Projects STRLCPY syft Commits 550e2fc7
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    14 14  GOSIMPORTS_VERSION := v0.3.5
    15 15  BOUNCER_VERSION := v0.4.0
    16 16  CHRONICLE_VERSION := v0.6.0
    17  -GORELEASER_VERSION := v1.15.1
     17 +GORELEASER_VERSION := v1.15.2
    18 18  YAJSV_VERSION := v1.4.1
    19 19  COSIGN_VERSION := v1.13.1
    20 20  QUILL_VERSION := v0.2.0
    21  -GLOW_VERSION := v1.4.1
     21 +GLOW_VERSION := v1.5.0
    22 22   
    23 23  # Formatting variables #################################
    24 24  BOLD := $(shell tput -T linux bold)
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