Projects STRLCPY wirelesscomm Commits f960bd95
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +classdef DataMapper < matlab.mixin.SetGet
     2 + % Class for mapping data for a grid
     3 +
     4 + properties
     5 + posStep; % Grid spacing in each direction
     6 +
     7 + % Data at position n will be mapped to grid point
     8 + % (posInd(n,1), posInd(n,2))
     9 + posInd; % Index of the
     10 +
     11 + % Number of steps in each axis
     12 + nsteps;
     13 +
     14 + % Position along each axis
     15 + posx, posy;
     16 +
     17 + end
     18 +
     19 + methods
     20 + function obj = DataMapper(pos, posStep)
     21 + % Constructor
     22 + %
     23 + % pos is a n x 2 list of all possible positions.
     24 + % posStep is the 1 x 2 grid spacing in each direction
     25 +
     26 + % Compute the indices that each position gets mapped to
     27 + posMin = min(pos);
     28 + posMax = max(pos);
     29 + obj.posStep = posStep;
     30 + obj.nsteps = (posMax - posMin)./posStep + 1;
     31 + obj.posInd = round((pos-posMin)./posStep)+1;
     32 +
     33 + % Compute the x and y positions for the imagesc function
     34 + obj.posx = posMin(1) + (0:obj.nsteps(1)-1)*posStep(1);
     35 + obj.posy = posMin(2) + (0:obj.nsteps(2)-1)*posStep(2);
     36 + end
     37 +
     38 + function plot(obj, data, options)
     39 + % Plots data with the positions
     40 + %
     41 + % Data is a vector of size n x 1. The function will then
     42 + % plot the value of data(i) in pos(i,1), pos(i,2).
     43 + %
     44 + % It can also optionally create dummy legend labels that can
     45 + % then be displayed with the legend command
     46 + arguments
     47 + obj
     48 + data
     49 + options.legendValues = []
     50 + options.legendLabels = []
     51 + options.plotHold logical = false
     52 + options.addLegend logical = false
     53 + options.legendLocation string = 'southeast'
     54 + options.noDataValue = 0
     55 + end
     56 +
     57 +
     58 + % Create an image array for the data
     59 + posImage = repmat(options.noDataValue, ...
     60 + obj.nsteps(2), obj.nsteps(1));
     61 + for i = 1:length(data)
     62 + posImage(obj.posInd(i,2), obj.posInd(i,1)) = data(i);
     63 + end
     64 +
     65 + % Plot the data
     66 + imagesc(obj.posx, obj.posy, posImage);
     67 + hold on;
     68 +
     69 + % Plot a dummy rectangle for each color
     70 + if ~isempty(options.legendLabels)
     71 + nlabels = length(options.legendLabels);
     72 + colorArr = parula(nlabels);
     73 + for i = 1:nlabels
     74 + fill([1,1],[1,1], colorArr(i,:), 'DisplayName', ...
     75 + options.legendLabels{i});
     76 + end
     77 + end
     78 +
     79 + % Turn off the plot hold if not requested
     80 + if ~options.plotHold
     81 + hold off;
     82 + end
     83 +
     84 + % Create the legend
     85 + if options.addLegend
     86 + legend('Location', options.legendLocation);
     87 + end
     88 + end
     89 + end
     90 +end
     91 + 
     92 + 
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