    70 90   @Override
    71 91   public String getTech() {
    72 92   return;
    skipped 36 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 18 lines
    19 19  import java.util.Base64;
    20 20  import java.util.List;
    21 21   
     22 +/**
     23 + * This challenge is about AWS keys in git history, with actual canarytokens.
     24 + */
    22 25  @Slf4j
    23 26  @Component
    24 27  @Order(15)
    skipped 14 lines
    39 42   return true;
    40 43   }
    41 44   
     45 + /**
     46 + * {@inheritDoc}
     47 + */
    42 48   @Override
    43 49   public Spoiler spoiler() {
    44 50   return new Spoiler(quickDecrypt(ciphterText));
    45 51   }
    46 52   
     53 + /**
     54 + * {@inheritDoc}
     55 + */
    47 56   @Override
    48 57   protected boolean answerCorrect(String answer) {
    49 58   String correctString = quickDecrypt(ciphterText);
    skipped 1 lines
    51 60   }
    52 61   
    53 62   @Override
     63 + /**
     64 + * {@inheritDoc}
     65 + */
    54 66   public List<RuntimeEnvironment.Environment> supportedRuntimeEnvironments() {
    55 67   return List.of(RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.DOCKER);
    56 68   }
    57 69   
     70 + /**
     71 + * {@inheritDoc}
     72 + * Difficulty: 2.
     73 + */
    58 74   @Override
    59 75   public int difficulty() {
    60 76   return 2;
    61 77   }
    62 78   
     79 + /**
     80 + * {@inheritDoc}
     81 + * Git based.
     82 + */
    63 83   @Override
    64 84   public String getTech() {
    65 85   return;
    skipped 49 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 15 lines
    16 16  import java.nio.file.Paths;
    17 17  import java.util.List;
    18 18   
     19 +/**
     20 + * This challenge is about having a secret obfuscated in the front-end code.
     21 + */
    19 22  @Slf4j
    20 23  @Component
    21 24  @Order(16)
    skipped 11 lines
    33 36   return true;
    34 37   }
    35 38   
     39 + /**
     40 + * {@inheritDoc}
     41 + */
    36 42   @Override
    37 43   public Spoiler spoiler() {
    38 44   return new Spoiler(getActualData());
    39 45   }
    40 46   
     47 + /**
     48 + * {@inheritDoc}
     49 + */
    41 50   @Override
    42 51   public boolean answerCorrect(String answer) {
    43 52   //log.debug("challenge 16, actualdata: {}, answer: {}", getActualData(), answer);
    skipped 1 lines
    45 54   }
    46 55   
    47 56   @Override
     57 + /**
     58 + * {@inheritDoc}
     59 + */
    48 60   public List<RuntimeEnvironment.Environment> supportedRuntimeEnvironments() {
    49 61   return List.of(RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.DOCKER);
    50 62   }
    51 63   
     64 + /**
     65 + * {@inheritDoc}
     66 + * Difficulty: 3
     67 + */
    52 68   @Override
    53 69   public int difficulty() {
    54 70   return 3;
    55 71   }
    56 72   
     73 + /**
     74 + * {@inheritDoc}
     75 + * Frontend based.
     76 + */
    57 77   @Override
    58 78   public String getTech() {
    59 79   return;
    skipped 18 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 15 lines
    16 16  import java.nio.file.Paths;
    17 17  import java.util.List;
    18 18   
     19 +/**
     20 + * This challenge is about having secrets in copied in bash history as part of a container.
     21 + */
    19 22  @Slf4j
    20 23  @Component
    21 24  @Order(17)
    skipped 11 lines
    33 36   return true;
    34 37   }
    35 38   
     39 + /**
     40 + * {@inheritDoc}
     41 + */
    36 42   @Override
    37 43   public Spoiler spoiler() {
    38 44   return new Spoiler(getActualData());
    39 45   }
    40 46   
     47 + /**
     48 + * {@inheritDoc}
     49 + */
    41 50   @Override
    42 51   public boolean answerCorrect(String answer) {
    43 52   return getActualData().equals(answer);
    44 53   }
    45 54   
     55 + /**
     56 + * {@inheritDoc}
     57 + */
    46 58   @Override
    47 59   public List<RuntimeEnvironment.Environment> supportedRuntimeEnvironments() {
    48 60   return List.of(RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.DOCKER);
    49 61   }
    50 62   
     63 + /**
     64 + * {@inheritDoc}
     65 + * Difficulty: 3.
     66 + */
    51 67   @Override
    52 68   public int difficulty() {
    53 69   return 3;
    54 70   }
    55 71   
     72 + /**
     73 + * {@inheritDoc}
     74 + * Docker based.
     75 + */
    56 76   @Override
    57 77   public String getTech() {
    58 78   return;
    skipped 18 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 19 lines
    20 20   
    21 21  import static org.owasp.wrongsecrets.RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.DOCKER;
    22 22   
     23 +/**
     24 + * This challenge is about finding the value of a secret through weak hash mechanisms.
     25 + */
    23 26  @Component
    24 27  @Order(18)
    25 28  @Slf4j
    skipped 31 lines
    57 60   return "No Hash Selected";
    58 61   }
    59 62   
     63 + /**
     64 + * {@inheritDoc}
     65 + */
    60 66   @Override
    61 67   public Spoiler spoiler() {
    62 68   return new Spoiler(base64Decode(hashPassword));
    63 69   }
    64 70   
     71 + /**
     72 + * {@inheritDoc}
     73 + */
    65 74   @Override
    66 75   public boolean answerCorrect(String answer) {
    67 76   return calculateHash(md5Hash, base64Decode(hashPassword)).equals(calculateHash(md5Hash, answer))
    68 77   || calculateHash(sha1Hash, base64Decode(hashPassword)).equals(calculateHash(sha1Hash, answer));
    69 78   }
    70 79   
     80 + /**
     81 + * {@inheritDoc}
     82 + */
    71 83   public List<RuntimeEnvironment.Environment> supportedRuntimeEnvironments() {
    72 84   return List.of(DOCKER);
    73 85   }
    74 86   
     87 + /**
     88 + * {@inheritDoc}
     89 + * Difficulty: 5
     90 + */
    75 91   @Override
    76 92   public int difficulty() {
    77 93   return 5;
    78 94   }
    79 95   
     96 + /**
     97 + * {@inheritDoc}
     98 + * Cryptography based.
     99 + */
    80 100   @Override
    81 101   public String getTech() {
    82 102   return;
    skipped 8 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 15 lines
    16 16   
    17 17  import static org.owasp.wrongsecrets.RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.DOCKER;
    18 18   
     19 +/**
     20 + * This challenge is about finding a secret hardcoded in a C binary.
     21 + */
    19 22  @Component
    20 23  @Order(19)
    21 24  @Slf4j
    skipped 12 lines
    34 37   return true;
    35 38   }
    36 39   
     40 + /**
     41 + * {@inheritDoc}
     42 + */
    37 43   @Override
    38 44   public Spoiler spoiler() {
    39 45   return new Spoiler(binaryExecutionHelper.executeCommand("", "wrongsecrets-c"));
    40 46   }
    41 47   
     48 + /**
     49 + * {@inheritDoc}
     50 + */
    42 51   @Override
    43 52   public boolean answerCorrect(String answer) {
    44 53   return binaryExecutionHelper.executeCommand(answer, "wrongsecrets-c").equals("This is correct! Congrats!");
    45 54   }
    46 55   
     56 + /**
     57 + * {@inheritDoc}
     58 + */
    47 59   public List<RuntimeEnvironment.Environment> supportedRuntimeEnvironments() {
    48 60   return List.of(DOCKER);
    49 61   }
    50 62   
     63 + /**
     64 + * {@inheritDoc}
     65 + * Difficulty: 4
     66 + */
    51 67   @Override
    52 68   public int difficulty() {
    53 69   return 4;
    54 70   }
    55 71   
     72 + /**
     73 + * {@inheritDoc}
     74 + * Binary based.
     75 + */
    56 76   @Override
    57 77   public String getTech() {
    58 78   return;
    skipped 8 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 16 lines
    17 17  /**
    18 18   * This challenge requires the participant to provide a hardcoded password to pass the challenge.
    19 19   * This challenge can be run in CTF mode and is limited to using Docker as a runtime environment.
     20 + * The javadoc is generated using ChatGPT.
    20 21   */
    21 22  @Component
    22 23  @Order(2)
    skipped 23 lines
    46 47   
    47 48   /**
    48 49   * {@inheritDoc}
    49  - * Returns a Spoiler object containing the hardcoded password for the challenge.
    50 50   */
    51 51   @Override
    52 52   public Spoiler spoiler() {
    skipped 7 lines
    60 60   * @param answer The answer provided by the participant.
    61 61   * @return True if the answer matches the hardcoded password, false otherwise.
    62 62   */
     63 + /**
     64 + * {@inheritDoc}
     65 + */
    63 66   @Override
    64 67   public boolean answerCorrect(String answer) {
    65 68   return hardcodedPassword.equals(answer);
    66 69   }
    67 70   
    68 71   /**
    69  - * Returns a list of supported runtime environments for the challenge.
     72 + * {@inheritDoc}
    70 73   * This challenge supports the Docker runtime environment.
    71  - *
    72  - * @return A list of supported runtime environments.
    73 74   */
    74 75   public List<RuntimeEnvironment.Environment> supportedRuntimeEnvironments() {
    75 76   return List.of(DOCKER);
    skipped 1 lines
    77 78   
    78 79   /**
    79 80   * {@inheritDoc}
    80  - * Returns the difficulty level of the challenge as 1.
     81 + * Difficulty: 1
    81 82   */
    82 83   @Override
    83 84   public int difficulty() {
    skipped 2 lines
    86 87   
    87 88   /**
    88 89   * {@inheritDoc}
    89  - * Returns the technology used for the challenge as GIT.
     90 + * Git based.
    90 91   */
    91 92   @Override
    92 93   public String getTech() {
    skipped 14 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 15 lines
    16 16   
    17 17  import static org.owasp.wrongsecrets.RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.DOCKER;
    18 18   
     19 +/**
     20 + * This challenge is about finding a secret hardcoded in a C++ binary.
     21 + */
    19 22  @Component
    20 23  @Order(20)
    21 24  @Slf4j
    skipped 12 lines
    34 37   }
    35 38   
    36 39   
     40 + /**
     41 + * {@inheritDoc}
     42 + */
    37 43   @Override
    38 44   public Spoiler spoiler() {
    39 45   return new Spoiler(binaryExecutionHelper.executeCommand("", "wrongsecrets-cplus"));
    40 46   }
    41 47   
     48 + /**
     49 + * {@inheritDoc}
     50 + */
    42 51   @Override
    43 52   public boolean answerCorrect(String answer) {
    44 53   return binaryExecutionHelper.executeCommand(answer, "wrongsecrets-cplus").equals("This is correct! Congrats!");
    45 54   }
    46 55   
     56 + /**
     57 + * {@inheritDoc}
     58 + */
    47 59   public List<RuntimeEnvironment.Environment> supportedRuntimeEnvironments() {
    48 60   return List.of(DOCKER);
    49 61   }
    50 62   
     63 + /**
     64 + * {@inheritDoc}
     65 + * Difficulty: 4
     66 + */
    51 67   @Override
    52 68   public int difficulty() {
    53 69   return 4;
    54 70   }
    55 71   
     72 + /**
     73 + * {@inheritDoc}
     74 + * Binary based.
     75 + */
    56 76   @Override
    57 77   public String getTech() {
    58 78   return;
    skipped 8 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 15 lines
    16 16   
    17 17  import static org.owasp.wrongsecrets.RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.DOCKER;
    18 18   
     19 +/**
     20 + * This challenge is about finding a secret hardcoded in a Golang binary.
     21 + */
    19 22  @Component
    20 23  @Order(21)
    21 24  @Slf4j
    skipped 11 lines
    33 36   return true;
    34 37   }
    35 38   
     39 + /**
     40 + * {@inheritDoc}
     41 + */
    36 42   @Override
    37 43   public Spoiler spoiler() {
    38 44   return new Spoiler(binaryExecutionHelper.executeGoCommand(""));
    39 45   }
    40 46   
     47 + /**
     48 + * {@inheritDoc}
     49 + */
    41 50   @Override
    42 51   public boolean answerCorrect(String answer) {
    43 52   return binaryExecutionHelper.executeGoCommand(answer).equals("This is correct! Congrats!");
    44 53   }
    45 54   
     55 + /**
     56 + * {@inheritDoc}
     57 + */
    46 58   public List<RuntimeEnvironment.Environment> supportedRuntimeEnvironments() {
    47 59   return List.of(DOCKER);
    48 60   }
    49 61   
     62 + /**
     63 + * {@inheritDoc}
     64 + * Difficulty: 5.
     65 + */
    50 66   @Override
    51 67   public int difficulty() {
    52 68   return 5;
    53 69   }
    54 70   
     71 + /**
     72 + * {@inheritDoc}
     73 + * Binary based.
     74 + */
    55 75   @Override
    56 76   public String getTech() {
    57 77   return;
    skipped 8 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 15 lines
    16 16   
    17 17  import static org.owasp.wrongsecrets.RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.DOCKER;
    18 18   
     19 +/**
     20 + * This challenge is about finding a secret hardcoded in a Rust binary.
     21 + */
    19 22  @Component
    20 23  @Order(22)
    21 24  @Slf4j
    skipped 11 lines
    33 36   return true;
    34 37   }
    35 38   
     39 + /**
     40 + * {@inheritDoc}
     41 + */
    36 42   @Override
    37 43   public Spoiler spoiler() {
    38 44   return new Spoiler(binaryExecutionHelper.executeCommand("", "wrongsecrets-rust"));
    39 45   }
    40 46   
     47 + /**
     48 + * {@inheritDoc}
     49 + */
    41 50   @Override
    42 51   public boolean answerCorrect(String answer) {
    43 52   return binaryExecutionHelper.executeCommand(answer, "wrongsecrets-rust").equals("This is correct! Congrats!");
    44 53   }
    45 54   
     55 + /**
     56 + * {@inheritDoc}
     57 + */
    46 58   public List<RuntimeEnvironment.Environment> supportedRuntimeEnvironments() {
    47 59   return List.of(DOCKER);
    48 60   }
    49 61   
     62 + /**
     63 + * {@inheritDoc}
     64 + * Difficulty: 5.
     65 + */
    50 66   @Override
    51 67   public int difficulty() {
    52 68   return 5;
    53 69   }
    54 70   
     71 + /**
     72 + * {@inheritDoc}
     73 + * Binary based.
     74 + */
    55 75   @Override
    56 76   public String getTech() {
    57 77   return;
    skipped 8 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 14 lines
    15 15  import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
    16 16  import java.util.List;
    17 17   
     18 +/**
     19 + * This challenge is about finding a secret hardcoded in comments in a front-end.
     20 + */
    18 21  @Slf4j
    19 22  @Component
    20 23  @Order(23)
    skipped 3 lines
    24 27   super(scoreCard);
    25 28   }
    26 29   
     30 + /**
     31 + * {@inheritDoc}
     32 + */
    27 33   @Override
    28 34   public Spoiler spoiler() {
    29 35   return new Spoiler(getActualData());
    30 36   }
    31 37   
     38 + /**
     39 + * {@inheritDoc}
     40 + */
    32 41   @Override
    33 42   public boolean answerCorrect(String answer) {
    34 43   //log.debug("challenge 23, actualdata: {}, answer: {}", getActualData(), answer);
    skipped 6 lines
    41 50   }
    42 51   
    43 52   @Override
     53 + /**
     54 + * {@inheritDoc}
     55 + */
    44 56   public List<RuntimeEnvironment.Environment> supportedRuntimeEnvironments() {
    45 57   return List.of(RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.DOCKER);
    46 58   }
    47 59   
     60 + /**
     61 + * {@inheritDoc}
     62 + * Difficulty: 1.
     63 + */
    48 64   @Override
    49 65   public int difficulty() {
    50 66   return 1;
    51 67   }
    52 68   
     69 + /**
     70 + * {@inheritDoc}
     71 + * Frontend based.
     72 + */
    53 73   @Override
    54 74   public String getTech() {
    55 75   return;
    skipped 13 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 13 lines
    14 14  import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
    15 15  import java.util.List;
    16 16   
     17 +/**
     18 + * This challenge is about using a publicly specified key to safeguard data.
     19 + */
    17 20  @Slf4j
    18 21  @Component
    19 22  @Order(24)
    skipped 8 lines
    28 31   return true;
    29 32   }
    30 33   
     34 + /**
     35 + * {@inheritDoc}
     36 + */
    31 37   @Override
    32 38   public Spoiler spoiler() {
    33 39   return new Spoiler(getActualData());
    34 40   }
    35 41   
     42 + /**
     43 + * {@inheritDoc}
     44 + */
    36 45   @Override
    37 46   public boolean answerCorrect(String answer) {
    38  - //log.debug("challenge 24, actualdata: {}, answer: {}", getActualData(), answer);
    39 47   return getActualData().equals(answer);
    40 48   }
    41 49   
    42 50   @Override
     51 + /**
     52 + * {@inheritDoc}
     53 + */
    43 54   public List<RuntimeEnvironment.Environment> supportedRuntimeEnvironments() {
    44 55   return List.of(RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.DOCKER);
    45 56   }
    46 57   
     58 + /**
     59 + * {@inheritDoc}
     60 + * Difficulty: 2
     61 + */
    47 62   @Override
    48 63   public int difficulty() {
    49 64   return 2;
    50 65   }
    51 66   
     67 + /**
     68 + * {@inheritDoc}
     69 + * Cryptography based.
     70 + */
    52 71   @Override
    53 72   public String getTech() {
    54 73   return;
    skipped 13 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 19 lines
    20 20  import;
    21 21  import java.util.List;
    22 22   
     23 +/**
     24 + * This challenge is about finding a secret hardcoded in a web3 contract.
     25 + */
    23 26  @Slf4j
    24 27  @Component
    25 28  @Order(25)
    skipped 10 lines
    36 39   return true;
    37 40   }
    38 41   
     42 + /**
     43 + * {@inheritDoc}
     44 + */
    39 45   @Override
    40 46   public Spoiler spoiler() {
    41 47   return new Spoiler(quickDecrypt(cipherText));
    42 48   }
    43 49   
     50 + /**
     51 + * {@inheritDoc}
     52 + */
    44 53   @Override
    45 54   public boolean answerCorrect(String answer) {
    46 55   String correctString = quickDecrypt(cipherText);
    skipped 1 lines
    48 57   }
    49 58   
    50 59   @Override
     60 + /**
     61 + * {@inheritDoc}
     62 + */
    51 63   public List<RuntimeEnvironment.Environment> supportedRuntimeEnvironments() {
    52 64   return List.of(RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.DOCKER);
    53 65   }
    54 66   
     67 + /**
     68 + * {@inheritDoc}
     69 + * Difficulty: 2
     70 + */
    55 71   @Override
    56 72   public int difficulty() {
    57 73   return 2;
    58 74   }
    59 75   
     76 + /**
     77 + * {@inheritDoc}
     78 + * Web3 based.
     79 + */
    60 80   @Override
    61 81   public String getTech() {
    62 82   return;
    skipped 21 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 19 lines
    20 20  import;
    21 21  import java.util.List;
    22 22   
     23 +/**
     24 + * This challenge is about finding a secret hardcoded in a web3 contract.
     25 + */
    23 26  @Slf4j
    24 27  @Component
    25 28  @Order(26)
    skipped 10 lines
    36 39   return true;
    37 40   }
    38 41   
     42 + /**
     43 + * {@inheritDoc}
     44 + */
    39 45   @Override
    40 46   public Spoiler spoiler() {
    41 47   return new Spoiler(quickDecrypt(cipherText));
    42 48   }
    43 49   
     50 + /**
     51 + * {@inheritDoc}
     52 + */
    44 53   @Override
    45 54   public boolean answerCorrect(String answer) {
    46 55   String correctString = quickDecrypt(cipherText);
    47 56   return answer.equals(correctString);
    48 57   }
    49 58   
     59 + /**
     60 + * {@inheritDoc}
     61 + */
    50 62   @Override
    51 63   public List<RuntimeEnvironment.Environment> supportedRuntimeEnvironments() {
    52 64   return List.of(RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.DOCKER);
    53 65   }
    54 66   
     67 + /**
     68 + * {@inheritDoc}
     69 + * Difficulty: 2
     70 + */
    55 71   @Override
    56 72   public int difficulty() {
    57 73   return 2;
    58 74   }
    59 75   
     76 + /**
     77 + * {@inheritDoc}
     78 + * Web3 based.
     79 + */
    60 80   @Override
    61 81   public String getTech() {
    62 82   return;
    skipped 21 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 19 lines
    20 20  import;
    21 21  import java.util.List;
    22 22   
     23 +/**
     24 + * This challenge is about finding a secret hardcoded in a web3 contract based on hashing.
     25 + */
    23 26  @Slf4j
    24 27  @Component
    25 28  @Order(26)
    skipped 10 lines
    36 39   return true;
    37 40   }
    38 41   
     42 + /**
     43 + * {@inheritDoc}
     44 + */
    39 45   @Override
    40 46   public Spoiler spoiler() {
    41 47   return new Spoiler(quickDecrypt(cipherText));
    42 48   }
    43 49   
     50 + /**
     51 + * {@inheritDoc}
     52 + */
    44 53   @Override
    45 54   public boolean answerCorrect(String answer) {
    46 55   String correctString = quickDecrypt(cipherText);
    skipped 1 lines
    48 57   }
    49 58   
    50 59   @Override
     60 + /**
     61 + * {@inheritDoc}
     62 + */
    51 63   public List<RuntimeEnvironment.Environment> supportedRuntimeEnvironments() {
    52 64   return List.of(RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.DOCKER);
    53 65   }
    54 66   
     67 + /**
     68 + * {@inheritDoc}
     69 + * Difficulty: 2
     70 + */
    55 71   @Override
    56 72   public int difficulty() {
    57 73   return 2;
    58 74   }
    59 75   
     76 + /**
     77 + * {@inheritDoc}
     78 + * Web3 based.
     79 + */
    60 80   @Override
    61 81   public String getTech() {
    62 82   return;
    skipped 21 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  package org.owasp.wrongsecrets.challenges.docker;
    2 2   
    3 3   
    4  -import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
    5  - 
    6 4  import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Base64;
    7 5  import org.owasp.wrongsecrets.RuntimeEnvironment;
    8 6  import org.owasp.wrongsecrets.ScoreCard;
    skipped 8 lines
    17 15  import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
    18 16  import static org.owasp.wrongsecrets.RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.DOCKER;
    19 17   
     18 +/**
     19 + * This challenge is about finding a secret in a Github issue.
     20 + */
    20 21  @Component
    21 22  @Order(28)
    22 23  public class Challenge28 extends Challenge {
    23 24   
    24  - private String secretKey = new String(Base64.decode(new String(Base64.decode("WVhOa1ptUndkVmxWU1dGa1ltRnZZWE5rY0dFd04ydHFNakF3TXc9PQ=="), UTF_8)), UTF_8);
    25 25   
    26 26   public Challenge28(ScoreCard scoreCard) {
    27 27   super(scoreCard);
    skipped 5 lines
    33 33   }
    34 34   
    35 35   
     36 + /**
     37 + * {@inheritDoc}
     38 + */
    36 39   @Override
    37 40   public Spoiler spoiler() {
    38  - return new Spoiler(secretKey);
     41 + return new Spoiler(getSecretKey());
    39 42   }
    40 43   
     44 + /**
     45 + * {@inheritDoc}
     46 + */
    41 47   @Override
    42 48   public boolean answerCorrect(String answer) {
    43  - return secretKey.equals(answer);
     49 + return getSecretKey().equals(answer);
    44 50   }
    45 51   
     52 + /**
     53 + * {@inheritDoc}
     54 + */
    46 55   public List<RuntimeEnvironment.Environment> supportedRuntimeEnvironments() {
    47 56   return List.of(DOCKER);
    48 57   }
    49 58   
     59 + /**
     60 + * {@inheritDoc}
     61 + * Difficulty: 1.
     62 + */
    50 63   @Override
    51 64   public int difficulty() {
    52 65   return 1;
    53 66   }
    54 67   
     68 + /**
     69 + * {@inheritDoc}
     70 + * Documentation based.
     71 + */
    55 72   @Override
    56 73   public String getTech() {
    57 74   return;
    skipped 2 lines
    60 77   @Override
    61 78   public boolean isLimittedWhenOnlineHosted() {
    62 79   return false;
     80 + }
     81 + 
     82 + private String getSecretKey() {
     83 + return new String(Base64.decode(new String(Base64.decode("WVhOa1ptUndkVmxWU1dGa1ltRnZZWE5rY0dFd04ydHFNakF3TXc9PQ=="), UTF_8)), UTF_8);
    63 84   }
    64 85   
    65 86  }
    skipped 1 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 19 lines
    20 20   
    21 21  import static org.owasp.wrongsecrets.RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.DOCKER;
    22 22   
     23 +/**
     24 + * This challenge is about finding a secret in a Github issue (screenshot).
     25 + */
    23 26  @Component
    24 27  @Slf4j
    25 28  @Order(29)
    skipped 16 lines
    42 45   
    43 46   @Override
    44 47   public Spoiler spoiler() {
    45  - return new Spoiler(decrypt());
     48 + return new Spoiler(decryptActualAnswer());
    46 49   }
    47 50   
    48 51   @Override
    49 52   public boolean answerCorrect(String answer) {
    50  - return decrypt().equals(answer);
     53 + return decryptActualAnswer().equals(answer);
    51 54   }
    52 55   
    53 56   public List<RuntimeEnvironment.Environment> supportedRuntimeEnvironments() {
    54 57   return List.of(DOCKER);
    55 58   }
    56 59   
     60 + /**
     61 + * {@inheritDoc}
     62 + * Difficulty: 1.
     63 + */
    57 64   @Override
    58 65   public int difficulty() {
    59 66   return 1;
    60 67   }
    61 68   
     69 + /**
     70 + * {@inheritDoc}
     71 + * Documentation based.
     72 + */
    62 73   @Override
    63 74   public String getTech() {
    64 75   return;
    skipped 4 lines
    69 80   return false;
    70 81   }
    71 82   
    72  - public String decrypt() {
     83 + private String decryptActualAnswer() {
    73 84   try {
    74 85   String privateKeyFilePath = "src/test/resources/RSAprivatekey.pem";
    75 86   String privateKeyContent = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(privateKeyFilePath)), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
    skipped 19 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 13 lines
    14 14   
    15 15  import static org.owasp.wrongsecrets.RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.DOCKER;
    16 16   
     17 +/**
     18 + * This challenge can be run in CTF mode and is limited to using Docker as a runtime environment.
     19 + */
    17 20  @Component
    18 21  @Order(3)
    19 22  public class Challenge3 extends Challenge {
    skipped 5 lines
    25 28   this.hardcodedEnvPassword = hardcodedEnvPassword;
    26 29   }
    27 30   
     31 + /**
     32 + * {@inheritDoc}
     33 + */
    28 34   @Override
    29 35   public boolean canRunInCTFMode() {
    30 36   return true;
    31 37   }
    32 38   
     39 + /**
     40 + * {@inheritDoc}
     41 + */
    33 42   @Override
    34 43   public Spoiler spoiler() {
    35 44   return new Spoiler(hardcodedEnvPassword);
    36 45   }
    37 46   
     47 + /**
     48 + * {@inheritDoc}
     49 + */
    38 50   @Override
    39 51   public boolean answerCorrect(String answer) {
    40 52   return hardcodedEnvPassword.equals(answer);
    41 53   }
    42 54   
     55 + /**
     56 + * {@inheritDoc}
     57 + */
    43 58   public List<RuntimeEnvironment.Environment> supportedRuntimeEnvironments() {
    44 59   return List.of(DOCKER);
    45 60   }
    46 61   
     62 + /**
     63 + * {@inheritDoc}
     64 + * Difficulty: 1
     65 + */
    47 66   @Override
    48 67   public int difficulty() {
    49 68   return 1;
    50 69   }
    51 70   
     71 + /**
     72 + * {@inheritDoc}
     73 + * Docker based.
     74 + */
    52 75   @Override
    53 76   public String getTech() {
    54 77   return;
    skipped 8 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 13 lines
    14 14   
    15 15  import static org.owasp.wrongsecrets.RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.DOCKER;
    16 16   
     17 +/**
     18 + * This challenge is about having a secrets stored as a Docker ARG var.
     19 + */
    17 20  @Component
    18 21  @Order(4)
    19 22  public class Challenge4 extends Challenge {
    skipped 10 lines
    30 33   return true;
    31 34   }
    32 35   
     36 + 
     37 + /**
     38 + * {@inheritDoc}
     39 + */
    33 40   @Override
    34 41   public Spoiler spoiler() {
    35 42   return new Spoiler(argBasedPassword);
    36 43   }
    37 44   
     45 + /**
     46 + * {@inheritDoc}
     47 + */
    38 48   @Override
    39 49   public boolean answerCorrect(String answer) {
    40 50   return argBasedPassword.equals(answer)
    41 51   || argBasedPassword.equals("'" + answer + "'");
    42 52   }
    43 53   
     54 + /**
     55 + * {@inheritDoc}
     56 + */
    44 57   public List<RuntimeEnvironment.Environment> supportedRuntimeEnvironments() {
    45 58   return List.of(DOCKER);
    46 59   }
    47 60   
     61 + /**
     62 + * {@inheritDoc}
     63 + * Difficulty: 2
     64 + */
    48 65   @Override
    49 66   public int difficulty() {
    50 67   return 2;
    51 68   }
    52 69   
     70 + /**
     71 + * {@inheritDoc}
     72 + * Docker based.
     73 + */
    53 74   @Override
    54 75   public String getTech() {
    55 76   return;
    skipped 10 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 17 lines
    18 18   
    19 19  import static org.owasp.wrongsecrets.RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.DOCKER;
    20 20   
     21 +/**
     22 + * Challenge which leaks the data in the logs instead of anywhere else.
     23 + */
    21 24  @Slf4j
    22 25  @Component
    23 26  @Order(8)
    skipped 19 lines
    43 46   return true;
    44 47   }
    45 48   
     49 + /**
     50 + * {@inheritDoc}
     51 + */
    46 52   @Override
    47 53   public Spoiler spoiler() {
    48 54   return new Spoiler(randomValue);
    49 55   }
    50 56   
     57 + /**
     58 + * {@inheritDoc}
     59 + */
    51 60   @Override
    52 61   public boolean answerCorrect(String answer) {
    53 62   return randomValue.equals(answer);
    54 63   }
    55 64   
     65 + /**
     66 + * {@inheritDoc}
     67 + */
    56 68   public List<RuntimeEnvironment.Environment> supportedRuntimeEnvironments() {
    57 69   return List.of(DOCKER);
    58 70   }
    59 71   
     72 + /**
     73 + * {@inheritDoc}
     74 + * Difficulty: 2
     75 + */
    60 76   @Override
    61 77   public int difficulty() {
    62 78   return 2;
    63 79   }
    64 80   
     81 + /**
     82 + * {@inheritDoc}
     83 + * Challenge is wrapped around logging
     84 + */
    65 85   @Override
    66 86   public String getTech() {
    67 87   return;
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    2 2   
    3 3  import lombok.experimental.UtilityClass;
    4 4   
     5 +/**
     6 + * used for Challenges their secrets.
     7 + */
    5 8  @UtilityClass
    6 9  public class Constants {
    7 10   
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    11 11  import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
    12 12  import;
    13 13   
    14  - 
     14 +/**
     15 + * Helper for classes to execute binaries as part of the Binary challenges.
     16 + */
    15 17  @Slf4j
    16 18  public class BinaryExecutionHelper {
    17 19   
    skipped 13 lines
    31 33   this.muslDetector = muslDetector;
    32 34   }
    33 35   
     36 + /**
     37 + * Execute the command for the given binary with the actual guess for Golang only.
     38 + * @param guess containing the guess
     39 + * @return the actual answer
     40 + */
    34 41   public String executeGoCommand(String guess) {
    35 42   try {
    36 43   File execFile = createTempExecutable("wrongsecrets-golang");
    skipped 13 lines
    50 57   }
    51 58   }
    52 59   
     60 + 
     61 + /**
     62 + * Execute the command for the given binary with the actual guess.
     63 + * @param guess containing the guess
     64 + * @param fileName of the executable to be used (pre-defined, make sure it is never user input controlled)
     65 + * @return the actual answer
     66 + */
    53 67   public String executeCommand(String guess, String fileName) {
    54 68   Operation operation;
    55 69   if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(guess)) {
    skipped 138 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  package org.owasp.wrongsecrets.challenges.docker.binaryexecution;
    2 2   
     3 +/**
     4 + * Musl detector interface which can have multiple implementations.
     5 + */
    3 6  public interface MuslDetector {
    4 7   
     8 + /**
     9 + * boolean indicating whether we are running on a MUSL based/enabled environment.
     10 + * @return true if binaries should use Musl instead of LibC
     11 + */
    5 12   boolean isMusl();
    6 13  }
    7 14   
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 6 lines
    7 7  import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
    8 8  import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
    9 9   
     10 +/**
     11 + * Primary implementation of MuslDetector.
     12 + */
    10 13  @Slf4j
    11 14  public class MuslDetectorImpl implements MuslDetector {
    12 15   
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    4 4  import org.owasp.wrongsecrets.RuntimeEnvironment;
    5 5  import org.owasp.wrongsecrets.ScoreCard;
    6 6  import org.owasp.wrongsecrets.challenges.Challenge;
     7 +import org.owasp.wrongsecrets.challenges.ChallengeTechnology;
    7 8  import org.owasp.wrongsecrets.challenges.Spoiler;
    8 9  import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
    9 10  import org.springframework.core.annotation.Order;
    skipped 3 lines
    13 14   
    14 15  import static org.owasp.wrongsecrets.RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.K8S;
    15 16   
     17 +/**
     18 + * This challenge is about having a secrets stored as a K8s Configmap.
     19 + */
    16 20  @Component
    17 21  @Order(5)
    18 22  public class Challenge5 extends Challenge {
    skipped 10 lines
    29 33   return true;
    30 34   }
    31 35   
     36 + /**
     37 + * {@inheritDoc}
     38 + */
    32 39   @Override
    33 40   public Spoiler spoiler() {
    34 41   return new Spoiler(configmapK8sSecret);
    35 42   }
    36 43   
     44 + /**
     45 + * {@inheritDoc}
     46 + */
    37 47   @Override
    38 48   public boolean answerCorrect(String answer) {
    39 49   return configmapK8sSecret.equals(answer);
    40 50   }
    41 51   
     52 + /**
     53 + * {@inheritDoc}
     54 + */
    42 55   public List<RuntimeEnvironment.Environment> supportedRuntimeEnvironments() {
    43 56   return List.of(K8S);
    44 57   }
    45 58   
     59 + /**
     60 + * {@inheritDoc}
     61 + * Difficulty: 2
     62 + */
    46 63   @Override
    47 64   public int difficulty() {
    48 65   return 2;
    49 66   }
    50 67   
     68 + /**
     69 + * {@inheritDoc}
     70 + * Configmaps based.
     71 + */
    51 72   @Override
    52 73   public String getTech() {
    53  - return "Configmaps";
     74 + return;
    54 75   }
    55 76   
    56 77   @Override
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
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    4 4  import org.owasp.wrongsecrets.RuntimeEnvironment;
    5 5  import org.owasp.wrongsecrets.ScoreCard;
    6 6  import org.owasp.wrongsecrets.challenges.Challenge;
     7 +import org.owasp.wrongsecrets.challenges.ChallengeTechnology;
    7 8  import org.owasp.wrongsecrets.challenges.Spoiler;
    8 9  import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
    9 10  import org.springframework.core.annotation.Order;
    skipped 3 lines
    13 14   
    14 15  import static org.owasp.wrongsecrets.RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.K8S;
    15 16   
     17 +/**
     18 + * This challenge is about having a secrets stored as a K8s Secret.
     19 + */
    16 20  @Component
    17 21  @Order(6)
    18 22  public class Challenge6 extends Challenge {
    skipped 10 lines
    29 33   return true;
    30 34   }
    31 35   
     36 + /**
     37 + * {@inheritDoc}
     38 + */
    32 39   @Override
    33 40   public Spoiler spoiler() {
    34 41   return new Spoiler(secretK8sSecret);
    35 42   }
    36 43   
     44 + /**
     45 + * {@inheritDoc}
     46 + */
    37 47   @Override
    38 48   public boolean answerCorrect(String answer) {
    39 49   return secretK8sSecret.equals(answer);
    40 50   }
    41 51   
     52 + /**
     53 + * {@inheritDoc}
     54 + */
    42 55   public List<RuntimeEnvironment.Environment> supportedRuntimeEnvironments() {
    43 56   return List.of(K8S);
    44 57   }
    45 58   
     59 + /**
     60 + * {@inheritDoc}
     61 + * Difficulty: 3
     62 + */
    46 63   @Override
    47 64   public int difficulty() {
    48 65   return 2;
    49 66   }
    50 67   
     68 + /**
     69 + * {@inheritDoc}
     70 + * K8s secrets based.
     71 + */
    51 72   @Override
    52 73   public String getTech() {
    53  - return "Secrets";
     74 + return;
    54 75   }
    55 76   
    56 77   @Override
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
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    5 5  import org.owasp.wrongsecrets.RuntimeEnvironment;
    6 6  import org.owasp.wrongsecrets.ScoreCard;
    7 7  import org.owasp.wrongsecrets.challenges.Challenge;
     8 +import org.owasp.wrongsecrets.challenges.ChallengeTechnology;
    8 9  import org.owasp.wrongsecrets.challenges.Spoiler;
    9 10  import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
    10 11  import org.springframework.core.annotation.Order;
    skipped 1 lines
    12 13   
    13 14  import java.util.List;
    14 15   
     16 +/**
     17 + * This challenge is about having a secrets stored in a misconfigured Hashicorp Vault.
     18 + */
    15 19  @Component
    16 20  @Order(7)
    17 21  public class Challenge7 extends Challenge {
    skipped 16 lines
    34 38   return vaultPassword != null && Strings.isNotEmpty(vaultPassword.getPasssword()) ? vaultPassword.getPasssword() : vaultPasswordString;
    35 39   }
    36 40   
     41 + /**
     42 + * {@inheritDoc}
     43 + */
    37 44   @Override
    38 45   public Spoiler spoiler() {
    39 46   return new Spoiler(getAnswer());
    40 47   }
    41 48   
     49 + /**
     50 + * {@inheritDoc}
     51 + */
    42 52   @Override
    43 53   public boolean answerCorrect(String answer) {
    44 54   return getAnswer().equals(answer);
    45 55   }
    46 56   
     57 + /**
     58 + * {@inheritDoc}
     59 + */
    47 60   public List<RuntimeEnvironment.Environment> supportedRuntimeEnvironments() {
    48 61   return List.of(RuntimeEnvironment.Environment.VAULT);
    49 62   }
    50 63   
     64 + /**
     65 + * {@inheritDoc}
     66 + * Difficulty: 4
     67 + */
    51 68   @Override
    52 69   public int difficulty() {
    53 70   return 4;
    54 71   }
    55 72   
     73 + /**
     74 + * {@inheritDoc}
     75 + * Vault based.
     76 + */
    56 77   @Override
    57 78   public String getTech() {
    58  - return "Vault";
     79 + return;
    59 80   }
    60 81   
    61 82   @Override
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
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    2 2   
    3 3  import;
    4 4   
     5 +/**
     6 + * Class used to get password from vault usisng the springboot cloud integration with vault.
     7 + */
    5 8  @ConfigurationProperties("vaultpassword")
    6 9  public class Vaultpassword {
    7 10   
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 1 lines
    2 2   
    3 3  import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
    4 4  import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
    5  -import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.OpenAPIDefinition;
    6 5  import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation;
    7 6  import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
    8  -import org.springdoc.core.annotations.RouterOperation;
    9 7  import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
    10 8  import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
    11 9  import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
    skipped 5 lines
    17 15  import java.nio.file.Paths;
    18 16  import java.util.UUID;
    19 17   
     18 +/**
     19 + * Controller used for one of the front-end challenges.
     20 + */
    20 21  @Slf4j
    21 22  @Controller
    22 23  public class TokenController {
    skipped 20 lines
    43 44   }
    44 45   
    45 46   /**
    46  - * Tokenrequest
    47  - *
    48  - * @param grant_type ew
    49  - * @param client_id we
    50  - * @param client_secret we
     47 + * TokenRequest used to call tokenController.
     48 + * @param grant_type string for grant type
     49 + * @param client_id string for the clientid
     50 + * @param client_secret holding the client secret for auth. target of challenge.
    51 51   */
    52 52   public record TokenRequest(String grant_type,
    53 53   String client_id,
    54 54   String client_secret) {
    55 55   }
    56 56   
     57 + /**
     58 + * TokenResponse returned by TokenController.
     59 + * @param accessToken string with the token retrieved through oauth
     60 + * @param tokenType string with the tokentype retrieved through oauth
     61 + * @param expiresIn long with the token expiration moment
     62 + * @param scope string with the token scope
     63 + */
    57 64   public record TokenResponse(@JsonProperty("access_token") String accessToken,
    58 65   @JsonProperty("token_type") String tokenType,
    59 66   @JsonProperty("expires_in") Long expiresIn,
    skipped 1 lines
    61 68   }
    62 69   
    63 70   @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "PATH_TRAVERSAL_IN", justification = "The location of the dockerMountPath is based on an Env Var")
    64  - public String getActualData() {
     71 + private String getActualData() {
    65 72   try {
    66 73   return Files.readString(Paths.get(dockerMountPath, "secondkey.txt"));
    67 74   } catch (Exception e) {
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