Projects STRLCPY wrongsecrets Commits 5e0e44a5
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    47 47  If you are interested in setting up a Kubernetes based CTF, you might want to look at [WrongSecrets CTF party]( instead. Still want to take a different approach than using that? Please read the rest of the paragraph.
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    49  -When you want to enable the Kubernetes challenges in your CTF-environment, make sure your 'play-environment' is actually running in a Kubernetes environment where the K8ss Configmap, K8s secret, and optionally the Vault setup, are configured correctly. See [our k8s folder](/k8s/) as an example, or have a look at our [Okteto](/okteto/) setup for just having the K8s & Configmap challenges supported.
     49 +When you want to enable the Kubernetes challenges in your CTF-environment, make sure your 'play-environment' is actually running in a Kubernetes environment where the K8ss Configmap, K8s secret, and optionally the Vault setup, are configured correctly. See [our k8s folder](/k8s/) as an example, or have a look at our [Okteto](/okteto/) setup for just having the K8s & Configmap challenges supported.
    50 50  When you take the 2-domain approach, make sure that the decoded K8S Secret entry and the Configmap value are stored correctly in the CTF-platform. If you take the standard HMAC approach instead, make sure that your CTF-scoring-environment has the following environment variables set:
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    52 52  - `SPECIAL_K8S_SECRET` which should be set to the value stored in your K8S Configmap
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