Projects STRLCPY wrongsecrets Commits 2a088f83
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    39 39   th:remove="tag"></span></a></td>
    40 40   <td th:text="${}"></td>
    41 41   <td class="d-none d-md-table-cell">
    42  - <th:block th:each="i: ${#numbers.sequence(1, challenge.difficulty)}"><span></span>
    43  - </th:block>
     42 + <th:span th:each="i: ${#numbers.sequence(1, challenge.difficulty)}"><span> </span></th:span>
     43 + <th:span th:if="${challenge.difficulty<5}"
     44 + th:each="i: ${#numbers.sequence(challenge.difficulty+1, 5)}"><span>☆</span>
     45 + </th:span>
    44 46   </td>
    45 47   <th:block th:if="${challenge.requiredEnv} == 'DOCKER'">
    46 48   <td>Docker</td>
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