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  • lectures/Unit05_AMC.pptx
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    5 5  Slides: [[PDF]](../lectures/Unit05_AMC.pdf) [[Powerpoint]](../lectures/Unit05_AMC.pdf)
    6 6   
    7  -* Introduction and Learning Objectives: TBD
    8  -* MCS Selection and ARQ in 802.11 Wireless LAN: TBD
     7 +* Introduction and Learning Objectives: [[YouTube]](
     8 +* MCS Selection and ARQ in 802.11 Wireless LAN: [[YouTube]](
    9 9   * Complete MCS demo: [[MATLAB live]](./demo_mcs.mlx) [[PDF]](./demo_mcs.pdf)
    10 10   * Solution: [[MATLAB live]](./demo_mcs_soln.mlx) [[PDF]](./demo_mcs_soln.pdf)
    11  -* MCS Selection, Scheduling and ARQ in 5G NR: TBD
     11 +* MCS Selection, Scheduling and ARQ in 5G NR: [[YouTube]](
    12 12   * In-class problem: [[MATLAB live]](./amc_inclass.mlx) [[PDF]](./amc_inclass.pdf)
    13 13   * Solution: [[MATLAB live]](./amc_inclass_soln.mlx) [[PDF]](./amc_inclass_soln.pdf)
    14  -* CSI Feedback and Link Adaptation in 5G NR: TBD
     14 +* CSI Feedback and Link Adaptation in 5G NR: [[YouTube]](
    15 15   * Complete CSI-RS demo: [[MATLAB live]](./demo_csirs.mlx) [[PDF]](./demo_csirs.pdf)
    16 16   * Solution: [[MATLAB live]](./demo_csirs_soln.mlx) [[PDF]](./demo_csirs_soln.pdf)
    17 17  * Hybrid ARQ: TBD
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