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Script to parse Aircrack-ng captures into a SQLite database, get handshakes (in 22000 hashcat format) and extract MGT identities.

           _   __  _             _  _     
__      __(_) / _|(_)         __| || |__  
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 \ V  V / | ||  _|| |       | (_| || |_) |
  \_/\_/  |_||_|  |_| _____  \__,_||_.__/ 
                               by r4ulcl


docker pull r4ulcl/wifi_db

Manual installation

Debian bases


  • tshark
  • hcxtools
sudo apt install tshark

git clone
cd hcxtools
sudo make install
cd ..


sudo apt install python3-pip
git clone
cd wifi_db
pip3 install -r requirements.txt 



  • tshark
  • hcxtools
sudo pacman -S wireshark-qt

git clone
cd hcxtools
sudo make install
cd ..


sudo pacman -S python-pip
git clone
cd wifi_db
pip3 install -r requirements.txt 


Scan with airodump-ng

Run airodump-ng saving the output with -w:

sudo airodump-ng wlan0mon -w scan --manufacturer --wps --gpsd

Create the SQLite database using Docker

#Folder with captures

# Output database
touch db.SQLITE

docker run -t -v $PWD/db.SQLITE:/db.SQLITE -v $CAPTURESFOLDER:/captures/ r4ulcl/wifi_db
  • '-v $PWD/db.SQLITE:/db.SQLITE': To save de output in current folder db.SQLITE file
  • '-v $CAPTURESFOLDER:/captures/': To share the folder with the captures with the docker

Create the SQLite database using manual installation

Once the capture is created, we can create the database by importing the capture. To do this, put the name of the capture without format.

python3 scan-01

In the event that we have multiple captures we can load the folder in which they are directly. And with -d we can rename the output database.

python3 -d database.sqlite scan-folder

Open database

The database can be open with:

Optional arguments

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         increase output verbosity
  --debug               increase output verbosity to debug
  -t LAT, --lat LAT     insert a fake lat in the new elements 
  -n LON, --lon LON     insert a fake lon in the new elements 
  --source [{aircrack-ng,kismet,wigle}]
                        source from capture data (default: aircrack-ng) 






wifi_db contains several tables to store information related to wireless network traffic captured by airodump-ng. The tables are as follows:

  • AP: This table stores information about the access points (APs) detected during the captures, including their MAC address (bssid), network name (ssid), whether the network is cloaked (cloaked), manufacturer (manuf), channel (channel), frequency (frequency), carrier (carrier), encryption type (encryption), and total packets received from this AP (packetsTotal). The table uses the MAC address as a primary key.

  • Client: This table stores information about the wireless clients detected during the captures, including their MAC address (mac), network name (ssid), manufacturer (manuf), device type (type), and total packets received from this client (packetsTotal). The table uses the MAC address as a primary key.

  • SeenClient: This table stores information about the clients seen during the captures, including their MAC address (mac), time of detection (time), tool used to capture the data (tool), signal strength (signal_rssi), latitude (lat), longitude (lon), altitude (alt). The table uses the combination of MAC address and detection time as a primary key, and has a foreign key relationship with the Client table.

  • Connected: This table stores information about the wireless clients that are connected to an access point, including the MAC address of the access point (bssid) and the client (mac). The table uses a combination of access point and client MAC addresses as a primary key, and has foreign key relationships with both the AP and Client tables.

  • WPS: This table stores information about access points that have Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) enabled, including their MAC address (bssid), network name (wlan_ssid), WPS version (wps_version), device name (wps_device_name), model name (wps_model_name), model number (wps_model_number), configuration methods (wps_config_methods), and keypad configuration methods (wps_config_methods_keypad). The table uses the MAC address as a primary key, and has a foreign key relationship with the AP table.

  • SeenAp: This table stores information about the access points seen during the captures, including their MAC address (bssid), time of detection (time), tool used to capture the data (tool), signal strength (signal_rssi), latitude (lat), longitude (lon), altitude (alt), and timestamp (bsstimestamp). The table uses the combination of access point MAC address and detection time as a primary key, and has a foreign key relationship with the AP table.

  • Probe: This table stores information about the probes sent by clients, including the client MAC address (mac), network name (ssid), and time of probe (time). The table uses a combination of client MAC address and network name as a primary key, and has a foreign key relationship with the Client table.

  • Handshake: This table stores information about the handshakes captured during the captures, including the MAC address of the access point (bssid), the client (mac), the file name (file), and the hashcat format (hashcat). The table uses a combination of access point and client MAC addresses, and file name as a primary key, and has foreign key relationships with both the AP and Client tables.

  • Identity: This table represents EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol) identities and methods used in wireless authentication. The bssid and mac fields are foreign keys that reference the AP and Client tables, respectively. Other fields include the identity and method used in the authentication process.


  • ProbeClients: This view selects the MAC address of the probe, the manufacturer and type of the client device, the total number of packets transmitted by the client, and the SSID of the probe. It joins the Probe and Client tables on the MAC address and orders the results by SSID.

  • ConnectedAP: This view selects the BSSID of the connected access point, the SSID of the access point, the MAC address of the connected client device, and the manufacturer of the client device. It joins the Connected, AP, and Client tables on the BSSID and MAC address, respectively, and orders the results by BSSID.

  • ProbeClientsConnected: This view selects the BSSID and SSID of the connected access point, the MAC address of the probe, the manufacturer and type of the client device, the total number of packets transmitted by the client, and the SSID of the probe. It joins the Probe, Client, and ConnectedAP tables on the MAC address of the probe, and filters the results to exclude probes that are connected to the same SSID that they are probing. The results are ordered by the SSID of the probe.

  • HandshakeAP: This view selects the BSSID of the access point, the SSID of the access point, the MAC address of the client device that performed the handshake, the manufacturer of the client device, the file containing the handshake, and the hashcat output. It joins the Handshake, AP, and Client tables on the BSSID and MAC address, respectively, and orders the results by BSSID.

  • HandshakeAPUnique: This view selects the BSSID of the access point, the SSID of the access point, the MAC address of the client device that performed the handshake, the manufacturer of the client device, the file containing the handshake, and the hashcat output. It joins the Handshake, AP, and Client tables on the BSSID and MAC address, respectively, and filters the results to exclude handshakes that were not cracked by hashcat. The results are grouped by SSID and ordered by BSSID.

  • IdentityAP: This view selects the BSSID of the access point, the SSID of the access point, the MAC address of the client device that performed the identity request, the manufacturer of the client device, the identity string, and the method used for the identity request. It joins the Identity, AP, and Client tables on the BSSID and MAC address, respectively, and orders the results by BSSID.

  • SummaryAP: This view selects the SSID, the count of access points broadcasting the SSID, the encryption type, the manufacturer of the access point, and whether the SSID is cloaked. It groups the results by SSID and orders them by the count of access points in descending order.


  •  Aircrack-ng

  •  All in 1 file (and separately)

  •  Kismet

  •  Wigle

  •  install

  •  parse all files in folder -f --folder

  •  Fix Extended errors, tildes, etc (fixed in aircrack-ng 1.6)

  •  Support bash multi files: "capture*-1*"

  •  Script to delete client or AP from DB (mac). - (Whitelist)

  •  Whitelist to don't add mac to DB (file whitelist.txt, add macs, create DB)

  •  Overwrite if there is new info (old ESSID='', New ESSID='WIFI')

  •  Table Handhsakes and PMKID

  •  Hashcat hash format 22000

  •  Table files, if file exists skip (full path)

  •  Get HTTP POST passwords

  •  DNS querys

This program is a continuation of a part of:


  • Raúl Calvo Laorden (@r4ulcl)


GNU General Public License v3.0

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