Projects STRLCPY syft Commits 8102ad4e
Revision indexing in progress... (symbol navigation in revisions will be accurate after indexed)
  • ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 48 lines
    49 49  )
    50 50   
    51 51  require (
    52  - v0.7.1-0.20221222100750-41a1ac565cce
     52 + v0.7.1
    53 53 v3.2.3
    54 54 v0.0.0-20220728155337-03b66a5207d8
    55 55 v0.0.0-20230412183729-8602f1afc574
    skipped 121 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 53 lines
    54 54 v0.3.1/go.mod h1:xHWCNGjB5oqiDr8zfno3MHue2Ht5sIBksp03qcyfWMU=
    55 55 v0.4.1/go.mod h1:CxXYINrC8qIiEnFrOxCa7Jy5BFHlXnUU2pbicEuybxQ=
    56 56 v0.0.0-20160522181843-27f122750802/go.mod h1:IVnqGOEym/WlBOVXweHU+Q+/VP0lqqI8lqeDx9IjBqo=
    57 v0.7.1-0.20221222100750-41a1ac565cce h1:o5r3msApzvtE5LhcMkxWaKernD/PK0HpMccu7ywBj5Q=
    58 v0.7.1-0.20221222100750-41a1ac565cce/go.mod h1:XURd0m8zvnLE5aIRqg6JOVRl7qZ/pWBtuFa9EHjQwFc=
     57 v0.7.1 h1:5w1SxjGm9MTMNTuRbEPyw21ObdbaagTWF/KfF0qHTRE=
     58 v0.7.1/go.mod h1:N/nrdWQI2SIjaACyyDs/u7+ddCkyl/zkNs8xFsHF2Ps=
    59 59 v3.2.0+incompatible/go.mod h1:LButxg5PwREeZtORoXG3tL4fMGNddJ+vMq1mwgfaqoQ=
    60 60 v1.4.5 h1:EndNeuB0l9syBZhut0wns3gV1hL8zX8LIu6ZiVHWLIQ=
    61 61 v1.4.5/go.mod h1:1jcaCB/ufaK+sKp1NBhlGmpz41jOoPQ35bpF36t7BBo=
    skipped 1155 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 32 lines
    33 33  }
    34 34   
    35 35  func cycloneDxRedactor(s []byte) []byte {
    36  - serialPattern := regexp.MustCompile(`urn:uuid:[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}`)
    37  - rfc3339Pattern := regexp.MustCompile(`([0-9]+)-(0[1-9]|1[012])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[Tt]([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9]|60)(\.[0-9]+)?(([Zz])|([+|\-]([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]))`)
    38  - sha256Pattern := regexp.MustCompile(`sha256:[A-Fa-f0-9]{64}`)
    39  - for _, pattern := range []*regexp.Regexp{serialPattern, rfc3339Pattern, sha256Pattern} {
    40  - s = pattern.ReplaceAll(s, []byte(""))
     36 + replacements := map[string]string{
     37 + // UUIDs
     38 + `urn:uuid:[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}`: `urn:uuid:redacted`,
     39 + // timestamps
     40 + `([0-9]+)-(0[1-9]|1[012])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[Tt]([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9]|60)(\.[0-9]+)?(([Zz])|([+|\-]([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]))`: `timestamp:redacted`,
     41 + // image hashes
     42 + `sha256:[A-Fa-f0-9]{64}`: `sha256:redacted`,
     43 + // bom-refs
     44 + `"bom-ref":\s*"[^"]+"`: `"bom-ref": "redacted"`,
    41 45   }
    42  - // the bom-ref will be autogenerated every time, the value here should not be directly tested in snapshot tests
    43  - s = regexp.MustCompile(`\s+"bom-ref":\s*"[^"]+",?\n`).ReplaceAll(s, []byte(""))
    44  - 
     46 + for pattern, replacement := range replacements {
     47 + s = regexp.MustCompile(pattern).ReplaceAll(s, []byte(replacement))
     48 + }
    45 49   return s
    46 50  }
    47 51   
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  {
     2 + "$schema": "",
    2 3   "bomFormat": "CycloneDX",
    3 4   "specVersion": "1.4",
    4  - "serialNumber": "urn:uuid:0b628da1-274e-4c24-821c-f9452f37db54",
     5 + "serialNumber": "urn:uuid:redacted",
    5 6   "version": 1,
    6 7   "metadata": {
    7  - "timestamp": "2022-12-22T18:33:51-05:00",
     8 + "timestamp": "timestamp:redacted",
    8 9   "tools": [
    9 10   {
    10 11   "vendor": "anchore",
    skipped 2 lines
    13 14   }
    14 15   ],
    15 16   "component": {
    16  - "bom-ref": "163686ac6e30c752",
     17 + "bom-ref": "redacted",
    17 18   "type": "file",
    18 19   "name": "/some/path"
    19 20   }
    20 21   },
    21 22   "components": [
    22 23   {
    23  - "bom-ref": "1b1d0be59ac59d2c",
     24 + "bom-ref": "redacted",
    24 25   "type": "library",
    25 26   "name": "package-1",
    26 27   "version": "1.0.1",
    skipped 30 lines
    57 58   ]
    58 59   },
    59 60   {
    60  - "bom-ref": "pkg:deb/debian/[email protected]?package-id=db4abfe497c180d3",
     61 + "bom-ref": "redacted",
    61 62   "type": "library",
    62 63   "name": "package-2",
    63 64   "version": "2.0.1",
    skipped 57 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1 1  {
     2 + "$schema": "",
    2 3   "bomFormat": "CycloneDX",
    3 4   "specVersion": "1.4",
    4  - "serialNumber": "urn:uuid:542fc1a1-81ac-4b76-b9e2-8e6b9d8c840a",
     5 + "serialNumber": "urn:uuid:redacted",
    5 6   "version": 1,
    6 7   "metadata": {
    7  - "timestamp": "2022-12-22T18:33:51-05:00",
     8 + "timestamp": "timestamp:redacted",
    8 9   "tools": [
    9 10   {
    10 11   "vendor": "anchore",
    skipped 2 lines
    13 14   }
    14 15   ],
    15 16   "component": {
    16  - "bom-ref": "ffd645a093c0fe70",
     17 + "bom-ref": "redacted",
    17 18   "type": "container",
    18 19   "name": "user-image-input",
    19  - "version": "sha256:2731251dc34951c0e50fcc643b4c5f74922dad1a5d98f302b504cf46cd5d9368"
     20 + "version": "sha256:redacted"
    20 21   }
    21 22   },
    22 23   "components": [
    23 24   {
    24  - "bom-ref": "66ba429119b8bec6",
     25 + "bom-ref": "redacted",
    25 26   "type": "library",
    26 27   "name": "package-1",
    27 28   "version": "1.0.1",
    skipped 25 lines
    53 54   },
    54 55   {
    55 56   "name": "syft:location:0:layerID",
    56  - "value": "sha256:62058900d4ce269c900160b8dd255fe310c3a459dda236d041102fa070f84406"
     57 + "value": "sha256:redacted"
    57 58   },
    58 59   {
    59 60   "name": "syft:location:0:path",
    skipped 2 lines
    62 63   ]
    63 64   },
    64 65   {
    65  - "bom-ref": "pkg:deb/debian/[email protected]?package-id=958443e2d9304af4",
     66 + "bom-ref": "redacted",
    66 67   "type": "library",
    67 68   "name": "package-2",
    68 69   "version": "2.0.1",
    skipped 14 lines
    83 84   },
    84 85   {
    85 86   "name": "syft:location:0:layerID",
    86  - "value": "sha256:623ad97366f39ae279f1925673cdacb4851ddf2e3266f04e63010ec080a098c1"
     87 + "value": "sha256:redacted"
    87 88   },
    88 89   {
    89 90   "name": "syft:location:0:path",
    skipped 40 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 46 lines
    47 47   
    48 48   err := format.Encode(&buffer, sbom)
    49 49   assert.NoError(t, err)
    50  - actual := buffer.Bytes()
     50 + actual := redact(buffer.Bytes(), redactors...)
    51 51   
    52 52   // replace the expected snapshot contents with the current encoder contents
    53 53   if updateSnapshot {
    54 54   testutils.UpdateGoldenFileContents(t, actual)
    55 55   }
    56 56   
    57  - var expected = testutils.GetGoldenFileContents(t)
    58  - 
    59  - // remove dynamic values, which should be tested independently
    60  - redactors = append(redactors, carriageRedactor)
    61  - for _, r := range redactors {
    62  - actual = r(actual)
    63  - expected = r(expected)
    64  - }
     57 + expected := redact(testutils.GetGoldenFileContents(t), redactors...)
    65 58   
    66 59   if json {
    67 60   require.JSONEq(t, string(expected), string(actual))
    skipped 10 lines
    78 71   
    79 72   err := format.Encode(&buffer, sbom)
    80 73   assert.NoError(t, err)
    81  - actual := buffer.Bytes()
     74 + actual := redact(buffer.Bytes(), redactors...)
    82 75   
    83 76   // replace the expected snapshot contents with the current encoder contents
    84 77   if updateSnapshot {
    85 78   testutils.UpdateGoldenFileContents(t, actual)
    86 79   }
    87 80   
    88  - var expected = testutils.GetGoldenFileContents(t)
    89  - 
    90  - // remove dynamic values, which should be tested independently
    91  - redactors = append(redactors, carriageRedactor)
    92  - for _, r := range redactors {
    93  - actual = r(actual)
    94  - expected = r(expected)
    95  - }
     81 + expected := redact(testutils.GetGoldenFileContents(t), redactors...)
    96 82   
    97 83   if json {
    98 84   require.JSONEq(t, string(expected), string(actual))
    skipped 292 lines
    391 377   }
    392 378  }
    393 379   
     380 +// remove dynamic values, which should be tested independently
     381 +func redact(b []byte, redactors ...redactor) []byte {
     382 + redactors = append(redactors, carriageRedactor)
     383 + for _, r := range redactors {
     384 + b = r(b)
     385 + }
     386 + return b
     387 +}
     388 + 
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