Projects STRLCPY wirelesscomm Commits 58bcfbe5
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  • lectures/Unit02_Propagation.pptx
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    34 34   * Lecture video: [[YouTube]](
    35 35  * Unit 1. Basics of Antennas and Free-space Propagation
    36 36   * Lecture: [[PDF]](./lectures/Unit01_Antennas.pdf) [[PPT]](./lectures/Unit01_Antennas.pptx)
    37  - * [Lecture videos](./unit01_antennas/
     37 + * [Lecture videos](./unit01_antennas/ and in-class exercises
    38 38   * Demo: Calculating and displaying antenna patterns [[PDF]](./unit01_antennas/demo_antennas.pdf) [[Matlab]](./unit01_antennas/demo_antennas.m)
    39 39   * Problems: [[PDF]](./unit01_antennas/prob/prob_antennas.pdf) [[Latex]](./unit01_antennas/prob/prob_antennas.tex)
    40 40   * Lab: Simulating a 28 GHz antenna for a UAV [[PDF]](./unit01_antennas/lab_uav_antenna_partial.pdf) [[Matlab]](./unit01_antennas/lab_uav_antenna_partial.m)
    41 41  * Unit 2. Non-LOS Propagation and Link-Budget Analysis
    42 42   * Lecture: [[PDF]](./lectures/Unit02_Propagation.pdf) [[PPT]](./lectures/Unit02_Propagation.pptx)
    43  - * [Lecture videos](./unit02_propagation/
     43 + * [Lecture videos](./unit02_propagation/ and in-class exercises
    44 44   * Demo: Simulating AWGN Noise [[PDF]](./unit02_propagation/demo_awgn.pdf) [[Matlab Live]](./unit02_propagation/demo_awgn.mlx)
    45 45   * Demo: Propagation and rate modeling [[PDF]](./unit02_propagation/demo_path_loss_model.pdf) [[Matlab]](./unit02_propagation/demo_path_loss_model.m)
    46 46   * Problems: [[PDF]](./unit02_propagation/prob/prob_propagation.pdf) [[Latex]](./unit02_propagation/prob/prob_propagation.tex)
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    5 5  Slides: [[PDF]](../lectures/Unit02_Propagation.pdf) [[Powerpoint]](../lectures/Unit02_Propagation.pdf)
    6 6   
    7  -* Introduction and Learning Objectives: TBD
    8  -* Noise, Interference and SNR: TBD
     7 +* Introduction and Learning Objectives: [[YouTube]](
     8 +* Noise, Interference and SNR: [[YouTube]](
    9 9   * Problem 1 in in-class exercises: [[MATLAB live]](./propagation_inclass.mlx) [[PDF]](./propagation_inclass.pdf)
    10  -* Communication Requirements and Link-Budget Analysis: TBD
     10 +* Communication Requirements and Link-Budget Analysis: [[YouTube]](
    11 11   * Problem 2 in in-class exercises: [[MATLAB live]](./propagation_inclass.mlx) [[PDF]](./propagation_inclass.pdf)
    12 12  * Non-LOS Propagation: TBD
    13 13   * Problem at the end section in the [[Lecture]](../lectures/Unit02_Propagation.pdf)
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