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Scalable Scorecard

Scale OSSF Scorecard to 100k+ repositories.

  • Author: Azeem
  • Last Updated: 2021-09-23
  • Status: Complete


Scorecard!!missing!! is an open source project by Google in collaboration with OpenSSF to automate the analysis and trust decisions on the security posture of an open source project. As part of this project we (Google) maintain a cron job, which calculates Scorecard results on a predefined list of open source projects and makes it available to the public for consumption.

The current cron/batch job runs on ~2k repositories. It utilizes a single worker machine to process all repositories and does so by running the Scorecard command-line tool and processing the stdout output of this tool. This has caused us problems in the past (TODO: add links to issues) with reliability and maintainability of this service.

The performance of this service is also questionable. It takes ~18+hrs to process the current list of ~2k repositories. The main bottleneck here has been the usage of GitHub tokens which are rate-limited to 5k API requests per-hour per token. To overcome this, the current service uses 6 different tokens of unique GitHub accounts, making our rate limit to be 30k API requests per-hour.

We propose a re-design of this service such that the underlying machine infrastructure can handle a larger number of repositories and a more efficient usage of GitHub tokens for better throughput. Following the Google convention, our aim in this document is to scale the current solution by 10x and we’ll be proposing a solution capable of handling 100k+ repositories.


We propose the following work areas to help improve Scorecard scalability:

  • Sharded batch job
  • GitHub token optimization
  • Reliability and Testing
  • Developer journey

These areas are listed in approximately decreasing order of priority.

Sharded Batch Job

The current cron/batch job works on ~2k repositories and utilizes a single worker machine to process all the repositories. Below we propose an option to provide horizontal scalability to this architecture which could help scale this solution up further.

Scorecard Architecture Diagram

PubSub architecture

All repositories to be processed will be pushed to a single PubSub Topic. Each published request will represent a single shard to be output by the PubSub subscribers/workers. Multiple workers can read and process requests from this Topic independently, providing required parallelization. Every processed request will result in a new shard being output to Google Cloud Storage.


  • Horizontal scalability - can add more workers if needed to improve performance.
  • Reliability - if workers go down during processing a request, requests can be retried easily.
  • Can use Golang’s generic PubSub package to make this work across different cloud platforms.

Token Sharing

A single GitHub token cannot be used concurrently. Along with the primary rate limit (api_requests per hour), GitHub servers apply a secondary rate limit (abuse detection). The abuse detection mechanism gets triggered if a token is used concurrently. Repeatedly triggering the abuse rate limits causes the token to be bricked. To avoid this, we need to consider how the GitHub token will be shared across workers (nodes) in an efficient way.

We propose maintaining a TokenServer which exposes GetToken() and ReleaseToken() RPC methods. Tokens will be provided to the service using a Kubernetes secret which it consumes as an environment variable. The PubSub workers use the exposed RPC method to obtain tokens for their usage. TokenServer takes care of efficiently distributing the tokens (e.g using RoundRobin method).

Storage and Database Schema

Things to consider:

  • We expect that the most common query from our users would be to get the latest (or at a particular date) Scorecard results for a given dependency. So we’ll design our schema to optimize this query.
  • BigQuery performs best when schema is denormalized and encourages nested repeated columns in schema - images/scorecard_denormalization.png.
  • Limitation on nested repeated fields is that nesting cannot be more than 15 levels - images/scorecard_limitation_nested_fields.png.
  • Does it make sense to tag our results with the package version along with the date? It might be more useful for users to lookup Scorecard for a package by version rather than date?

BigQuery Schema

Note that below specifies the schema in Protobuf format for brevity only.

// BigQuerySchema

message Check {
  optional string name = 1;
  optional bool pass = 2;
  optional int confidence = 3;

message BigQuerySchemaV1 {
  optional string repo = 1;
  optional datetime date = 2;
  repeated Check checks = 3;

Partitioned Tables

BQ allows users to partition tables based on the column value of TIMESTAMP. With Scorecard scaling to 100K repos and eventually to 1M, the number of rows that will be appended periodically to the BigQuery table will be significant. We propose partitioning the BigQuery table using the date field in the schema. This will create a new partition for the day the results were calculated. This will improve query performance and will allow users to access latest results easily.

Appending Data

BQ streaming API seems limited due to quotas, constraints and language (the efficient gRPC API is only available in Java). So using BQ Data Transfer Service is currently the only viable solution.

BQ Data Transfer Service can read Cloud Storage URIs with wildcards. So each worker in our sharded batch job can write to a separate file inside a Cloud Storage bucket. We can then setup a recurring data transfer job to load data into BQ.

Interaction With Batch Job

To make sure that BQ data transfer job and the sharded batch job interact smoothly with each other, we propose:

  • The PubSub controller owns the logic for creating shards and decides the shard size. This ensures that the number of shards to be expected per run are deterministic and available at the time of PubSub request creation.
  • The PubSub controller writes the num_expected_shards from a run to the GCS bucket.
  • The PubSub worker creates a single shard for every request it receives from the topic.
  • BQ data transfer (BQDT) periodically reads from the GCS folder of a single run and initiates a transfer to BQ only if: num_expected_shards == num_created_shards.
  • All GCS folders created by the daily batch job will have a TTL of 15 days. This ensures both data backup and garbage collection.

View of Latest Data

We will also create a View on our BQ dataset which points to the latest partition in the dataset. This should provide a smooth interface for users to query the latest results.

Alternatives Considered

MapReduce architecture (with intermediate storage)

The repositories to be processed could be sharded and Mapper jobs will then send these smaller chunks of repositories to Workers. In addition, we could choose to add a layer of intermediate storage between Mapper and Reducer (if one isn’t already provided by the framework) to help improve reliability in case the Mapper or Reducer worker goes down.


  • More robust than the pub sub architecture in terms of reliability.
  • We can use existing MapReduce frameworks for our purpose (e.g BigQuery connector).
  • Horizontal scalability - easy to add more mapper/reducers.


  • No out-of-the-box solution provided by Cloud providers and will require lot of custom logic and service maintenance.


MapReduce Architecture Diagram

BigQuery Schema

// BigQuerySchema

message Check {
  optional string name = 1;
  optional bool pass = 2;
  optional int confidence = 3;

message BigQuerySchemaV2 {
  optional string repo = 1;
  optional datetime date = 2;
  optional Check active = 3;
  optional Check reviews = 4;


  • Better queriability - clients can choose to select which checks they want to query.
  • If in future, we choose to have different structs representing different checks, it would be advantageous to have this structure.


  • Since each check is explicitly mentioned, adding a new check would require updating the BQ schema.
  • There is no performance or scalability advantage for this added complexity.

Token Sharing

  • Per node tokens - a set of tokens will be assigned to every node which it will use in a round-robin way.
    • Inefficient - tokens might be under utilized.
    • DevOps will be difficult to automate.
  • Oliver Chang: every node will have access to all tokens. This reduces DevOps complexity at the cost of efficiency.
    • Does not allow for a high degree of parallelism.
    • This option was used in the initial development stages before moving to the “Token Server” option.

GitHub Tokens

There are 2 problems with the current usage pattern of GitHub APIs in our code:

  • Most checks need O(n) API calls.
  • The same API call is repeated across checks.

To improve the efficiency of GitHub token usage we propose:

  1. Using the GraphQL API instead of REST. This will help bring down the number of API calls from O(n) to O(1).
  2. Expose high-level APIs (e.g GetMergedPRs(), ListCommits() etc.) which under the hood cache the results for a repository and ensure there are no repeated calls to the same API.
  3. At the architecture level, we don’t expect all repos to be changing as frequently as we run the Scorecard job. We should consider using GitHub’s conditional requests. Although not all API endpoints support this today, it's a good starting point.

Both (1) and (2) can be achieved by implementing a RepoClient interface as described here:

Reliability and Testing


Release Process Diagram

As part of improving the reliability of the cron, we propose setting up an end-to-end integration testing framework. This will also serve as our release process. We propose:

  • Scorecard images will be built with COMMIT_SHA and latest tags using CloudBuild triggers.
  • The PubSub controller will generate a shard_metadata file which will contain the COMMIT_SHA used to generate the shards.
  • The release tests will trigger every 24 hours and use the latest tag binaries.
  • The tests will run on a sample of the repos used during the weekly runs.
    • There will be a separate BQ table and a successful data transfer to this table will be considered as the test successful.
    • There will be sanity tests like ensuring no runtime errors occur during the running of the test.
    • This will not test the result quality.
  • If the release tests are successful:
    • The release tests will trigger a webhook which tags the docker image corresponding to COMMIT_SHA tag with stable.
  • The weekly cron job uses the stable tag binaries and goes through the same process as the release test. The only difference being that a successful run will trigger a different webhook which generates a new Git tag (using SemVer) for the associated COMMIT_SHA.

Developer Journeys

Scalability of a project like Scorecard greatly benefits from wider developer usage and contributions from Open Source developers. Currently, the project is highly developer unfriendly for anyone trying it out for the first time. Towards this end, we need efforts to:

  • Add non-hermetic tests which are not flaky and do not fail based on environment variables and access to GCS.
  • Better unit test coverage to add confidence for any incoming PRs.
  • Better documentation.
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