Projects STRLCPY syft Commits 30583858
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    119 119  Catalogers are the way in which syft is able to identify and construct packages given some amount of source metadata.
    120 120  For example, Syft can locate and process `package-lock.json` files when performing filesystem scans.
    121 121  See: [how to specify file globs](
    122  -and an implementation of the [package-lock.json parser]( fora quick review.
     122 +and an implementation of the [package-lock.json parser]( for a quick review.
     123 + 
     124 +From a high level catalogers have the following properties:
     125 + 
     126 +- They are independent from one another. The java cataloger has no idea of the processes, assumptions, or results of the python cataloger, for example.
     127 + 
     128 +- They do not know what source is being analyzed. Are we analyzing a local directory? an image? if so, the squashed representation or all layers? The catalogers do not know the answers to these questions. Only that there is an interface to query for file paths and contents from an underlying "source" being scanned.
     129 + 
     130 +- Packages created by the cataloger should not be mutated after they are created. There is one exception made for adding CPEs to a package after the cataloging phase, but that will most likely be moved back into the cataloger in the future.
    123 131   
    124 132  #### Building a new Cataloger
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