Projects STRLCPY termdash Commits 4238ac6f
  • Implements a buffer limit for the Text widget. (#301)

    See issue #293 where memory and performance can degrade with a high number of lines written to the Text widget. 
    This is a very simplistic implementation to limit the possible length the text buffer can grow to with the `maxContent` option. 
    Default value of -1 means there's no limit and therefore behaviour should remain standard.
    It has been working in our test app and allows the use of the Text widget to monitor logs (ie tail) and therefore doesn't bloat over time, but happy to adjust as required.
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  • Jakub Sobon committed with GitHub 3 years ago
    1 parent 3cfeb8ad
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    skipped 6 lines
    7 7   
    8 8  ## [Unreleased]
    9 9   
     10 +### Added
     11 + 
     12 +- The `Text` widget has a new option `MaxTextCells` which can be used to limit
     13 + the maximum number of cells the widget keeps in memory.
     14 + 
    10 15  ### Changed
    11 16   
    12 17  - Bump from 0.0.10 to 0.0.12.
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    18 18   
    19 19  import runewidth ""
    20 20   
     21 +// Option is used to provide options.
     22 +type Option interface {
     23 + // set sets the provided option.
     24 + set(*options)
     25 +}
     26 + 
     27 +// options stores the provided options.
     28 +type options struct {
     29 + runeWidths map[rune]int
     30 +}
     31 + 
     32 +// newOptions create a new instance of options.
     33 +func newOptions() *options {
     34 + return &options{
     35 + runeWidths: map[rune]int{},
     36 + }
     37 +}
     38 + 
     39 +// option implements Option.
     40 +type option func(*options)
     41 + 
     42 +// set implements Option.set.
     43 +func (o option) set(opts *options) {
     44 + o(opts)
     45 +}
     46 + 
     47 +// CountAsWidth overrides the default behavior, counting the specified runes as
     48 +// the specified width. Can be provided multiple times to specify an override
     49 +// for multiple runes.
     50 +func CountAsWidth(r rune, width int) Option {
     51 + return option(func(opts *options) {
     52 + opts.runeWidths[r] = width
     53 + })
     54 +}
     55 + 
    21 56  // RuneWidth returns the number of cells needed to draw r.
    22 57  // Background in
    23 58  //
    skipped 5 lines
    29 64  // This should be safe, since even in locales where these runes have ambiguous
    30 65  // width, we still place all the character content around them so they should
    31 66  // have be half-width.
    32  -func RuneWidth(r rune) int {
     67 +func RuneWidth(r rune, opts ...Option) int {
     68 + o := newOptions()
     69 + for _, opt := range opts {
     70 + opt.set(o)
     71 + }
     72 + 
     73 + if w, ok := o.runeWidths[r]; ok {
     74 + return w
     75 + }
     76 + 
    33 77   if inTable(r, exceptions) {
    34 78   return 1
    35 79   }
    skipped 2 lines
    38 82   
    39 83  // StringWidth is like RuneWidth, but returns the number of cells occupied by
    40 84  // all the runes in the string.
    41  -func StringWidth(s string) int {
     85 +func StringWidth(s string, opts ...Option) int {
    42 86   var width int
    43 87   for _, r := range []rune(s) {
    44  - width += RuneWidth(r)
     88 + width += RuneWidth(r, opts...)
    45 89   }
    46 90   return width
    47 91  }
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 23 lines
    24 24   tests := []struct {
    25 25   desc string
    26 26   runes []rune
     27 + opts []Option
    27 28   eastAsian bool
    28 29   want int
    29 30   }{
    skipped 4 lines
    34 35   },
    35 36   {
    36 37   desc: "non-printable characters from mattn/runewidth/runewidth_test",
    37  - runes: []rune{'\x00', '\x01', '\u0300', '\u2028', '\u2029'},
     38 + runes: []rune{'\x00', '\x01', '\u0300', '\u2028', '\u2029', '\n'},
    38 39   want: 0,
     40 + },
     41 + {
     42 + desc: "override rune width with an option",
     43 + runes: []rune{'\n'},
     44 + opts: []Option{
     45 + CountAsWidth('\n', 3),
     46 + },
     47 + want: 3,
    39 48   },
    40 49   {
    41 50   desc: "half-width runes from mattn/runewidth/runewidth_test",
    skipped 65 lines
    107 116   }()
    108 117   
    109 118   for _, r := range tc.runes {
    110  - if got := RuneWidth(r); got != tc.want {
     119 + if got := RuneWidth(r, tc.opts...); got != tc.want {
    111 120   t.Errorf("RuneWidth(%c, %#x) => %v, want %v", r, r, got, tc.want)
    112 121   }
    113 122   }
    skipped 5 lines
    119 128   tests := []struct {
    120 129   desc string
    121 130   str string
     131 + opts []Option
    122 132   eastAsian bool
    123 133   want int
    124 134   }{
    skipped 1 lines
    126 136   desc: "ascii characters",
    127 137   str: "hello",
    128 138   want: 5,
     139 + },
     140 + {
     141 + desc: "override rune widths with an option",
     142 + str: "hello",
     143 + opts: []Option{
     144 + CountAsWidth('h', 5),
     145 + CountAsWidth('e', 5),
     146 + },
     147 + want: 13,
    129 148   },
    130 149   {
    131 150   desc: "string from mattn/runewidth/runewidth_test",
    skipped 26 lines
    158 177   runewidth.DefaultCondition.EastAsianWidth = false
    159 178   }()
    160 179   
    161  - if got := StringWidth(tc.str); got != tc.want {
     180 + if got := StringWidth(tc.str, tc.opts...); got != tc.want {
    162 181   t.Errorf("StringWidth(%q) => %v, want %v", tc.str, got, tc.want)
    163 182   }
    164 183   })
    skipped 3 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 35 lines
    36 36   scrollDown rune
    37 37   wrapMode wrap.Mode
    38 38   rollContent bool
     39 + maxTextCells int
    39 40   disableScrolling bool
    40 41   mouseUpButton mouse.Button
    41 42   mouseDownButton mouse.Button
    skipped 14 lines
    56 57   keyDown: DefaultScrollKeyDown,
    57 58   keyPgUp: DefaultScrollKeyPageUp,
    58 59   keyPgDown: DefaultScrollKeyPageDown,
     60 + maxTextCells: DefaultMaxTextCells,
    59 61   }
    60 62   for _, o := range opts {
    61 63   o.set(opt)
    skipped 14 lines
    76 78   }
    77 79   if o.mouseUpButton == o.mouseDownButton {
    78 80   return fmt.Errorf("invalid ScrollMouseButtons(up:%v, down:%v), the buttons must be unique", o.mouseUpButton, o.mouseDownButton)
     81 + }
     82 + if o.maxTextCells < 0 {
     83 + return fmt.Errorf("invalid MaxTextCells(%d), must be zero or a positive integer", o.maxTextCells)
    79 84   }
    80 85   return nil
    81 86  }
    skipped 93 lines
    175 180   })
    176 181  }
    177 182   
     183 +// The default value for the MaxTextCells option.
     184 +// Use zero as no limit, for logs you may wish to try 10,000 or higher.
     185 +const (
     186 + DefaultMaxTextCells = 0
     187 +)
     188 + 
     189 +// MaxTextCells limits the text content to this number of terminal cells.
     190 +// This is useful when sending large amounts of text to the Text widget, e.g.
     191 +// when tailing logs as it will limit the memory usage.
     192 +// When the newly added content goes over this number of cells, the Text widget
     193 +// behaves as a circular buffer and drops earlier content to accommodate the
     194 +// new one.
     195 +// Note the count is in cells, not runes, some wide runes can take multiple
     196 +// terminal cells.
     197 +func MaxTextCells(max int) Option {
     198 + return option(func(opts *options) {
     199 + opts.maxTextCells = max
     200 + })
     201 +}
     202 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
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    18 18  import (
    19 19   "fmt"
    20 20   "image"
     21 + "strings"
    21 22   "sync"
    22 23   
    23 24   ""
    24 25   ""
     26 + ""
    25 27   ""
    26 28   ""
    27 29   ""
    skipped 62 lines
    90 92   t.contentChanged = true
    91 93  }
    92 94   
     95 +// contentCells calculates the number of cells the content takes to display on
     96 +// terminal.
     97 +func (t *Text) contentCells() int {
     98 + cells := 0
     99 + for _, c := range t.content {
     100 + cells += runewidth.RuneWidth(c.Rune, runewidth.CountAsWidth('\n', 1))
     101 + }
     102 + return cells
     103 +}
     104 + 
    93 105  // Write writes text for the widget to display. Multiple calls append
    94 106  // additional text. The text contain cannot control characters
    95 107  // (unicode.IsControl) or space character (unicode.IsSpace) other than:
    skipped 12 lines
    108 120   if opts.replace {
    109 121   t.reset()
    110 122   }
    111  - for _, r := range text {
     123 + 
     124 + truncated := truncateToCells(text, t.opts.maxTextCells)
     125 + textCells := runewidth.StringWidth(truncated, runewidth.CountAsWidth('\n', 1))
     126 + contentCells := t.contentCells()
     127 + // If MaxTextCells has been set, limit the content if needed.
     128 + if t.opts.maxTextCells > 0 && contentCells+textCells > t.opts.maxTextCells {
     129 + diff := contentCells + textCells - t.opts.maxTextCells
     130 + t.content = t.content[diff:]
     131 + }
     132 + 
     133 + for _, r := range truncated {
    112 134   t.content = append(t.content, buffer.NewCell(r, opts.cellOpts))
    113 135   }
    114 136   t.contentChanged = true
    skipped 170 lines
    285 307   }
    286 308  }
    287 309   
     310 +// truncateToCells truncates the beginning of text, so that it can be displayed
     311 +// in at most maxCells. Setting maxCells to zero disables truncating.
     312 +func truncateToCells(text string, maxCells int) string {
     313 + textCells := runewidth.StringWidth(text, runewidth.CountAsWidth('\n', 1))
     314 + if maxCells == 0 || textCells <= maxCells {
     315 + return text
     316 + }
     317 + 
     318 + haveCells := 0
     319 + textRunes := []rune(text)
     320 + i := len(textRunes) - 1
     321 + for ; i >= 0; i-- {
     322 + haveCells += runewidth.RuneWidth(textRunes[i], runewidth.CountAsWidth('\n', 1))
     323 + if haveCells > maxCells {
     324 + break
     325 + }
     326 + }
     327 + 
     328 + var b strings.Builder
     329 + for j := i + 1; j < len(textRunes); j++ {
     330 + b.WriteRune(textRunes[j])
     331 + }
     332 + return b.String()
     333 +}
     334 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
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    809 809   return ft
    810 810   },
    811 811   },
     812 + {
     813 + desc: "tests maxTextCells length being applied - multiline",
     814 + canvas: image.Rect(0, 0, 10, 3),
     815 + opts: []Option{
     816 + MaxTextCells(10),
     817 + RollContent(),
     818 + },
     819 + writes: func(widget *Text) error {
     820 + return widget.Write("line0\nline1\nline2\nline3\nline4")
     821 + },
     822 + want: func(size image.Point) *faketerm.Terminal {
     823 + ft := faketerm.MustNew(size)
     824 + c := testcanvas.MustNew(ft.Area())
     825 + // \n still counts as a chacter in the string length
     826 + testdraw.MustText(c, "ine3", image.Point{0, 0})
     827 + testdraw.MustText(c, "line4", image.Point{0, 1})
     828 + testcanvas.MustApply(c, ft)
     829 + return ft
     830 + },
     831 + },
     832 + {
     833 + desc: "tests maxTextCells - multiple writes - first one fits",
     834 + canvas: image.Rect(0, 0, 10, 3),
     835 + opts: []Option{
     836 + MaxTextCells(10),
     837 + RollContent(),
     838 + },
     839 + writes: func(widget *Text) error {
     840 + if err := widget.Write("line0\nline"); err != nil {
     841 + return err
     842 + }
     843 + return widget.Write("1\nline2\nline3\nline4")
     844 + },
     845 + want: func(size image.Point) *faketerm.Terminal {
     846 + ft := faketerm.MustNew(size)
     847 + c := testcanvas.MustNew(ft.Area())
     848 + // \n still counts as a chacter in the string length
     849 + testdraw.MustText(c, "ine3", image.Point{0, 0})
     850 + testdraw.MustText(c, "line4", image.Point{0, 1})
     851 + testcanvas.MustApply(c, ft)
     852 + return ft
     853 + },
     854 + },
     855 + {
     856 + desc: "tests maxTextCells - multiple writes - first one does not fit",
     857 + canvas: image.Rect(0, 0, 10, 3),
     858 + opts: []Option{
     859 + MaxTextCells(10),
     860 + RollContent(),
     861 + },
     862 + writes: func(widget *Text) error {
     863 + if err := widget.Write("line0\nline123"); err != nil {
     864 + return err
     865 + }
     866 + return widget.Write("1\nline2\nline3\nline4")
     867 + },
     868 + want: func(size image.Point) *faketerm.Terminal {
     869 + ft := faketerm.MustNew(size)
     870 + c := testcanvas.MustNew(ft.Area())
     871 + testdraw.MustText(c, "ine3", image.Point{0, 0})
     872 + testdraw.MustText(c, "line4", image.Point{0, 1})
     873 + testcanvas.MustApply(c, ft)
     874 + return ft
     875 + },
     876 + },
     877 + {
     878 + desc: "tests maxTextCells - accounts for pre-existing full-width runes on the content",
     879 + canvas: image.Rect(0, 0, 10, 3),
     880 + opts: []Option{
     881 + MaxTextCells(3),
     882 + RollContent(),
     883 + },
     884 + writes: func(widget *Text) error {
     885 + if err := widget.Write("界"); err != nil {
     886 + return err
     887 + }
     888 + return widget.Write("ab")
     889 + },
     890 + want: func(size image.Point) *faketerm.Terminal {
     891 + ft := faketerm.MustNew(size)
     892 + c := testcanvas.MustNew(ft.Area())
     893 + testdraw.MustText(c, "ab", image.Point{0, 0})
     894 + testcanvas.MustApply(c, ft)
     895 + return ft
     896 + },
     897 + },
     898 + {
     899 + desc: "tests maxTextCells exact length of 5",
     900 + canvas: image.Rect(0, 0, 10, 1),
     901 + opts: []Option{
     902 + RollContent(),
     903 + MaxTextCells(5),
     904 + },
     905 + writes: func(widget *Text) error {
     906 + return widget.Write("12345")
     907 + },
     908 + want: func(size image.Point) *faketerm.Terminal {
     909 + ft := faketerm.MustNew(size)
     910 + c := testcanvas.MustNew(ft.Area())
     911 + // Line return (\n) counts as one character
     912 + testdraw.MustText(
     913 + c,
     914 + "12345",
     915 + image.Point{0, 0},
     916 + )
     917 + testcanvas.MustApply(c, ft)
     918 + return ft
     919 + },
     920 + },
     921 + {
     922 + desc: "tests maxTextCells partial bufffer replacement",
     923 + canvas: image.Rect(0, 0, 10, 1),
     924 + opts: []Option{
     925 + RollContent(),
     926 + MaxTextCells(10),
     927 + },
     928 + writes: func(widget *Text) error {
     929 + return widget.Write("hello wor你12345678")
     930 + },
     931 + want: func(size image.Point) *faketerm.Terminal {
     932 + ft := faketerm.MustNew(size)
     933 + c := testcanvas.MustNew(ft.Area())
     934 + testdraw.MustText(
     935 + c,
     936 + "你12345678",
     937 + image.Point{0, 0},
     938 + )
     939 + testcanvas.MustApply(c, ft)
     940 + return ft
     941 + },
     942 + },
     943 + {
     944 + desc: "tests maxTextCells length not being limited",
     945 + canvas: image.Rect(0, 0, 72, 1),
     946 + opts: []Option{
     947 + RollContent(),
     948 + },
     949 + writes: func(widget *Text) error {
     950 + return widget.Write("1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
     951 + },
     952 + want: func(size image.Point) *faketerm.Terminal {
     953 + ft := faketerm.MustNew(size)
     954 + c := testcanvas.MustNew(ft.Area())
     955 + testdraw.MustText(
     956 + c,
     957 + "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
     958 + image.Point{0, 0},
     959 + )
     960 + testcanvas.MustApply(c, ft)
     961 + return ft
     962 + },
     963 + },
     964 + {
     965 + desc: "tests maxTextCells length being applied - single line",
     966 + canvas: image.Rect(0, 0, 10, 3),
     967 + opts: []Option{
     968 + MaxTextCells(5),
     969 + RollContent(),
     970 + },
     971 + writes: func(widget *Text) error {
     972 + return widget.Write("1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
     973 + },
     974 + want: func(size image.Point) *faketerm.Terminal {
     975 + ft := faketerm.MustNew(size)
     976 + c := testcanvas.MustNew(ft.Area())
     977 + testdraw.MustText(c, "vwxyz", image.Point{0, 0})
     978 + testcanvas.MustApply(c, ft)
     979 + return ft
     980 + },
     981 + },
    812 982   }
    813 983   
    814 984   for _, tc := range tests {
    skipped 87 lines
    902 1072   }
    903 1073  }
    904 1074   
     1075 +func TestTruncateToCells(t *testing.T) {
     1076 + tests := []struct {
     1077 + desc string
     1078 + text string
     1079 + maxCells int
     1080 + want string
     1081 + }{
     1082 + {
     1083 + desc: "returns empty on empty text",
     1084 + text: "",
     1085 + maxCells: 0,
     1086 + want: "",
     1087 + },
     1088 + {
     1089 + desc: "no need to truncate, length matches max",
     1090 + text: "a",
     1091 + maxCells: 1,
     1092 + want: "a",
     1093 + },
     1094 + {
     1095 + desc: "no need to truncate, shorter than max",
     1096 + text: "a",
     1097 + maxCells: 2,
     1098 + want: "a",
     1099 + },
     1100 + {
     1101 + desc: "no need to truncate, maxCells set to zero",
     1102 + text: "a",
     1103 + maxCells: 0,
     1104 + want: "a",
     1105 + },
     1106 + {
     1107 + desc: "truncates single rune to enforce max cells",
     1108 + text: "abc",
     1109 + maxCells: 2,
     1110 + want: "bc",
     1111 + },
     1112 + {
     1113 + desc: "truncates multiple runes to enforce max cells",
     1114 + text: "abcde",
     1115 + maxCells: 3,
     1116 + want: "cde",
     1117 + },
     1118 + {
     1119 + desc: "accounts for cells taken by newline characters",
     1120 + text: "a\ncde",
     1121 + maxCells: 3,
     1122 + want: "cde",
     1123 + },
     1124 + {
     1125 + desc: "truncates full-width rune on its edge",
     1126 + text: "世界",
     1127 + maxCells: 2,
     1128 + want: "界",
     1129 + },
     1130 + {
     1131 + desc: "truncates full-width rune because only half of it fits",
     1132 + text: "世界",
     1133 + maxCells: 3,
     1134 + want: "界",
     1135 + },
     1136 + {
     1137 + desc: "full-width runes - truncating not needed",
     1138 + text: "世界",
     1139 + maxCells: 4,
     1140 + want: "世界",
     1141 + },
     1142 + }
     1143 + 
     1144 + for _, tc := range tests {
     1145 + t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
     1146 + got := truncateToCells(tc.text, tc.maxCells)
     1147 + if diff := pretty.Compare(tc.want, got); diff != "" {
     1148 + t.Errorf("truncateToCells => unexpected diff (-want, +got):\n%s", diff)
     1149 + }
     1150 + })
     1151 + }
     1152 +}
     1153 + 
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