Projects STRLCPY stackexplain Commits ec36333b
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    8 8   
    9 9  You can install `stackexplain` with pip:
    10 10   
    11  -`$ pip3 install stackexplain`
     11 +```bash
     12 +$ pip3 install stackexplain
     13 +```
    12 14   
    13 15  ## Usage
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    15 17  Running a file with `stackexplain` is just as easy as running it normally:
    16 18   
    17  -`$ stackexplain [file_path]`
     19 +```bash
     20 +$ stackexplain [file_path]
     21 +```
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    19 23  This will execute the file and, if an error is thrown, send the stack trace to ChatGPT and display its explanation in your terminal.
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