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     1 +[Class](../
     2 + 
     3 +# Unit 3. Multi-Path Fading
     4 + 
     5 +Slides: [[PDF]](../lectures/Unit02_Propagation.pdf) [[Powerpoint]](../lectures/Unit02_Propagation.pdf)
     6 + 
     7 +* Introduction and Learning Objectives: [[YouTube]](
     8 +* Review of Up and Down-Conversion: [[YouTube]](
     9 + * Problems 1 and 2 in in-class exercises: [[MATLAB live]](./fading_inclass.mlx) [[PDF]](./fading_inclass.pdf)
     10 +* Review of Sampling: [[YouTube](
     11 + * Problem 3 in in-class exercises: [[MATLAB live]](./fading_inclass.mlx) [[PDF]](./fading_inclass.pdf)
     12 +* Doppler and Multi-Path Fading: [[YouTube](
     13 + * Problem 4 in in-class exercises: [[MATLAB live]](./fading_inclass.mlx) [[PDF]](./fading_inclass.pdf)
     14 +* Statistical Models for Fading: [[YouTube](
     15 + 
     16 +Solutions: [[MATLAB Live]](./fading_inclass_soln.mlx) [[PDF]](./fading_inclass_soln.pdf)
     17 + 
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