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    14 14  Binaries for the tools used to package applications to run isolated are shared under the [releases](../../releases) section of the repo.
    15 15   
    16  -Release notes for supported Windows builds and tools can be found [here](relnotes/RELEASE_NOTES.md).
     16 +Release notes for supported Windows builds and tools can be found [here](relnotes/windows-release-notes.md).
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    18 18  ## Communicating with the team
    19 19  We'd love to hear your feedback and answer your questions!
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    23 23  ## Resources
    24 24  You can find additional information about Win32 app isolation using the following resources:
    25  -* [Coming soon - Win32 app isolation blog]()
    26  -* [Coming soon - Win32 app isolation Build session]()
     25 +* Coming soon - Win32 app isolation blog
     26 +* Coming soon - Win32 app isolation Build session
    27 27   
    28 28  ## Contributing
    29 29  If you would like to contribute to the documentation, please familiarize yourself with the Code of Conduct resources below and submit a pull request.
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