Projects STRLCPY wrongsecrets Commits 4076b201
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    1 1  # Getting Started
    2 2   
     3 +Please consult the [readme](./, [Contributing](./, [Code of Conduct](./, our [ctf instructions](./ and our [Wiki]( when you are getting started.
     4 + 
    3 5  ### Reference Documentation
    4 6  For further reference, please consider the following sections:
    5 7   
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    310 310  We have 3 ways of playing CTFs:
    311 311   
    312  -- The quick "let's play"-approach based on our own Heroku domain [](, which we documente for you here.
     312 +- The quick "let's play"-approach based on our own Heroku domain []( or our Okteto domain [](, which we documented for you here.
    313 313  - A more extended approach documented in [](/
    314 314  - A fully customizable CTF setup where every player gets its own virtual instance of WrongSecrets and a virtual instance of the wrongsecrets-desktop, so they all can play hassle-free. For this you have to use [the WrongSecrets CTF Party setup](
    315 315   
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    318 318  Want to use CTFD to play a CTF based on the free Heroku wrongsecrets-ctf instance together with CTFD? You can!
    319 319   
    320 320  NOTE: CTFD support now works based on the [Juiceshop CTF CLI](
    321  -NOTE-II: []( (temporary down based on lack of oss credits) is based on a free heroku instance, which takes time to warm up.
    322  -Initial creation of the zip file for CTFD requires you to visit []( once before executing the steps below.
     321 +NOTE-II: []( (temporary down based on lack of oss credits) is based on Heroku and has limited capacity. Alternatively you can use our Okteto setup at [](, which uses a free tier and needs some time to warm up. However, the Okteto environment does have more resources & supports the kubernetes challenges, unlike our Heroku setup that only supports the Docker challenges.
     322 +Initial creation of the zip file for CTFD requires you to visit []( or []( once before executing the steps below.
    323 323   
    324 324  Follow the following steps:
    325 325   
    326 326  ```shell
    327 327   npm install -g [email protected]
    328  - juice-shop-ctf #choose ctfd and as domain. No trailing slash! The key is 'TRwzkRJnHOTckssAeyJbysWgP!Qc2T', feel free to enable hints. We do not support snippets or links/urls to code or hints.
     328 + juice-shop-ctf #choose ctfd and (or as domain. No trailing slash! The key is 'TRwzkRJnHOTckssAeyJbysWgP!Qc2T', feel free to enable hints. We do not support snippets or links/urls to code or hints.
    329 329   docker run -p 8001:8000 -it ctfd/ctfd:3.4.3
    330 330  ```
    331 331   
    332 332  Now visit the CTFD instance at [http://localhost:8001](http://localhost:8001) and setup your CTF.
    333 333  Then use the administrative backup function to import the zipfile you created with the juice-shop-ctf command.
    334  -Game on using [](!
     334 +Game on using []( or [](!
    335 335  Want to setup your own? You can! Watch out for people finding your key though, so secure it properly: make sure the running container with the actual ctf-key is not exposed to the audience, similar to our heroku container.
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    337 337  ## FBCTF Support (Experimental!)
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    14 14   
    15 15  Please use Slack to report a vulnerability in the [#project-wrongsecrets]( channel. You can register for the OWASP Slack [here]( Given this is a p0wnable app, we do not have any bug bounty or rewards for you ;-).
    16 16   
    17  -Given the project is ran by volunteers, we intend to respond within a week.
     17 +Given the project is run by volunteers, we intend to respond within a week.
    18 18   
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    3 3   
    4 4  # This is used as an example when creating a pull request
    5 5*
    6  -
     6 +# Heroku is not guaranteed to be up
     7 +
    7 8
     9 +# Okteto is not guaranteed to be up
    8 10
     11 +
    9 12
    10 13
     14 +# Twitter its API does not like us
    11 15*
    12 16   
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     1 +apiVersion: apps/v1
     2 +kind: Deployment
     3 +metadata:
     4 + labels:
     5 + app: secret-challenge-ctf
     6 + name: secret-challenge-ctf
     7 + namespace: $OKTETO_NAMESPACE
     8 +spec:
     9 + progressDeadlineSeconds: 600
     10 + replicas: 1
     11 + revisionHistoryLimit: 10
     12 + selector:
     13 + matchLabels:
     14 + app: secret-challenge-ctf
     15 + strategy:
     16 + rollingUpdate:
     17 + maxSurge: 25%
     18 + maxUnavailable: 25%
     19 + type: RollingUpdate
     20 + template:
     21 + metadata:
     22 + labels:
     23 + app: secret-challenge-ctf
     24 + name: secret-challenge-ctf
     25 + spec:
     26 + securityContext:
     27 + runAsUser: 2000
     28 + runAsGroup: 2000
     29 + fsGroup: 2000
     30 + containers:
     31 + - image: jeroenwillemsen/wrongsecrets:1.5.14-no-vault
     32 + name: secret-challenge-ctf
     33 + imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
     34 + securityContext:
     35 + allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
     36 + readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
     37 + runAsNonRoot: true
     38 + capabilities:
     39 + drop:
     40 + - ALL
     41 + seccompProfile:
     42 + type: RuntimeDefault
     43 + ports:
     44 + - containerPort: 8080
     45 + protocol: TCP
     46 + readinessProbe:
     47 + httpGet:
     48 + path: "/actuator/health/readiness"
     49 + port: 8080
     50 + initialDelaySeconds: 30
     51 + timeoutSeconds: 5
     52 + periodSeconds: 5
     53 + failureThreshold: 8
     54 + livenessProbe:
     55 + httpGet:
     56 + path: "/actuator/health/liveness"
     57 + port: 8080
     58 + initialDelaySeconds: 35
     59 + timeoutSeconds: 30
     60 + periodSeconds: 40
     61 + failureThreshold: 5
     62 + resources:
     63 + requests:
     64 + memory: "512Mi"
     65 + cpu: "200m"
     66 + ephemeral-storage: "1Gi"
     67 + limits:
     68 + memory: "512Mi"
     69 + cpu: "1000m"
     70 + ephemeral-storage: "2Gi"
     71 + volumeMounts:
     72 + - name: "ephemeral"
     73 + mountPath: "/tmp"
     74 + terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
     75 + terminationMessagePolicy: File
     76 + env:
     77 + - name: ctf_enabled
     78 + value: "true"
     79 + - name: hints_enabled
     80 + value: "false"
     81 + - name: ctf_key
     82 + value: TRwzkRJnHOTckssAeyJbysWgP!Qc2T
     83 + - name: vaultpassword
     84 + value: if_you_see_this_please_use_K8S_and_Vault
     85 + - name: default_aws_value_challenge_9
     86 + value: if_you_see_this_please_use_AWS_Setup
     87 + - name: default_aws_value_challenge_10
     88 + value: if_you_see_this_please_use
     89 + - name: default_aws_value_challenge_11
     90 + value: if_you_see_this_please_use
     91 + - name: canarytokenURLs
     92 + value: ""
     93 + - name: challenge15ciphertext
     94 + value: "k9+HuPXEiFD6efujS5h1lOL1xgAC2OIgE2alg9JweUDy8k2SHUoG6I9FOhM1mgPKIUlyPWvROo+2T5p4qrAnuPYC/xAzVjGDUoN4eIXdXn+gwcYmL+Be8TodjXUt9U3g1/B9O2wyVZTT9Q839FaDHeBR4Og="
     95 + - name: challenge_acht_ctf_host_value
     96 + value: "not set"
     97 + - name: K8S_ENV
     98 + value: Okteto(k8s)
     99 + - name: SPECIAL_K8S_SECRET
     100 + valueFrom:
     101 + configMapKeyRef:
     102 + name: secrets-file
     103 + key: funny.entry
     104 + - name: SPECIAL_SPECIAL_K8S_SECRET
     105 + valueFrom:
     106 + secretKeyRef:
     107 + name: funnystuff
     108 + key: funnier
     109 + volumes:
     110 + - name: "ephemeral"
     111 + emptyDir: {}
     112 + dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
     113 + restartPolicy: Always
     114 + schedulerName: default-scheduler
     115 + terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
     116 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
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    74 74   terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
    75 75   terminationMessagePolicy: File
    76 76   env:
     77 + - name: canarytokenURLs
     78 + value: ""
     79 + - name: challenge15ciphertext
     80 + value: "k9+HuPXEiFD6efujS5h1lOL1xgAC2OIgE2alg9Jwe0qQlT+RGDJH/otpFgUzixTbCndwPW3HOqOCQYY844MgxM0N+RRbclS1bpJnYd7BT2aj8v4iA9xR8DwAjU0tt2n84PFKN4vNKjyNATETwPE1GQKBTIi1"
    77 81   - name: K8S_ENV
    78 82   value: Okteto(k8s)
    79 83   - name: SPECIAL_K8S_SECRET
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +apiVersion: v1
     2 +kind: Service
     3 +metadata:
     4 + name: wrongsecrets-ctf
     5 +spec:
     6 + type: LoadBalancer
     7 + ports:
     8 + - name: http
     9 + port: 8080
     10 + selector:
     11 + app: secret-challenge-ctf
     12 + 
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