Projects STRLCPY text4shell-tools Commits 8df09886
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    61 61  | Flag | Default value | Use |
    62 62  | --------------------- | -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
    63  -| `--class_regex` | `(.*StringSubstitutor|.*StringLookup)` | Regular expression for required class name |
    64  -| `--method_regex` | `(lookup|replace|replaceIn)` | Regular expression for required method name |
    65  -| `--quickmatch_string` | `(StringLookup|StringSubstitutor)` | Pre-condition for file analysis: .jar files not containing the specified regex will be ignored |
     63 +| `--class_regex` | (.*StringSubstitutor|.*StringLookup) | Regular expression for required class name |
     64 +| `--method_regex` | (lookup|replace|replaceIn) | Regular expression for required method name |
     65 +| `--quickmatch_string` | (StringLookup|StringSubstitutor) | Pre-condition for file analysis: .jar files not containing the specified regex will be ignored |
    66 66  | `--class_existence` | Not set | When not set, look for calls to class::method as specified by regexes. When set, `--method_regex` is ignored, and the tool will look for *existence* of classes specified by `--class_regex` in the jar. |
    67 67  | `--no_quickmatch` | Not set | When set, the value of `--quickmatch_string` is ignored and all jar files are analyzed |
    68 68  | `--caller_block` | .*org/apache/commons/text | If caller class matches this regex, it will *not* be displayed |
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