Projects STRLCPY text4shell-tools Commits a4e46227
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +jawa
     2 +tqdm
     3 +easyargs
     4 +colorama
     5 +dataclasses; python_version < '3.7'
     6 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +import os
     2 +import re
     3 +from collections import defaultdict
     4 +from dataclasses import dataclass
     5 +from enum import IntEnum
     6 +from typing import List, Set, Tuple
     7 +from zipfile import BadZipFile, ZipFile
     8 + 
     9 +import easyargs
     10 +from colorama import Fore, Style
     11 +from jawa.classloader import ClassLoader
     12 +from jawa.constants import InterfaceMethodRef, MethodReference
     13 +from jawa.methods import Method
     14 +from tqdm import tqdm
     15 + 
     16 + 
     17 +class JVMOpcodes(IntEnum):
     18 + INVOKEVIRTUAL = 182
     19 + INVOKESPECIAL = 183
     20 + INVOKESTATIC = 184
     21 + INVOKEINTERFACE = 185
     22 + INVOKEDYNAMIC = 186
     23 + 
     24 + 
     25 +INVOKE_OPCODES = {
     26 + JVMOpcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL,
     27 + JVMOpcodes.INVOKESPECIAL,
     28 + JVMOpcodes.INVOKESTATIC,
     30 + JVMOpcodes.INVOKEDYNAMIC,
     31 +}
     32 + 
     33 + 
     34 +@dataclass(frozen=True)
     35 +class CallTarget:
     36 + class_name: str
     37 + method_name: str
     38 + method_type: str
     39 + 
     40 + 
     41 +def print_file_name(filename):
     42 + tqdm.write(f"\n\n\nProcessing .jar file:\n{filename}")
     43 + 
     44 + 
     45 +def print_caller_results(class_name, calling_methods_by_target):
     46 + if calling_methods_by_target:
     47 + # collapse method types:
     48 + calling_methods_collapsed = {
     49 + CallTarget(ct.class_name, ct.method_name, ""): calling_methods_by_target[ct]
     50 + for ct in calling_methods_by_target
     51 + }
     52 + 
     53 + tqdm.write(f"\nClass: {Fore.GREEN}{class_name}{Style.RESET_ALL}")
     54 + tqdm.write("Vulnerable call | Methods")
     55 + tqdm.write("----------------+---------")
     56 + for callee, callers in calling_methods_collapsed.items():
     57 + tqdm.write(
     58 + Fore.RED
     59 + + f"{callee.method_name:15}"
     60 + + Style.RESET_ALL
     61 + + " | "
     62 + + ", ".join(callers)
     63 + )
     64 + 
     65 + 
     66 +def print_matching_classes(classes):
     67 + tqdm.write(f"\nClasses found:")
     68 + tqdm.write(", ".join([Fore.GREEN + c + Style.RESET_ALL for c in classes]))
     69 + 
     70 + 
     71 +def jar_quickmatch(filename, match_string):
     72 + try:
     73 + with ZipFile(filename) as jarfile:
     74 + classes = [name for name in jarfile.namelist() if name.endswith(".class")]
     75 + for c in classes:
     76 + classfile_content =
     77 + if match_string in classfile_content:
     78 + return True
     79 + return False
     80 + except (IOError, BadZipFile):
     81 + tqdm.write(f"Could not open file: {filename}")
     82 + 
     83 + 
     84 +class XrefAnalysis:
     85 + def __init__(self, filename, class_regex, method_regex, caller_block):
     86 + self.class_regex_compiled = re.compile(class_regex)
     87 + self.method_regex_compiled = re.compile(method_regex)
     88 + self.caller_block_compiled = re.compile(caller_block)
     89 + self.class_loader = ClassLoader(filename)
     90 + self.methods, self.callers = self.traverse(self.class_loader)
     91 + 
     92 + def get_matching_classes(self):
     93 + classes = {
     94 + class_name
     95 + for class_name in self.class_loader.classes
     96 + if self.class_regex_compiled.match(class_name)
     97 + }
     98 + return classes
     99 + 
     100 + def get_calling_classes(self):
     101 + calling_classes = set()
     102 + for callee, caller_set in self.callers.items():
     103 + if self.class_regex_compiled.match(
     104 + callee.class_name
     105 + ) and self.method_regex_compiled.match(callee.method_name):
     106 + calling_classes |= caller_set
     107 + return calling_classes
     108 + 
     109 + @staticmethod
     110 + def method_ref_to_call_target(method_ref):
     111 + if method_ref and isinstance(method_ref, (MethodReference, InterfaceMethodRef)):
     112 + return CallTarget(
     113 +,
     114 +,
     115 + method_ref.name_and_type.descriptor.value,
     116 + )
     117 + return None
     118 + 
     119 + def traverse(self, classloader: ClassLoader):
     120 + call_targets = {}
     121 + methods = {}
     122 + callers = defaultdict(set)
     123 + for class_name in classloader.classes:
     124 + try:
     125 + classloader[class_name]
     126 + except IndexError:
     127 + continue
     128 + (
     129 + call_targets[class_name],
     130 + methods[class_name],
     131 + ) = self.summarize_class(classloader[class_name])
     132 + 
     133 + for class_name, class_call_targets in call_targets.items():
     134 + for call_target in class_call_targets:
     135 + callers[call_target].add(class_name)
     136 + 
     137 + return methods, callers
     138 + 
     139 + def summarize_class(self, classfile) -> Tuple[Set[CallTarget], List[Method]]:
     140 + class_callees: Set[CallTarget] = set()
     141 + for const in classfile.constants:
     142 + call_target = self.method_ref_to_call_target(const)
     143 + if call_target:
     144 + class_callees.add(call_target)
     145 + methods = list(classfile.methods)
     146 + return class_callees, methods
     147 + 
     148 + def analyze_class(self, classname):
     149 + all_xrefs = set()
     150 + xref_constants = defaultdict(set)
     151 + calling_methods_by_target = defaultdict(set)
     152 + for method in self.methods[classname]:
     153 + new_xrefs = callsites_in_method(method)
     154 + if not new_xrefs:
     155 + continue
     156 + for xref in new_xrefs:
     157 + xref_constants[xref].add(
     158 + all_xrefs |= new_xrefs
     159 + 
     160 + interesting_xrefs = {}
     161 + for xref in all_xrefs:
     162 + call_target = self.method_ref_to_call_target(
     163 + self.class_loader[classname].constants.get(xref)
     164 + )
     165 + if call_target:
     166 + if self.class_regex_compiled.match(
     167 + call_target.class_name
     168 + ) and self.method_regex_compiled.match(call_target.method_name):
     169 + interesting_xrefs[xref] = call_target
     170 + 
     171 + for xref in interesting_xrefs:
     172 + calling_methods_by_target[interesting_xrefs[xref]] |= xref_constants[xref]
     173 + return calling_methods_by_target
     174 + 
     175 + 
     176 +def callsites_in_method(method: Method):
     177 + if not method.code:
     178 + return
     179 + method_code = method.code.disassemble()
     180 + return {op.operands[0].value for op in method_code if op.opcode in INVOKE_OPCODES}
     181 + 
     182 + 
     183 +def traverse_folder(root_dir, quickmatch_string, do_quickmatch):
     184 + if os.path.isdir(root_dir):
     185 + print(f"Walking {root_dir}...")
     186 + files_to_scan = []
     187 + for root, dirs, files in os.walk(root_dir):
     188 + for f in files:
     189 + if f.endswith(".jar"):
     190 + full_name = os.path.join(root, f)
     191 + if not do_quickmatch or jar_quickmatch(
     192 + full_name, quickmatch_string
     193 + ):
     194 + files_to_scan.append(full_name)
     195 + return files_to_scan
     196 + elif os.path.isfile(root_dir):
     197 + return [root_dir]
     198 + return []
     199 + 
     200 + 
     201 +def print_xrefs_analysis(xref_analysis, filename, caller_block):
     202 + first = True
     203 + for classname in xref_analysis.get_calling_classes():
     204 + if caller_block.match(classname):
     205 + continue
     206 + calling_methods_by_target = xref_analysis.analyze_class(classname)
     207 + 
     208 + if calling_methods_by_target:
     209 + if first:
     210 + first = False
     211 + print_file_name(filename)
     212 + print_caller_results(classname, calling_methods_by_target)
     213 + 
     214 + 
     215 +def print_class_existence(xref_analysis, filename):
     216 + matching_classes = xref_analysis.get_matching_classes()
     217 + if matching_classes:
     218 + print_file_name(filename)
     219 + print_matching_classes(matching_classes)
     220 + 
     221 + 
     222 +@easyargs
     223 +def run_scanner(
     224 + root_dir,
     225 + # regex for class name filtering
     226 + class_regex="(.*StringSubstitutor|.*StringLookup)",
     227 + # regex for method name filtering (ignored when looking for existence of classes)
     228 + method_regex="(lookup|replace|replaceIn)",
     229 + # if caller class matches this regex, it will *not* be displayed
     230 + caller_block=".*org/apache/commons/text",
     231 + # checking for existence of this string in classes unless no_quickmatch
     232 + quickmatch_string="StringSubstitutor",
     233 + # not set - looking for calls to specified methods, set - looking for existence of classes
     234 + class_existence=False,
     235 + # when set, do not do quick match
     236 + no_quickmatch=False,
     237 +):
     238 + if not no_quickmatch:
     239 + tqdm.write(f"Precondition grep filter: {quickmatch_string}")
     240 + if class_existence:
     241 + tqdm.write(f"Looking for presence of classes: {class_regex}")
     242 + else:
     243 + tqdm.write(
     244 + f"Looking for calls to: class pattern {class_regex}, method name pattern: {method_regex}"
     245 + )
     246 + tqdm.write("Scanning folder for .jar files")
     247 + 
     248 + files_to_scan = traverse_folder(
     249 + root_dir, quickmatch_string.encode("utf-8"), not no_quickmatch
     250 + )
     251 + 
     252 + for filename in tqdm(files_to_scan):
     253 + try:
     254 + xref_analysis = XrefAnalysis(
     255 + filename, class_regex, method_regex, caller_block
     256 + )
     257 + if class_existence:
     258 + print_class_existence(
     259 + xref_analysis, os.path.relpath(filename, root_dir)
     260 + )
     261 + else:
     262 + print_xrefs_analysis(
     263 + xref_analysis,
     264 + os.path.relpath(filename, root_dir),
     265 + xref_analysis.caller_block_compiled,
     266 + )
     267 + except ValueError as e:
     268 + tqdm.write(f"Parsing error in {filename}")
     269 + 
     270 + 
     271 +if __name__ == "__main__":
     272 + run_scanner()
     273 + 
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