Projects STRLCPY scorecard Commits f983480b
Revision indexing in progress... (symbol navigation in revisions will be accurate after indexed)
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    skipped 41 lines
    42 42  .vscode/
    43 43  *.iml
    44 44  .idea
     45 +.history
    45 46   
    46 47  # tools
    47 48  bin
    skipped 9 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 44 lines
    45 45   localdir.CreateLocalDirClient(ctx, logger), /*repoClient*/
    46 46   nil, /*ossFuzzClient*/
    47 47   nil, /*ciiClient*/
    48  - nil, /*vulnClient*/
     48 + clients.DefaultVulnerabilitiesClient(), /*vulnClient*/
    49 49   retErr
    50 50   }
    51 51   
    skipped 24 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 17 lines
    18 18   "fmt"
    19 19   "strings"
    20 20   
     21 + ""
     22 + 
    21 23   ""
    22 24   sce ""
    23 25  )
    skipped 7 lines
    31 33   return checker.CreateRuntimeErrorResult(name, e)
    32 34   }
    33 35   
    34  - score := checker.MaxResultScore
    35  - IDs := []string{}
     36 + aliasVulnerabilities := []grouper.IDAliases{}
    36 37   for _, vuln := range r.Vulnerabilities {
    37  - IDs = append(IDs, vuln.ID)
    38  - score--
     38 + aliasVulnerabilities = append(aliasVulnerabilities, grouper.IDAliases(vuln))
    39 39   }
    40 40   
     41 + IDs := grouper.Group(aliasVulnerabilities)
     42 + score := checker.MaxResultScore - len(IDs)
     43 + 
    41 44   if score < checker.MinResultScore {
    42 45   score = checker.MinResultScore
    43 46   }
    44 47   
    45 48   if len(IDs) > 0 {
    46  - dl.Warn(&checker.LogMessage{
    47  - Text: fmt.Sprintf("HEAD is vulnerable to %s", strings.Join(IDs, ", ")),
    48  - })
     49 + for _, v := range IDs {
     50 + dl.Warn(&checker.LogMessage{
     51 + Text: fmt.Sprintf("Project is vulnerable to: %s", strings.Join(v.IDs, " / ")),
     52 + })
     53 + }
     54 + 
    49 55   return checker.CreateResultWithScore(name,
    50 56   fmt.Sprintf("%v existing vulnerabilities detected", len(IDs)), score)
    51 57   }
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    skipped 22 lines
    23 23   
    24 24  // Vulnerabilities retrieves the raw data for the Vulnerabilities check.
    25 25  func Vulnerabilities(c *checker.CheckRequest) (checker.VulnerabilitiesData, error) {
     26 + commitHash := ""
    26 27   commits, err := c.RepoClient.ListCommits()
    27  - if err != nil {
    28  - return checker.VulnerabilitiesData{}, fmt.Errorf("repoClient.ListCommits: %w", err)
     28 + if err == nil && len(commits) > 0 && !allOf(commits, hasEmptySHA) {
     29 + commitHash = commits[0].SHA
    29 30   }
    30 31   
    31  - if len(commits) < 1 || allOf(commits, hasEmptySHA) {
    32  - return checker.VulnerabilitiesData{}, nil
     32 + localPath, err := c.RepoClient.LocalPath()
     33 + if err != nil {
     34 + return checker.VulnerabilitiesData{}, fmt.Errorf("RepoClient.LocalPath: %w", err)
    33 35   }
    34  - 
    35  - resp, err := c.VulnerabilitiesClient.HasUnfixedVulnerabilities(c.Ctx, commits[0].SHA)
     36 + resp, err := c.VulnerabilitiesClient.ListUnfixedVulnerabilities(c.Ctx, commitHash, localPath)
    36 37   if err != nil {
    37  - return checker.VulnerabilitiesData{}, fmt.Errorf("vulnerabilitiesClient.HasUnfixedVulnerabilities: %w", err)
     38 + return checker.VulnerabilitiesData{}, fmt.Errorf("vulnerabilitiesClient.ListUnfixedVulnerabilities: %w", err)
    38 39   }
    39 40   return checker.VulnerabilitiesData{
    40 41   Vulnerabilities: resp.Vulnerabilities,
    skipped 18 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 84 lines
    85 85   return []clients.Commit{{SHA: "test"}}, nil
    86 86   }).AnyTimes()
    87 87   
     88 + mockRepo.EXPECT().LocalPath().DoAndReturn(func() (string, error) {
     89 + return "test_path", nil
     90 + }).AnyTimes()
     91 + 
    88 92   mockVulnClient := mockrepo.NewMockVulnerabilitiesClient(ctrl)
    89  - mockVulnClient.EXPECT().HasUnfixedVulnerabilities(context.TODO(), gomock.Any()).DoAndReturn(
    90  - func(ctx context.Context, repo string) (clients.VulnerabilitiesResponse, error) {
     93 + mockVulnClient.EXPECT().ListUnfixedVulnerabilities(context.TODO(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).DoAndReturn(
     94 + func(ctx context.Context, commit string, localPath string) (clients.VulnerabilitiesResponse, error) {
    91 95   if tt.vulnsError {
    92 96   //nolint
    93 97   return clients.VulnerabilitiesResponse{}, errors.New("error")
    skipped 28 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 27 lines
    28 28  func init() {
    29 29   supportedRequestTypes := []checker.RequestType{
    30 30   checker.CommitBased,
     31 + checker.FileBased,
    31 32   }
    32 33   if err := registerCheck(CheckVulnerabilities, Vulnerabilities, supportedRequestTypes); err != nil {
    33 34   // this should never happen
    skipped 20 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 54 lines
    55 55   return []clients.Commit{{SHA: "test"}}, nil
    56 56   }).MinTimes(1)
    57 57   
     58 + mockRepo.EXPECT().LocalPath().DoAndReturn(func() (string, error) {
     59 + return "test_path", nil
     60 + }).AnyTimes()
     61 + 
    58 62   mockVulnClient := mockrepo.NewMockVulnerabilitiesClient(ctrl)
    59  - mockVulnClient.EXPECT().HasUnfixedVulnerabilities(context.TODO(), gomock.Any()).DoAndReturn(
    60  - func(ctx context.Context, repo string) (clients.VulnerabilitiesResponse, error) {
     63 + mockVulnClient.EXPECT().ListUnfixedVulnerabilities(context.TODO(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).DoAndReturn(
     64 + func(ctx context.Context, commit string, localPath string) (clients.VulnerabilitiesResponse, error) {
    61 65   return tt.expected, tt.err
    62 66   }).MinTimes(1)
    63 67   
    skipped 16 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 129 lines
    130 130   return fmt.Sprintf("", client.repourl.owner, client.repourl.repo)
    131 131  }
    132 132   
     133 +// LocalPath implements RepoClient.LocalPath.
     134 +func (client *Client) LocalPath() (string, error) {
     135 + return client.tarball.getLocalPath()
     136 +}
     137 + 
    133 138  // ListFiles implements RepoClient.ListFiles.
    134 139  func (client *Client) ListFiles(predicate func(string) (bool, error)) ([]string, error) {
    135 140   return client.tarball.listFiles(predicate)
    skipped 186 lines
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    skipped 242 lines
    243 243   return ret, nil
    244 244  }
    245 245   
     246 +func (handler *tarballHandler) getLocalPath() (string, error) {
     247 + if err := handler.setup(); err != nil {
     248 + return "", fmt.Errorf("error during tarballHandler.setup: %w", err)
     249 + }
     250 + absTempDir, err := filepath.Abs(handler.tempDir)
     251 + if err != nil {
     252 + return "", fmt.Errorf("error during filepath.Abs: %w", err)
     253 + }
     254 + return absTempDir, nil
     255 +}
     256 + 
    246 257  func (handler *tarballHandler) getFileContent(filename string) ([]byte, error) {
    247 258   if err := handler.setup(); err != nil {
    248 259   return nil, fmt.Errorf("error during tarballHandler.setup: %w", err)
    skipped 17 lines
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    skipped 135 lines
    136 136   return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", client.repourl.hostname, client.repourl.owner, client.repourl.projectID)
    137 137  }
    138 138   
     139 +func (client *Client) LocalPath() (string, error) {
     140 + return "", nil
     141 +}
     142 + 
    139 143  func (client *Client) ListFiles(predicate func(string) (bool, error)) ([]string, error) {
    140 144   return nil, nil
    141 145  }
    skipped 134 lines
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    skipped 141 lines
    142 142   return files, nil
    143 143  }
    144 144   
     145 +// LocalPath implements RepoClient.LocalPath.
     146 +func (client *localDirClient) LocalPath() (string, error) {
     147 + clientPath, err := filepath.Abs(client.path)
     148 + if err != nil {
     149 + return "", fmt.Errorf("error during filepath.Abs: %w", err)
     150 + }
     151 + return clientPath, nil
     152 +}
     153 + 
    145 154  // ListFiles implements RepoClient.ListFiles.
    146 155  func (client *localDirClient) ListFiles(predicate func(string) (bool, error)) ([]string, error) {
    147 156   client.once.Do(func() {
    skipped 113 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 332 lines
    333 333   return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "ListWebhooks", reflect.TypeOf((*MockRepoClient)(nil).ListWebhooks))
    334 334  }
    335 335   
     336 +// LocalPath mocks base method.
     337 +func (m *MockRepoClient) LocalPath() (string, error) {
     338 + m.ctrl.T.Helper()
     339 + ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "LocalPath")
     340 + ret0, _ := ret[0].(string)
     341 + ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
     342 + return ret0, ret1
     343 +}
     344 + 
     345 +// LocalPath indicates an expected call of LocalPath.
     346 +func (mr *MockRepoClientMockRecorder) LocalPath() *gomock.Call {
     347 + mr.mock.ctrl.T.Helper()
     348 + return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "LocalPath", reflect.TypeOf((*MockRepoClient)(nil).LocalPath))
     349 +}
     350 + 
    336 351  // Search mocks base method.
    337 352  func (m *MockRepoClient) Search(request clients.SearchRequest) (clients.SearchResponse, error) {
    338 353   m.ctrl.T.Helper()
    skipped 41 lines
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    skipped 49 lines
    50 50   return m.recorder
    51 51  }
    52 52   
    53  -// HasUnfixedVulnerabilities mocks base method.
    54  -func (m *MockVulnerabilitiesClient) HasUnfixedVulnerabilities(context context.Context, commit string) (clients.VulnerabilitiesResponse, error) {
     53 +// ListUnfixedVulnerabilities mocks base method.
     54 +func (m *MockVulnerabilitiesClient) ListUnfixedVulnerabilities(context context.Context, commit, localDir string) (clients.VulnerabilitiesResponse, error) {
    55 55   m.ctrl.T.Helper()
    56  - ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "HasUnfixedVulnerabilities", context, commit)
     56 + ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "ListUnfixedVulnerabilities", context, commit, localDir)
    57 57   ret0, _ := ret[0].(clients.VulnerabilitiesResponse)
    58 58   ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
    59 59   return ret0, ret1
    60 60  }
    61 61   
    62  -// HasUnfixedVulnerabilities indicates an expected call of HasUnfixedVulnerabilities.
    63  -func (mr *MockVulnerabilitiesClientMockRecorder) HasUnfixedVulnerabilities(context, commit interface{}) *gomock.Call {
     62 +// ListUnfixedVulnerabilities indicates an expected call of ListUnfixedVulnerabilities.
     63 +func (mr *MockVulnerabilitiesClientMockRecorder) ListUnfixedVulnerabilities(context, commit, localDir interface{}) *gomock.Call {
    64 64   mr.mock.ctrl.T.Helper()
    65  - return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "HasUnfixedVulnerabilities", reflect.TypeOf((*MockVulnerabilitiesClient)(nil).HasUnfixedVulnerabilities), context, commit)
     65 + return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "ListUnfixedVulnerabilities", reflect.TypeOf((*MockVulnerabilitiesClient)(nil).ListUnfixedVulnerabilities), context, commit, localDir)
    66 66  }
    67 67   
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 14 lines
    15 15  package clients
    16 16   
    17 17  import (
    18  - "bytes"
    19 18   "context"
    20  - "encoding/json"
    21  - "net/http"
     19 + "fmt"
    22 20   
    23  - ""
     21 + ""
    24 22  )
    25 23   
    26 24  var _ VulnerabilitiesClient = osvClient{}
    27 25   
    28 26  type osvClient struct{}
    29 27   
    30  -const osvQueryEndpoint = ""
    31  - 
    32  -type osvQuery struct {
    33  - Commit string `json:"commit"`
    34  -}
    35  - 
    36  -type osvResp struct {
    37  - Vulns []struct {
    38  - ID string `json:"id"`
    39  - } `json:"vulns"`
    40  -}
    41  - 
    42  -// HasUnfixedVulnerabilities implements VulnerabilityClient.HasUnfixedVulnerabilities.
    43  -func (v osvClient) HasUnfixedVulnerabilities(ctx context.Context, commit string) (VulnerabilitiesResponse, error) {
    44  - query, err := json.Marshal(&osvQuery{
    45  - Commit: commit,
    46  - })
    47  - if err != nil {
    48  - return VulnerabilitiesResponse{}, errors.WithMessage(err, "failed to marshal query")
     28 +// ListUnfixedVulnerabilities implements VulnerabilityClient.ListUnfixedVulnerabilities.
     29 +func (v osvClient) ListUnfixedVulnerabilities(
     30 + ctx context.Context,
     31 + commit,
     32 + localPath string,
     33 +) (VulnerabilitiesResponse, error) {
     34 + directoryPaths := []string{}
     35 + if localPath != "" {
     36 + directoryPaths = append(directoryPaths, localPath)
    49 37   }
    50  - 
    51  - req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, http.MethodPost, osvQueryEndpoint, bytes.NewReader(query))
    52  - if err != nil {
    53  - return VulnerabilitiesResponse{}, errors.WithMessage(err, "failed to create request")
     38 + gitCommits := []string{}
     39 + if commit != "" {
     40 + gitCommits = append(gitCommits, commit)
    54 41   }
    55  - 
    56  - httpClient := &http.Client{}
    57  - resp, err := httpClient.Do(req)
     42 + res, err := osvscanner.DoScan(osvscanner.ScannerActions{
     43 + DirectoryPaths: directoryPaths,
     44 + SkipGit: true,
     45 + Recursive: true,
     46 + GitCommits: gitCommits,
     47 + }, nil) // TODO: Do logging?
    58 48   if err != nil {
    59  - return VulnerabilitiesResponse{}, errors.WithMessage(err, "failed to send request")
     49 + return VulnerabilitiesResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("osvscanner.DoScan: %w", err)
    60 50   }
    61  - defer resp.Body.Close()
    62 51   
    63  - var osvresp osvResp
    64  - decoder := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body)
    65  - if err := decoder.Decode(&osvresp); err != nil {
    66  - return VulnerabilitiesResponse{}, errors.WithMessage(err, "failed to decode response")
     52 + response := VulnerabilitiesResponse{}
     53 + vulns := res.Flatten()
     54 + for i := range vulns {
     55 + response.Vulnerabilities = append(response.Vulnerabilities, Vulnerability{
     56 + ID: vulns[i].Vulnerability.ID,
     57 + Aliases: vulns[i].Vulnerability.Aliases,
     58 + })
     59 + // Remove duplicate vulnerability IDs for now as we don't report information
     60 + // on the source of each vulnerability yet, therefore having multiple identical
     61 + // vuln IDs might be confusing.
     62 + response.Vulnerabilities = removeDuplicate(
     63 + response.Vulnerabilities,
     64 + func(key Vulnerability) string { return key.ID },
     65 + )
    67 66   }
     67 + return response, nil
     68 +}
    68 69   
    69  - var ret VulnerabilitiesResponse
    70  - for _, vuln := range osvresp.Vulns {
    71  - ret.Vulnerabilities = append(ret.Vulnerabilities, Vulnerability{
    72  - ID: vuln.ID,
    73  - })
     70 +// RemoveDuplicate removes duplicate entries from a slice.
     71 +func removeDuplicate[T any, K comparable](sliceList []T, keyExtract func(T) K) []T {
     72 + allKeys := make(map[K]bool)
     73 + list := []T{}
     74 + for _, item := range sliceList {
     75 + key := keyExtract(item)
     76 + if _, value := allKeys[key]; !value {
     77 + allKeys[key] = true
     78 + list = append(list, item)
     79 + }
    74 80   }
    75  - return ret, nil
     81 + return list
    76 82  }
    77 83   
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +// Copyright 2022 OpenSSF Scorecard Authors
     2 +//
     3 +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4 +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5 +// You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6 +//
     7 +//
     8 +//
     9 +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 +// limitations under the License.
     14 +package clients
     15 + 
     16 +import (
     17 + "reflect"
     18 + "testing"
     19 +)
     20 + 
     21 +func TestRemoveDuplicate(t *testing.T) {
     22 + t.Parallel()
     23 + tests := []struct {
     24 + name string
     25 + keyExtract func(string) string
     26 + list []string
     27 + want []string
     28 + }{
     29 + {
     30 + name: "Basic list with dup items",
     31 + list: []string{"A", "B", "C", "B"},
     32 + want: []string{"A", "B", "C"},
     33 + keyExtract: func(in string) string {
     34 + return in
     35 + },
     36 + },
     37 + }
     38 + for _, tt := range tests {
     39 + tt := tt
     40 + t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
     41 + t.Parallel()
     42 + got := removeDuplicate(tt.list, tt.keyExtract)
     43 + if !reflect.DeepEqual(tt.want, got) {
     44 + t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, tt.want)
     45 + }
     46 + })
     47 + }
     48 +}
     49 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 31 lines
    32 32   URI() string
    33 33   IsArchived() (bool, error)
    34 34   ListFiles(predicate func(string) (bool, error)) ([]string, error)
     35 + // Returns an absolute path to the local repository
     36 + // in the format that matches the local OS
     37 + LocalPath() (string, error)
    35 38   GetFileContent(filename string) ([]byte, error)
    36 39   GetBranch(branch string) (*BranchRef, error)
    37 40   GetCreatedAt() (time.Time, error)
    skipped 17 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 19 lines
    20 20   
    21 21  // VulnerabilitiesClient checks for vulnerabilities in vuln DB.
    22 22  type VulnerabilitiesClient interface {
    23  - HasUnfixedVulnerabilities(context context.Context, commit string) (VulnerabilitiesResponse, error)
     23 + ListUnfixedVulnerabilities(
     24 + context context.Context,
     25 + commit string,
     26 + localDir string,
     27 + ) (VulnerabilitiesResponse, error)
     28 +}
     29 + 
     30 +// DefaultVulnerabilitiesClient returns a new OSV Vulnerabilities client.
     31 +func DefaultVulnerabilitiesClient() VulnerabilitiesClient {
     32 + return osvClient{}
    24 33  }
    25 34   
    26 35  // VulnerabilitiesResponse is the response from the vuln DB.
    skipped 3 lines
    30 39   
    31 40  // Vulnerability uniquely identifies a reported security vuln.
    32 41  type Vulnerability struct {
    33  - ID string
    34  -}
    35  - 
    36  -// DefaultVulnerabilitiesClient returns a new OSV Vulnerabilities client.
    37  -func DefaultVulnerabilitiesClient() VulnerabilitiesClient {
    38  - return osvClient{}
     42 + ID string
     43 + Aliases []string
    39 44  }
    40 45   
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 691 lines
    692 692   Risk: `High` (known vulnerabilities)
    693 693   
    694 694   This check determines whether the project has open, unfixed vulnerabilities
    695  - using the [OSV (Open Source Vulnerabilities)]( service. An open
    696  - vulnerability is readily exploited by attackers and should be fixed as soon as
     695 + in its own codebase or its dependencies using the [OSV (Open Source Vulnerabilities)]( service.
     696 + An open vulnerability is readily exploited by attackers and should be fixed as soon as
    697 697   possible.
    698 698   remediation:
    699 699   - >-
    700  - Fix the vulnerabilities. The details of each vulnerability can be found
     700 + Fix the vulnerabilities in your own code base. The details of each vulnerability can be found
    701 701   on <>.
     702 + - >-
     703 + If the vulnerability is in a dependency, update the dependency to a non-vulnerable version. If no update is available, consider whether to remove the dependency.
     704 + - >-
     705 + If you believe the vulnerability does not affect your project, the
     706 + vulnerability can be ignored.
     707 + To ignore, create an `osv-scanner.toml` file next to the dependency manifest (e.g. package-lock.json) and specify the ID to ignore and reason.
     708 + Details on the structure of `osv-scanner.toml` can be found on
     709 + [OSV-Scanner repository](
    702 710   
    703 711   Dangerous-Workflow:
    704 712   risk: Critical
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 644 lines
    645 645  Risk: `High` (known vulnerabilities)
    646 646   
    647 647  This check determines whether the project has open, unfixed vulnerabilities
    648  -using the [OSV (Open Source Vulnerabilities)]( service. An open
    649  -vulnerability is readily exploited by attackers and should be fixed as soon as
     648 +in its own codebase or its dependencies using the [OSV (Open Source Vulnerabilities)]( service.
     649 +An open vulnerability is readily exploited by attackers and should be fixed as soon as
    650 650  possible.
    651 651  
    652 652   
    653 653  **Remediation steps**
    654  -- Fix the vulnerabilities. The details of each vulnerability can be found on <>.
     654 +- Fix the vulnerabilities in your own code base. The details of each vulnerability can be found on <>.
     655 +- If the vulnerability is in a dependency, update the dependency to a non-vulnerable version. If no update is available, consider whether to remove the dependency.
     656 +- If you believe the vulnerability does not affect your project, the vulnerability can be ignored. To ignore, create an `osv-scanner.toml` file next to the dependency manifest (e.g. package-lock.json) and specify the ID to ignore and reason. Details on the structure of `osv-scanner.toml` can be found on [OSV-Scanner repository](
    655 657   
    656 658  ## Webhooks
    657 659   
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  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 140 lines
    141 141   commit: "fa0592fab28aa92560f04e1ae8649dfff566ae2b",
    142 142   policy: policy.AttestationPolicy{
    143 143   PreventBinaryArtifacts: true,
    144  - PreventKnownVulnerabilities: true,
     144 + PreventKnownVulnerabilities: false,
    145 145   PreventUnpinnedDependencies: true,
    146 146   EnsureCodeReviewed: true,
    147 147   CodeReviewRequirements: policy.CodeReviewRequirements{
    skipped 8 lines
    156 156   commit: "fa0592fab28aa92560f04e1ae8649dfff566ae2b",
    157 157   policy: policy.AttestationPolicy{
    158 158   PreventBinaryArtifacts: true,
    159  - PreventKnownVulnerabilities: true,
     159 + PreventKnownVulnerabilities: false,
    160 160   PreventUnpinnedDependencies: true,
    161 161   EnsureCodeReviewed: true,
    162 162   CodeReviewRequirements: policy.CodeReviewRequirements{
    skipped 9 lines
    172 172   commit: "fa0592fab28aa92560f04e1ae8649dfff566ae2b",
    173 173   policy: policy.AttestationPolicy{
    174 174   PreventBinaryArtifacts: true,
    175  - PreventKnownVulnerabilities: true,
     175 + PreventKnownVulnerabilities: false,
    176 176   PreventUnpinnedDependencies: true,
    177 177   EnsureCodeReviewed: true,
    178 178   CodeReviewRequirements: policy.CodeReviewRequirements{
    skipped 29 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 28 lines
    29 29   
    30 30  var _ = Describe("E2E TEST:"+checks.CheckVulnerabilities, func() {
    31 31   Context("E2E TEST:Validating vulnerabilities status", func() {
    32  - It("Should return that there are no vulnerabilities", func() {
    33  - repo, err := githubrepo.MakeGithubRepo("ossf/scorecard")
     32 + It("Should return that there are vulnerabilities", func() {
     33 + repo, err := githubrepo.MakeGithubRepo("ossf-tests/scorecard-check-vulnerabilities-open62541")
    34 34   Expect(err).Should(BeNil())
    35 35   repoClient := githubrepo.CreateGithubRepoClient(context.Background(), logger)
    36 36   err = repoClient.InitRepo(repo, clients.HeadSHA, 0)
    37 37   Expect(err).Should(BeNil())
    38 38   
    39 39   dl := scut.TestDetailLogger{}
    40  - req := checker.CheckRequest{
     40 + checkRequest := checker.CheckRequest{
    41 41   Ctx: context.Background(),
    42 42   RepoClient: repoClient,
    43 43   VulnerabilitiesClient: clients.DefaultVulnerabilitiesClient(),
    skipped 2 lines
    46 46   }
    47 47   expected := scut.TestReturn{
    48 48   Error: nil,
    49  - Score: checker.MaxResultScore,
    50  - NumberOfWarn: 0,
     49 + Score: checker.MaxResultScore - 3, // 3 vulnerabilities remove 3 points.
     50 + NumberOfWarn: 3,
    51 51   NumberOfInfo: 0,
    52 52   NumberOfDebug: 0,
    53 53   }
    54  - 
    55  - result := checks.Vulnerabilities(&req)
     54 + result := checks.Vulnerabilities(&checkRequest)
    56 55   // New version.
    57  - Expect(scut.ValidateTestReturn(nil, "no osv vulnerabilities", &expected, &result, &dl)).Should(BeTrue())
     56 + Expect(scut.ValidateTestReturn(nil, "osv vulnerabilities", &expected, &result, &dl)).Should(BeTrue())
    58 57   Expect(repoClient.Close()).Should(BeNil())
    59 58   })
    60  - 
    61  - It("Should return that there are vulnerabilities", func() {
     59 + It("Should return that there are vulnerabilities at commit", func() {
    62 60   repo, err := githubrepo.MakeGithubRepo("ossf-tests/scorecard-check-vulnerabilities-open62541")
    63 61   Expect(err).Should(BeNil())
    64 62   repoClient := githubrepo.CreateGithubRepoClient(context.Background(), logger)
    65  - err = repoClient.InitRepo(repo, clients.HeadSHA, 0)
     63 + err = repoClient.InitRepo(repo, "de6367caa31b59e2156f83b04c2f30611b7ac393", 0)
    66 64   Expect(err).Should(BeNil())
    67 65   
    68 66   dl := scut.TestDetailLogger{}
    skipped 7 lines
    76 74   expected := scut.TestReturn{
    77 75   Error: nil,
    78 76   Score: checker.MaxResultScore - 3, // 3 vulnerabilities remove 3 points.
    79  - NumberOfWarn: 1,
     77 + NumberOfWarn: 3,
    80 78   NumberOfInfo: 0,
    81 79   NumberOfDebug: 0,
    82 80   }
    skipped 2 lines
    85 83   Expect(scut.ValidateTestReturn(nil, "osv vulnerabilities", &expected, &result, &dl)).Should(BeTrue())
    86 84   Expect(repoClient.Close()).Should(BeNil())
    87 85   })
    88  - It("Should return that there are vulnerabilities at commit", func() {
    89  - repo, err := githubrepo.MakeGithubRepo("ossf-tests/scorecard-check-vulnerabilities-open62541")
     86 + It("Should return that there are vulnerable packages", func() {
     87 + repo, err := githubrepo.MakeGithubRepo("ossf-tests/scorecard-check-osv-e2e")
    90 88   Expect(err).Should(BeNil())
    91 89   repoClient := githubrepo.CreateGithubRepoClient(context.Background(), logger)
    92  - err = repoClient.InitRepo(repo, "de6367caa31b59e2156f83b04c2f30611b7ac393", 0)
     90 + err = repoClient.InitRepo(repo, "2a81bfbc691786d6b8226a4092cca4f1509c842d", 0)
    93 91   Expect(err).Should(BeNil())
    94 92   
    95 93   dl := scut.TestDetailLogger{}
    skipped 6 lines
    102 100   }
    103 101   expected := scut.TestReturn{
    104 102   Error: nil,
    105  - Score: checker.MaxResultScore - 3, // 3 vulnerabilities remove 3 points.
    106  - NumberOfWarn: 1,
     103 + Score: checker.MaxResultScore - 2, // 2 vulnerabilities remove 2 points.
     104 + NumberOfWarn: 2,
    107 105   NumberOfInfo: 0,
    108 106   NumberOfDebug: 0,
    109 107   }
    skipped 8 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 46 lines
    47 47 v3.2.0
    48 48 v6.10.0
    49 49 v0.2.3
     50 + v0.0.0-20221212045131-8aef1778b823
    50 51 v0.0.0-20200330054847-ba7a369d4303
    51 52 v2.5.1
    52 53 v0.6.0
    skipped 9 lines
    62 63 v0.3.0 // indirect
    63 64 v0.2.1 // indirect
    64 65 v0.6.0 // indirect
     66 + v1.2.0 // indirect
     67 + v0.7.0 // indirect
    65 68 v1.1.1 // indirect
    66 69 v0.0.0-20160126235308-23def4e6c14b // indirect
    67 70 v1.1.0 // indirect
    skipped 2 lines
    70 73 v0.5.2 // indirect
    71 74 v0.7.1 // indirect
    72 75 v0.5.3 // indirect
     76 + v6.4.0 // indirect
    73 77 v1.1.10 // indirect
    74 78 v0.0.0-20180306012644-bacd9c7ef1dd // indirect
    75 79 v1.0.1 // indirect
     80 + v0.1.0 // indirect
     81 + v0.0.0-20201111095634-7098f93598fb // indirect
     82 + v0.3.0 // indirect
    76 83 v0.7.0 // indirect
    77 84 v0.2.0 // indirect
    78 85 v0.1.0 // indirect
    skipped 63 lines
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    144 151 v0.1.0 // indirect
    145  - v0.0.0-20220909182711-5c715a9e8561
     152 + v0.0.0-20221031165847-c99f073a8326
    146 153 v0.2.0 // indirect
    147 154 v0.1.0 // indirect
    148 155 v0.1.0 // indirect
    skipped 23 lines
    172 179 => v1.2.1-0.20181016170032-d91630c85102
    173 180   // This replace is for
    174 181 => v0.5.8
    175  - 
    176 182  )
    177 183   
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
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    980 v0.0.0-20220909182711-5c715a9e8561 h1:MDc5xs78ZrZr3HMQugiXOAkSZtfTpbJLDr/lwfgO53E=
    981 v0.0.0-20220909182711-5c715a9e8561/go.mod h1:cyybsKvd6eL0RnXn6p/Grxp8F5bW7iYuBgsNCOHpMYE=
     997 v0.0.0-20221031165847-c99f073a8326 h1:QfTh0HpN6hlw6D3vu8DAwC8pBIwikq0AI1evdm+FksE=
     998 v0.0.0-20221031165847-c99f073a8326/go.mod h1:CxIveKay+FTh1D0yPZemJVgC/95VzuuOLq5Qi4xnoYc=
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    skipped 610 lines
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