  • Extend `sendAsIs` method to support more HTTP methods. This fixes #92.

    PiperOrigin-RevId: 415056841
    Change-Id: I3c00078cd719ba4f4b9d68d4d9277d8e783d15d3
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    21 21  import static com.google.common.util.concurrent.MoreExecutors.directExecutor;
    22 22   
    23 23  import com.google.common.base.Ascii;
     24 +import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
    24 25  import com.google.common.flogger.GoogleLogger;
     26 +import com.google.common.io.ByteSource;
    25 27  import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture;
    26 28  import com.google.common.util.concurrent.SettableFuture;
    27 29  import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
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    76 78   * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs during the HTTP request.
    77 79   */
    78 80   public HttpResponse sendAsIs(HttpRequest httpRequest) throws IOException {
    79  - if (!httpRequest.method().equals(HttpMethod.GET)) {
    80  - throw new IllegalArgumentException("sendAsIs method should only be used for GET method.");
    81  - }
    82  - 
    83 81   HttpURLConnection connection = connectionFactory.openConnection(httpRequest.url());
    84 82   connection.setRequestMethod(httpRequest.method().toString());
    85 83   httpRequest.headers().names().stream()
    skipped 7 lines
    93 91   headerValue -> connection.setRequestProperty(headerName, headerValue)));
    94 92   connection.setRequestProperty(USER_AGENT, TSUNAMI_USER_AGENT);
    95 93   
    96  - connection.connect();
     94 + if (ImmutableSet.of(HttpMethod.POST, HttpMethod.PUT, HttpMethod.DELETE)
     95 + .contains(httpRequest.method())) {
     96 + connection.setDoOutput(true);
     97 + ByteSource.wrap(httpRequest.requestBody().orElse(ByteString.EMPTY).toByteArray())
     98 + .copyTo(connection.getOutputStream());
     99 + }
    97 100   
    98 101   int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode();
    99 102   HttpHeaders.Builder responseHeadersBuilder = HttpHeaders.builder();
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    84 84   @Test
    85 85   public void sendAsIs_always_returnsExpectedHttpResponse()
    86 86   throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    87  - String responseBody = "test response";
    88  - mockWebServer.enqueue(
    89  - new MockResponse()
    90  - .setResponseCode(HttpStatus.OK.code())
    91  - .setHeader(CONTENT_TYPE, MediaType.PLAIN_TEXT_UTF_8.toString())
    92  - .setBody(responseBody));
     87 + mockWebServer.setDispatcher(new SendAsIsTestDispatcher());
    93 88   mockWebServer.start();
     89 + String expectedResponseBody = SendAsIsTestDispatcher.buildBody("GET", "");
    94 90   
    95 91   HttpUrl baseUrl = mockWebServer.url("/");
    96 92   String requestUrl =
    97  - new URL(baseUrl.scheme(), baseUrl.host(), baseUrl.port(), "/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/etc/passwd")
     93 + new URL(
     94 + baseUrl.scheme(),
     95 + baseUrl.host(),
     96 + baseUrl.port(),
     97 + "/send-as-is/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/etc/passwd")
    98 98   .toString();
    99 99   
    100 100   HttpResponse response = httpClient.sendAsIs(get(requestUrl).withEmptyHeaders().build());
    101 101   
    102  - assertThat(mockWebServer.takeRequest().getPath()).isEqualTo("/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/etc/passwd");
     102 + assertThat(mockWebServer.takeRequest().getPath())
     103 + .isEqualTo("/send-as-is/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/etc/passwd");
    103 104   assertThat(response)
    104 105   .isEqualTo(
    105 106   HttpResponse.builder()
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    108 109   HttpHeaders.builder()
    109 110   .addHeader(CONTENT_TYPE, MediaType.PLAIN_TEXT_UTF_8.toString())
    110 111   // MockWebServer always adds this response header.
    111  - .addHeader(CONTENT_LENGTH, String.valueOf(responseBody.length()))
     112 + .addHeader(CONTENT_LENGTH, String.valueOf(expectedResponseBody.length()))
    112 113   .build())
    113  - .setBodyBytes(ByteString.copyFrom(responseBody, UTF_8))
     114 + .setBodyBytes(ByteString.copyFrom(expectedResponseBody, UTF_8))
    114 115   .build());
    115 116   }
    116 117   
    117 118   @Test
    118  - public void sendAsIs_withNonGetRequest_throws() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
     119 + public void sendAsIs_withPostRequest_returnsExpectedHttpResponse()
     120 + throws IOException, InterruptedException {
     121 + mockWebServer.setDispatcher(new SendAsIsTestDispatcher());
    119 122   mockWebServer.start();
     123 + String requestBody = "POST BODY";
     124 + String expectedResponseBody = SendAsIsTestDispatcher.buildBody("POST", requestBody);
    120 125   
    121 126   HttpUrl baseUrl = mockWebServer.url("/");
    122 127   String requestUrl =
    123  - new URL(baseUrl.scheme(), baseUrl.host(), baseUrl.port(), "/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/etc/passwd")
     128 + new URL(baseUrl.scheme(), baseUrl.host(), baseUrl.port(), "/send-as-is/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/path")
    124 129   .toString();
    125 130   
    126  - assertThrows(
    127  - IllegalArgumentException.class,
    128  - () -> httpClient.sendAsIs(post(requestUrl).withEmptyHeaders().build()));
     131 + HttpResponse response =
     132 + httpClient.sendAsIs(
     133 + post(requestUrl)
     134 + .setRequestBody(ByteString.copyFrom(requestBody, UTF_8))
     135 + .withEmptyHeaders()
     136 + .build());
     137 + 
     138 + assertThat(mockWebServer.takeRequest().getPath()).isEqualTo("/send-as-is/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/path");
     139 + assertThat(response)
     140 + .isEqualTo(
     141 + HttpResponse.builder()
     142 + .setStatus(HttpStatus.OK)
     143 + .setHeaders(
     144 + HttpHeaders.builder()
     145 + .addHeader(CONTENT_TYPE, MediaType.PLAIN_TEXT_UTF_8.toString())
     146 + // MockWebServer always adds this response header.
     147 + .addHeader(CONTENT_LENGTH, String.valueOf(expectedResponseBody.length()))
     148 + .build())
     149 + .setBodyBytes(ByteString.copyFrom(expectedResponseBody, UTF_8))
     150 + .build());
    129 151   }
    130 152   
    131 153   @Test
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    759 781   public MockResponse dispatch(RecordedRequest recordedRequest) {
    760 782   if (nullToEmpty(recordedRequest.getHeader(HOST)).startsWith(expectedHost)) {
    761 783   return new MockResponse().setResponseCode(HttpStatus.OK.code());
     784 + }
     785 + return new MockResponse().setResponseCode(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.code());
     786 + }
     787 + }
     788 + 
     789 + static final class SendAsIsTestDispatcher extends Dispatcher {
     790 + static final String SEND_AS_IS_PATH = "/send-as-is/";
     791 + 
     792 + static String buildBody(String method, String requestBody) {
     793 + return String.format("Method: %s\nRequest Body: %s", method, requestBody);
     794 + }
     795 + 
     796 + @Override
     797 + public MockResponse dispatch(RecordedRequest recordedRequest) {
     798 + if (recordedRequest.getPath().startsWith(SEND_AS_IS_PATH)) {
     799 + return new MockResponse()
     800 + .setHeader(CONTENT_TYPE, MediaType.PLAIN_TEXT_UTF_8.toString())
     801 + .setBody(buildBody(recordedRequest.getMethod(), recordedRequest.getBody().readUtf8()))
     802 + .setResponseCode(HttpStatus.OK.code());
    762 803   }
    763 804   return new MockResponse().setResponseCode(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.code());
    764 805   }
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