Projects STRLCPY scorecard Commits 110e3522
  • ✨ Gitlab support: RepoClient (#2655)

    * Add make targets and E2E test target for GitLab only
    Signed-off-by: Raghav Kaul <[email protected]>
    * Add GitLab support to RepoClient
    Signed-off-by: Raghav Kaul <[email protected]>
    * Build
    * Make target for e2e-gitlab-token
    * Only run Gitlab tests in CI that don't require a token
    Signed-off-by: Raghav Kaul <[email protected]>
    * Add tests
    Signed-off-by: Raghav Kaul <[email protected]>
    * Remove spurious printf
    Signed-off-by: Raghav Kaul <[email protected]>
    * 🐛 Check OSS Fuzz build file for Fuzzing check (#2719)
    * Check OSS-Fuzz using project list
    Signed-off-by: Spencer Schrock <[email protected]>
    * Use clients.RepoClient interface to perform the new OSS Fuzz check
    Signed-off-by: Spencer Schrock <[email protected]>
    * wip: add eager client for better repeated lookup of projects
    Signed-off-by: Spencer Schrock <[email protected]>
    * Split lazy and eager behavior into different implementations.
    Signed-off-by: Spencer Schrock <[email protected]>
    * Add tests and benchmarks
    Signed-off-by: Spencer Schrock <[email protected]>
    * Switch to always parsing JSON to determine if a project is present. The other approach of looking for a substring match would lead to false positives.
    Signed-off-by: Spencer Schrock <[email protected]>
    * Add eager constructor to surface status file errors sooner.
    Signed-off-by: Spencer Schrock <[email protected]>
    * Switch existing users to new OSS Fuzz client
    Signed-off-by: Spencer Schrock <[email protected]>
    * Mark old method as deprecated in the godoc
    Signed-off-by: Spencer Schrock <[email protected]>
    * remove unused comment.
    Signed-off-by: Spencer Schrock <[email protected]>
    * Use new OSS Fuzz client in e2e test.
    Signed-off-by: Spencer Schrock <[email protected]>
    * fix typo.
    Signed-off-by: Spencer Schrock <[email protected]>
    * Fix potential path bug with test server.
    Signed-off-by: Spencer Schrock <[email protected]>
    * Force include the two JSON files which were being ignored by .gitignore
    Signed-off-by: Spencer Schrock <[email protected]>
    * trim the status json file
    Signed-off-by: Spencer Schrock <[email protected]>
    Signed-off-by: Spencer Schrock <[email protected]>
    Signed-off-by: Raghav Kaul <[email protected]>
    Signed-off-by: Spencer Schrock <[email protected]>
    Co-authored-by: Spencer Schrock <[email protected]>
  • Loading...
  • raghavkaul committed with GitHub 1 year ago
    1 parent 5625dda9
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 71 lines
    72 72   files: ./e2e-coverage.out
    73 73   verbose: true
    74 74  
     75 + - name: Run GitLab E2E #using retry because the GitHub token is being throttled.
     76 + uses: nick-invision/retry@943e742917ac94714d2f408a0e8320f2d1fcafcd
     77 + with:
     78 + max_attempts: 3
     79 + retry_on: error
     80 + timeout_minutes: 30
     81 + command: make e2e-gitlab
     82 + 
     83 + - name: codecov
     84 + uses: codecov/codecov-action@81cd2dc8148241f03f5839d295e000b8f761e378 # 2.1.0
     85 + with:
     86 + files: ./e2e-coverage.out
     87 + verbose: true
     88 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 333 lines
    334 334   # Run e2e tests. GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN set to secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN must be used to run this.
    335 335   TOKEN_TYPE="GITHUB_TOKEN" $(GINKGO) --race -p -v -cover -coverprofile=e2e-coverage.out --keep-separate-coverprofiles ./...
    336 336   
     337 +e2e-gitlab-token: ## Runs e2e tests that require a GITLAB_TOKEN
     338 + TOKEN_TYPE="GITLAB_PAT" $(GINKGO) --race -p -vv --focus '.*GitLab Token' ./...
     339 + 
     340 +e2e-gitlab: ## Runs e2e tests for GitLab only. TOKEN_TYPE is not used (since these are public APIs), but must be set to something
     341 + TOKEN_TYPE="GITLAB_PAT" $(GINKGO) --race -p -vv --focus '.*GitLab' ./...
     342 + 
    337 343  e2e-attestor: ## Runs e2e tests for scorecard-attestor
    338 344   cd attestor/e2e; go test -covermode=atomic -coverprofile=e2e-coverage.out; cd ../..
    339 345   
    skipped 98 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 16 lines
    17 17  import (
    18 18   "context"
    19 19   "fmt"
     20 + "os"
    20 21   
    21 22   ""
    22 23   ghrepo ""
     24 + glrepo ""
    23 25   ""
    24 26   ""
    25 27   ""
    skipped 9 lines
    35 37   clients.VulnerabilitiesClient, // vulnClient
    36 38   error,
    37 39  ) {
    38  - var githubRepo clients.Repo
     40 + var repo clients.Repo
     41 + var makeRepoError error
     42 + 
    39 43   if localURI != "" {
    40 44   localRepo, errLocal := localdir.MakeLocalDirRepo(localURI)
    41 45   var retErr error
    skipped 8 lines
    50 54   retErr
    51 55   }
    52 56   
    53  - githubRepo, errGitHub := ghrepo.MakeGithubRepo(repoURI)
    54  - if errGitHub != nil {
    55  - return githubRepo,
    56  - nil,
    57  - nil,
    58  - nil,
    59  - nil,
    60  - fmt.Errorf("getting local directory client: %w", errGitHub)
     57 + _, experimental := os.LookupEnv("SCORECARD_EXPERIMENTAL")
     58 + var repoClient clients.RepoClient
     59 + 
     60 + //nolint:nestif
     61 + if experimental && glrepo.DetectGitLab(repoURI) {
     62 + repo, makeRepoError = glrepo.MakeGitlabRepo(repoURI)
     63 + if makeRepoError != nil {
     64 + return repo,
     65 + nil,
     66 + nil,
     67 + nil,
     68 + nil,
     69 + fmt.Errorf("getting local directory client: %w", makeRepoError)
     70 + }
     71 + 
     72 + var err error
     73 + repoClient, err = glrepo.CreateGitlabClientWithToken(ctx, os.Getenv("GITLAB_AUTH_TOKEN"), repo)
     74 + if err != nil {
     75 + return repo,
     76 + nil,
     77 + nil,
     78 + nil,
     79 + nil,
     80 + fmt.Errorf("error creating gitlab client: %w", err)
     81 + }
     82 + } else {
     83 + repo, makeRepoError = ghrepo.MakeGithubRepo(repoURI)
     84 + if makeRepoError != nil {
     85 + return repo,
     86 + nil,
     87 + nil,
     88 + nil,
     89 + nil,
     90 + fmt.Errorf("getting local directory client: %w", makeRepoError)
     91 + }
     92 + repoClient = ghrepo.CreateGithubRepoClient(ctx, logger)
    61 93   }
    62 94   
    63  - return githubRepo, /*repo*/
    64  - ghrepo.CreateGithubRepoClient(ctx, logger), /*repoClient*/
     95 + return repo, /*repo*/
     96 + repoClient, /*repoClient*/
    65 97   ossfuzz.CreateOSSFuzzClient(ossfuzz.StatusURL), /*ossFuzzClient*/
    66 98   clients.DefaultCIIBestPracticesClient(), /*ciiClient*/
    67 99   clients.DefaultVulnerabilitiesClient(), /*vulnClient*/
    skipped 3 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 75 lines
    76 76   return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s",, r.owner, r.repo)
    77 77  }
    78 78   
     79 +func (r *repoURL) Host() string {
     80 + return
     81 +}
     82 + 
    79 83  // String implements Repo.String.
    80 84  func (r *repoURL) String() string {
    81 85   return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s",, r.owner, r.repo)
    skipped 56 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 96 lines
    97 97   if !tt.wantErr && !cmp.Equal(tt.expected, r, cmp.AllowUnexported(repoURL{})) {
    98 98   t.Errorf("Got diff: %s", cmp.Diff(tt.expected, r))
    99 99   }
     100 + 
     101 + if !cmp.Equal(r.Host(), {
     102 + t.Errorf("%s expected host: %s got host %s", tt.inputURL,, r.Host())
     103 + }
    100 104   })
    101 105   }
    102 106  }
    skipped 1 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 45 lines
    46 46   return
    47 47   }
    48 48   
    49  - proj, _, err := handler.glClient.Projects.GetProject(handler.repourl.projectID, &gitlab.GetProjectOptions{})
     49 + proj, _, err := handler.glClient.Projects.GetProject(handler.repourl.project, &gitlab.GetProjectOptions{})
    50 50   if err != nil {
    51 51   handler.errSetup = fmt.Errorf("requirest for project failed with error %w", err)
    52 52   return
    53 53   }
    54 54   
    55  - branch, _, err := handler.glClient.Branches.GetBranch(handler.repourl.projectID, proj.DefaultBranch)
     55 + branch, _, err := handler.glClient.Branches.GetBranch(handler.repourl.project, proj.DefaultBranch)
    56 56   if err != nil {
    57 57   handler.errSetup = fmt.Errorf("request for default branch failed with error %w", err)
    58 58   return
    skipped 1 lines
    60 60   
    61 61   if branch.Protected {
    62 62   protectedBranch, resp, err := handler.glClient.ProtectedBranches.GetProtectedBranch(
    63  - handler.repourl.projectID, branch.Name)
     63 + handler.repourl.project, branch.Name)
    64 64   if err != nil && resp.StatusCode != 403 {
    65 65   handler.errSetup = fmt.Errorf("request for protected branch failed with error %w", err)
    66 66   return
    skipped 3 lines
    70 70   }
    71 71   
    72 72   projectStatusChecks, resp, err := handler.glClient.ExternalStatusChecks.ListProjectStatusChecks(
    73  - handler.repourl.projectID, &gitlab.ListOptions{})
     73 + handler.repourl.project, &gitlab.ListOptions{})
    74 74   if err != nil && resp.StatusCode != 404 {
    75 75   handler.errSetup = fmt.Errorf("request for external status checks failed with error %w", err)
    76 76   return
    77 77   }
    78 78   
    79  - projectApprovalRule, resp, err := handler.glClient.Projects.GetApprovalConfiguration(handler.repourl.projectID)
     79 + projectApprovalRule, resp, err := handler.glClient.Projects.GetApprovalConfiguration(handler.repourl.project)
    80 80   if err != nil && resp.StatusCode != 404 {
    81 81   handler.errSetup = fmt.Errorf("request for project approval rule failed with %w", err)
    82 82   return
    skipped 22 lines
    105 105  }
    106 106   
    107 107  func (handler *branchesHandler) getBranch(branch string) (*clients.BranchRef, error) {
    108  - bran, _, err := handler.glClient.Branches.GetBranch(handler.repourl.projectID, branch)
     108 + bran, _, err := handler.glClient.Branches.GetBranch(handler.repourl.project, branch)
    109 109   if err != nil {
    110 110   return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting branch in branchsHandler.getBranch: %w", err)
    111 111   }
    112 112   
    113 113   if bran.Protected {
    114  - protectedBranch, _, err := handler.glClient.ProtectedBranches.GetProtectedBranch(handler.repourl.projectID, bran.Name)
     114 + protectedBranch, _, err := handler.glClient.ProtectedBranches.GetProtectedBranch(handler.repourl.project, bran.Name)
    115 115   if err != nil {
    116 116   return nil, fmt.Errorf("request for protected branch failed with error %w", err)
    117 117   }
    118 118   
    119 119   projectStatusChecks, resp, err := handler.glClient.ExternalStatusChecks.ListProjectStatusChecks(
    120  - handler.repourl.projectID, &gitlab.ListOptions{})
     120 + handler.repourl.project, &gitlab.ListOptions{})
    121 121   if err != nil && resp.StatusCode != 404 {
    122 122   return nil, fmt.Errorf("request for external status checks failed with error %w", err)
    123 123   }
    124 124   
    125  - projectApprovalRule, resp, err := handler.glClient.Projects.GetApprovalConfiguration(handler.repourl.projectID)
     125 + projectApprovalRule, resp, err := handler.glClient.Projects.GetApprovalConfiguration(handler.repourl.project)
    126 126   if err != nil && resp.StatusCode != 404 {
    127 127   return nil, fmt.Errorf("request for project approval rule failed with %w", err)
    128 128   }
    skipped 69 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 33 lines
    34 34   
    35 35  func (handler *checkrunsHandler) listCheckRunsForRef(ref string) ([]clients.CheckRun, error) {
    36 36   pipelines, _, err := handler.glClient.Pipelines.ListProjectPipelines(
    37  - handler.repourl.projectID, &gitlab.ListProjectPipelinesOptions{})
     37 + handler.repourl.project, &gitlab.ListProjectPipelinesOptions{})
    38 38   if err != nil {
    39 39   return nil, fmt.Errorf("request for pipelines returned error: %w", err)
    40 40   }
    skipped 20 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 51 lines
    52 52   languages *languagesHandler
    53 53   licenses *licensesHandler
    54 54   ctx context.Context
    55  - // tarball tarballHandler
    56  - commitDepth int
     55 + commitDepth int
    57 56  }
    58 57   
    59 58  // InitRepo sets up the GitLab project in local storage for improving performance and GitLab token usage efficiency.
    skipped 4 lines
    64 63   }
    65 64   
    66 65   // Sanity check.
    67  - repo, _, err := client.glClient.Projects.GetProject(glRepo.projectID, &gitlab.GetProjectOptions{})
     66 + proj := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", glRepo.owner, glRepo.project)
     67 + repo, _, err := client.glClient.Projects.GetProject(proj, &gitlab.GetProjectOptions{})
    68 68   if err != nil {
    69  - return sce.WithMessage(sce.ErrRepoUnreachable, err.Error())
     69 + return sce.WithMessage(sce.ErrRepoUnreachable, proj+"\t"+err.Error())
    70 70   }
    71 71   if commitDepth <= 0 {
    72 72   client.commitDepth = 30 // default
    skipped 2 lines
    75 75   }
    76 76   client.repo = repo
    77 77   client.repourl = &repoURL{
    78  - hostname: inputRepo.URI(),
    79  - projectID: fmt.Sprint(repo.ID),
     78 + scheme: glRepo.scheme,
     79 + host:,
     80 + project: fmt.Sprint(repo.ID),
    80 81   defaultBranch: repo.DefaultBranch,
    81 82   commitSHA: commitSHA,
    82 83   }
    skipped 44 lines
    127 128   // Init languagesHandler
    128 129   client.licenses.init(client.repourl)
    129 130   
    130  - // Init tarballHandler.
    131  - // client.tarball.init(client.ctx, client.repourl, client.repo, commitSHA)
    132 131   return nil
    133 132  }
    134 133   
    135 134  func (client *Client) URI() string {
    136  - return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", client.repourl.hostname, client.repourl.owner, client.repourl.projectID)
     135 + return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s",, client.repourl.owner, client.repourl.project)
    137 136  }
    138 137   
    139 138  func (client *Client) LocalPath() (string, error) {
    skipped 82 lines
    222 221  }
    223 222   
    224 223  func CreateGitlabClientWithToken(ctx context.Context, token string, repo clients.Repo) (clients.RepoClient, error) {
    225  - client, err := gitlab.NewClient(token, gitlab.WithBaseURL(repo.URI()))
     224 + client, err := gitlab.NewClient(token, gitlab.WithBaseURL(repo.Host()))
    226 225   if err != nil {
    227 226   return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create gitlab client with error: %w", err)
    228 227   }
    skipped 40 lines
    269 268   languages: &languagesHandler{
    270 269   glClient: client,
    271 270   },
     271 + licenses: &licensesHandler{},
    272 272   }, nil
    273 273  }
    274 274   
    skipped 2 lines
    277 277   return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w, oss fuzz currently only supported for github repos", clients.ErrUnsupportedFeature)
    278 278  }
    279 279   
     280 +// DetectGitLab: check whether the repoURI is a GitLab URI
     281 +// Makes HTTP request to GitLab API.
     282 +func DetectGitLab(repoURI string) bool {
     283 + var repo repoURL
     284 + if err := repo.parse(repoURI); err != nil {
     285 + return false
     286 + }
     287 + 
     288 + return repo.IsValid() == nil
     289 +}
     290 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 40 lines
    41 41  // nolint: gocognit
    42 42  func (handler *commitsHandler) setup() error {
    43 43   handler.once.Do(func() {
    44  - commits, _, err := handler.glClient.Commits.ListCommits(handler.repourl.projectID, &gitlab.ListCommitsOptions{})
     44 + commits, _, err := handler.glClient.Commits.ListCommits(handler.repourl.project, &gitlab.ListCommitsOptions{})
    45 45   if err != nil {
    46 46   handler.errSetup = fmt.Errorf("request for commits failed with %w", err)
    47 47   return
    skipped 28 lines
    76 76   
    77 77   // Commits are able to be a part of multiple merge requests, but the only one that will be important
    78 78   // here is the earliest one.
    79  - mergeRequests, _, err := handler.glClient.Commits.ListMergeRequestsByCommit(handler.repourl.projectID, commit.ID)
     79 + mergeRequests, _, err := handler.glClient.Commits.ListMergeRequestsByCommit(handler.repourl.project, commit.ID)
    80 80   if err != nil {
    81 81   handler.errSetup = fmt.Errorf("unable to find merge requests associated with commit: %w", err)
    82 82   return
    skipped 85 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 45 lines
    46 46   return
    47 47   }
    48 48   contribs, _, err := handler.glClient.Repositories.Contributors(
    49  - handler.repourl.projectID, &gitlab.ListContributorsOptions{})
     49 + handler.repourl.project, &gitlab.ListContributorsOptions{})
    50 50   if err != nil {
    51 51   handler.errSetup = fmt.Errorf("error during ListContributors: %w", err)
    52 52   return
    skipped 42 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 39 lines
    40 40  func (handler *issuesHandler) setup() error {
    41 41   handler.once.Do(func() {
    42 42   issues, _, err := handler.glClient.Issues.ListProjectIssues(
    43  - handler.repourl.projectID, &gitlab.ListProjectIssuesOptions{})
     43 + handler.repourl.project, &gitlab.ListProjectIssuesOptions{})
    44 44   if err != nil {
    45 45   handler.errSetup = fmt.Errorf("unable to find issues associated with the project id: %w", err)
    46 46   return
    skipped 2 lines
    49 49   // There doesn't seem to be a good way to get user access_levels in gitlab so the following way may seem incredibly
    50 50   // barberic, however I couldn't find a better way in the docs.
    51 51   projectAccessTokens, resp, err := handler.glClient.ProjectAccessTokens.ListProjectAccessTokens(
    52  - handler.repourl.projectID, &gitlab.ListProjectAccessTokensOptions{})
     52 + handler.repourl.project, &gitlab.ListProjectAccessTokensOptions{})
    53 53   if err != nil && resp.StatusCode != 401 {
    54 54   handler.errSetup = fmt.Errorf("unable to find access tokens associated with the project id: %w", err)
    55 55   return
    skipped 64 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 39 lines
    40 40  func (handler *languagesHandler) setup() error {
    41 41   handler.once.Do(func() {
    42 42   client := handler.glClient
    43  - languageMap, _, err := client.Projects.GetProjectLanguages(handler.repourl.projectID)
     43 + languageMap, _, err := client.Projects.GetProjectLanguages(handler.repourl.project)
    44 44   if err != nil || languageMap == nil {
    45 45   handler.errSetup = fmt.Errorf("request for repo languages failed with %w", err)
    46 46   return
    skipped 26 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 38 lines
    39 39   
    40 40  func (handler *projectHandler) setup() error {
    41 41   handler.once.Do(func() {
    42  - proj, _, err := handler.glClient.Projects.GetProject(handler.repourl.projectID, &gitlab.GetProjectOptions{})
     42 + proj, _, err := handler.glClient.Projects.GetProject(handler.repourl.project, &gitlab.GetProjectOptions{})
    43 43   if err != nil {
    44 44   handler.errSetup = fmt.Errorf("request for project failed with error %w", err)
    45 45   return
    skipped 25 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 43 lines
    44 44   handler.errSetup = fmt.Errorf("%w: ListReleases only supported for HEAD queries", clients.ErrUnsupportedFeature)
    45 45   return
    46 46   }
    47  - releases, _, err := handler.glClient.Releases.ListReleases(handler.repourl.projectID, &gitlab.ListReleasesOptions{})
     47 + releases, _, err := handler.glClient.Releases.ListReleases(handler.repourl.project, &gitlab.ListReleasesOptions{})
    48 48   if err != nil {
    49 49   handler.errSetup = fmt.Errorf("%w: ListReleases failed", err)
    50 50   return
    skipped 36 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 17 lines
    18 18   
    19 19  import (
    20 20   "fmt"
    21  - "regexp"
     21 + "net/url"
    22 22   "strings"
     23 + 
     24 + ""
    23 25   
    24 26   ""
    25 27   sce ""
    skipped 4 lines
    30 32  )
    31 33   
    32 34  type repoURL struct {
    33  - hostname string
     35 + scheme string
     36 + host string
    34 37   owner string
    35  - projectID string
     38 + project string
    36 39   defaultBranch string
    37 40   commitSHA string
    38 41   metadata []string
    skipped 2 lines
    41 44  // Parses input string into repoURL struct
    42 45  /*
    43 46  * Accepted input string formats are as follows:
    44  - * "gitlab.<companyDomain:string>.com/<owner:string>/<projectID:int>"
    45  - * "https://gitlab.<companyDomain:string>.com/<owner:string>/<projectID:int>"
     47 + * "gitlab.<companyDomain:string>.com/<owner:string>/<projectID:string>"
     48 + * "https://gitlab.<companyDomain:string>.com/<owner:string>/<projectID:string>"
     49 + 
     50 +The following input format is not supported:
     51 + * https://gitlab.<companyDomain:string>.com/projects/<projectID:int>
    46 52  */
    47 53  func (r *repoURL) parse(input string) error {
    48  - switch {
    49  - case strings.Contains(input, "https://"):
    50  - input = strings.TrimPrefix(input, "https://")
    51  - case strings.Contains(input, "http://"):
    52  - input = strings.TrimPrefix(input, "http://")
    53  - case strings.Contains(input, "://"):
    54  - return sce.WithMessage(sce.ErrScorecardInternal, "unknown input format")
     54 + var t string
     55 + c := strings.Split(input, "/")
     56 + switch l := len(c); {
     57 + // owner/repo format is not supported for gitlab, it's github-only
     58 + case l == 2:
     59 + return sce.WithMessage(sce.ErrScorecardInternal, fmt.Sprintf("gitlab repo must specify host: %s", input))
     60 + case l >= 3:
     61 + t = input
    55 62   }
    56 63   
    57  - stringParts := strings.Split(input, "/")
     64 + // Allow skipping scheme for ease-of-use, default to https.
     65 + if !strings.Contains(t, "://") {
     66 + t = "https://" + t
     67 + }
    58 68   
    59  - stringParts[2] = strings.TrimSuffix(stringParts[2], "/")
     69 + u, e := url.Parse(t)
     70 + if e != nil {
     71 + return sce.WithMessage(sce.ErrScorecardInternal, fmt.Sprintf("url.Parse: %v", e))
     72 + }
    60 73   
    61  - r.hostname, r.owner, r.projectID = stringParts[0], stringParts[1], stringParts[2]
     74 + const splitLen = 2
     75 + split := strings.SplitN(strings.Trim(u.Path, "/"), "/", splitLen)
     76 + if len(split) != splitLen {
     77 + return sce.WithMessage(sce.ErrorInvalidURL, fmt.Sprintf("%v. Expected full repository url", input))
     78 + }
     79 + 
     80 + r.scheme,, r.owner, r.project = u.Scheme, u.Host, split[0], split[1]
    62 81   return nil
    63 82  }
    64 83   
    65 84  // URI implements Repo.URI().
    66  -// TODO: there may be a reason the string was originally in format "%s/%s/%s", hostname, owner, projectID,
    67  -// however I changed it to be more "userful".
    68 85  func (r *repoURL) URI() string {
    69  - return fmt.Sprintf("https://%s", r.hostname)
     86 + return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s",, r.owner, r.project)
     87 +}
     88 + 
     89 +func (r *repoURL) Host() string {
     90 + return fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s", r.scheme,
    70 91  }
    71 92   
    72 93  // String implements Repo.String.
    73 94  func (r *repoURL) String() string {
    74  - return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s_%s", r.hostname, r.owner, r.projectID)
     95 + return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s_%s",, r.owner, r.project)
    75 96  }
    76 97   
    77 98  func (r *repoURL) Org() clients.Repo {
    78 99   return &repoURL{
    79  - hostname: r.hostname,
    80  - owner: r.owner,
    81  - projectID: gitlabOrgProj,
     100 + host:,
     101 + owner: r.owner,
     102 + project: gitlabOrgProj,
    82 103   }
    83 104  }
    84 105   
    85 106  // IsValid implements Repo.IsValid.
    86 107  func (r *repoURL) IsValid() error {
    87  - hostMatched, err := regexp.MatchString("gitlab.*com", r.hostname)
     108 + if strings.Contains(, "gitlab.") {
     109 + return nil
     110 + }
     111 + 
     112 + client, err := gitlab.NewClient("", gitlab.WithBaseURL(fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s", r.scheme,
    88 113   if err != nil {
    89  - return fmt.Errorf("error processing regex: %w", err)
     114 + return sce.WithMessage(err,
     115 + fmt.Sprintf("couldn't create gitlab client for %s",,
     116 + )
    90 117   }
    91  - if !hostMatched {
    92  - return sce.WithMessage(sce.ErrorInvalidURL, "non gitlab repository found")
     118 + 
     119 + _, resp, err := client.Projects.ListProjects(&gitlab.ListProjectsOptions{})
     120 + if resp == nil || resp.StatusCode != 200 {
     121 + return sce.WithMessage(sce.ErrRepoUnreachable,
     122 + fmt.Sprintf("couldn't reach gitlab instance at %s",,
     123 + )
    93 124   }
    94  - 
    95  - isNotDigit := func(c rune) bool { return c < '0' || c > '9' }
    96  - b := strings.IndexFunc(r.projectID, isNotDigit) == -1
    97  - if !b {
    98  - return sce.WithMessage(sce.ErrorInvalidURL, "incorrect format for projectID")
     125 + if err != nil {
     126 + return sce.WithMessage(err,
     127 + fmt.Sprintf("error when connecting to gitlab instance at %s",,
     128 + )
    99 129   }
    100 130   
    101  - if strings.TrimSpace(r.owner) == "" || strings.TrimSpace(r.projectID) == "" {
     131 + if strings.TrimSpace(r.owner) == "" || strings.TrimSpace(r.project) == "" {
    102 132   return sce.WithMessage(sce.ErrorInvalidURL,
    103 133   fmt.Sprintf("%v. Expected the full project url", r.URI()))
    104 134   }
    skipped 25 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 18 lines
    19 19   "testing"
    20 20   
    21 21   ""
     22 + ""
    22 23  )
    23 24   
    24 25  func TestRepoURL_IsValid(t *testing.T) {
    skipped 5 lines
    30 31   wantErr bool
    31 32   }{
    32 33   {
    33  - name: "valid http address",
     34 + name: "github repository",
    34 35   expected: repoURL{
    35  - hostname: "",
    36  - owner: "foo",
    37  - projectID: "1234",
     36 + scheme: "https",
     37 + host: "",
     38 + owner: "ossf",
     39 + project: "scorecard",
    38 40   },
    39  - inputURL: "",
    40  - wantErr: false,
     41 + inputURL: "",
     42 + wantErr: true,
    41 43   },
    42 44   {
    43  - name: "valid https address",
     45 + name: "GitHub project with 'gitlab.' in the title",
    44 46   expected: repoURL{
    45  - hostname: "",
    46  - owner: "foo",
    47  - projectID: "1234",
     47 + scheme: "http",
     48 + host: "",
     49 + owner: "foo",
     50 + project: "gitlab.test",
    48 51   },
    49  - inputURL: "",
    50  - wantErr: false,
     52 + inputURL: "",
     53 + wantErr: true,
    51 54   },
    52 55   {
    53  - name: "valid http address with trailing slash",
     56 + name: "valid gitlab project",
    54 57   expected: repoURL{
    55  - hostname: "",
    56  - owner: "foo",
    57  - projectID: "1234",
     58 + host: "",
     59 + owner: "ossf-test",
     60 + project: "scorecard-check-binary-artifacts-e2e",
    58 61   },
    59  - inputURL: "",
     62 + inputURL: "",
    60 63   wantErr: false,
    61 64   },
    62 65   {
    63 66   name: "valid https address with trailing slash",
    64 67   expected: repoURL{
    65  - hostname: "",
    66  - owner: "foo",
    67  - projectID: "1234",
     68 + scheme: "https",
     69 + host: "",
     70 + owner: "ossf-test",
     71 + project: "scorecard-check-binary-artifacts-e2e",
    68 72   },
    69  - inputURL: "",
     73 + inputURL: "",
    70 74   wantErr: false,
    71 75   },
    72  - {
    73  - name: "non gitlab repository",
    74  - expected: repoURL{
    75  - hostname: "",
    76  - owner: "foo",
    77  - projectID: "1234",
    78  - },
    79  - inputURL: "",
    80  - wantErr: true,
    81  - },
     76 + 
    82 77   {
    83  - name: "GitLab project with wrong projectID",
     78 + name: "valid hosted gitlab project",
    84 79   expected: repoURL{
    85  - hostname: "",
    86  - owner: "foo",
    87  - projectID: "bar",
     80 + scheme: "https",
     81 + host: "",
     82 + owner: "webmaster-team",
     83 + project: "webml",
    88 84   },
    89  - inputURL: "",
    90  - wantErr: true,
    91  - },
    92  - {
    93  - name: "GitHub project with 'gitlab.' in the title",
    94  - expected: repoURL{
    95  - hostname: "",
    96  - owner: "foo",
    97  - projectID: "gitlab.test",
    98  - },
    99  - inputURL: "",
    100  - wantErr: true,
    101  - },
    102  - {
    103  - name: "valid gitlab project without http or https",
    104  - expected: repoURL{
    105  - hostname: "",
    106  - owner: "foo",
    107  - projectID: "1234",
    108  - },
    109  - inputURL: "",
     85 + inputURL: "",
    110 86   wantErr: false,
    111 87   },
    112 88   }
    skipped 2 lines
    115 91   t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
    116 92   t.Parallel()
    117 93   r := repoURL{
    118  - hostname: tt.expected.hostname,
    119  - owner: tt.expected.owner,
    120  - projectID: tt.expected.projectID,
     94 + host:,
     95 + owner: tt.expected.owner,
     96 + project: tt.expected.project,
    121 97   }
    122 98   if err := r.parse(tt.inputURL); err != nil {
    123 99   t.Errorf("repoURL.parse() error = %v", err)
    skipped 1 lines
    125 101   if err := r.IsValid(); (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
    126 102   t.Errorf("repoURL.IsValid() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
    127 103   }
    128  - if !tt.wantErr && !cmp.Equal(tt.expected, r, cmp.AllowUnexported(repoURL{})) {
    129  - fmt.Println("expected: " + tt.expected.hostname + " GOT: " + r.hostname)
     104 + if !tt.wantErr && !cmp.Equal(tt.expected, r, cmpopts.IgnoreUnexported(repoURL{})) {
     105 + fmt.Println("expected: " + + " GOT: " +
    130 106   fmt.Println("expected: " + tt.expected.owner + " GOT: " + r.owner)
    131  - fmt.Println("expected: " + tt.expected.projectID + " GOT: " + r.projectID)
     107 + fmt.Println("expected: " + tt.expected.project + " GOT: " + r.project)
    132 108   t.Errorf("Got diff: %s", cmp.Diff(tt.expected, r))
    133 109   }
     110 + if !cmp.Equal(r.Host(), {
     111 + t.Errorf("%s expected host: %s got host %s", tt.inputURL,, r.Host())
     112 + }
    134 113   })
    135 114   }
    136 115  }
    137 116   
     117 +func TestRepoURL_DetectGitlab(t *testing.T) {
     118 + tests := []struct {
     119 + repouri string
     120 + expected bool
     121 + }{
     122 + {
     123 + repouri: "",
     124 + expected: false,
     125 + },
     126 + {
     127 + repouri: "ossf/scorecard",
     128 + expected: false,
     129 + },
     130 + {
     131 + repouri: "",
     132 + expected: false,
     133 + },
     134 + {
     135 + repouri: "",
     136 + expected: true,
     137 + },
     138 + {
     139 + repouri: "",
     140 + expected: true,
     141 + },
     142 + {
     143 + // Invalid repo
     144 + repouri: "",
     145 + expected: false,
     146 + },
     147 + }
     148 + 
     149 + for _, tt := range tests {
     150 + g := DetectGitLab(tt.repouri)
     151 + if g != tt.expected {
     152 + t.Errorf("got %s isgitlab: %t expected %t", tt.repouri, g, tt.expected)
     153 + }
     154 + }
     155 +}
     156 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 44 lines
    45 45   return clients.SearchResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("handler.buildQuery: %w", err)
    46 46   }
    47 47   
    48  - blobs, _, err := handler.glClient.Search.BlobsByProject(handler.repourl.projectID, query, &gitlab.SearchOptions{})
     48 + blobs, _, err := handler.glClient.Search.BlobsByProject(handler.repourl.project, query, &gitlab.SearchOptions{})
    49 49   if err != nil {
    50 50   return clients.SearchResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("Search.BlobsByProject: %w", err)
    51 51   }
    skipped 8 lines
    60 60   if _, err := queryBuilder.WriteString(
    61 61   fmt.Sprintf("%s project:%s/%s",
    62 62   strings.ReplaceAll(request.Query, "/", " "),
    63  - handler.repourl.owner, handler.repourl.projectID)); err != nil {
     63 + handler.repourl.owner, handler.repourl.project)); err != nil {
    64 64   return "", fmt.Errorf("WriteString: %w", err)
    65 65   }
    66 66   if request.Filename != "" {
    skipped 29 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 40 lines
    41 41   return nil, fmt.Errorf("handler.buildQuiery: %w", err)
    42 42   }
    43 43   
    44  - commits, _, err := handler.glClient.Search.CommitsByProject(handler.repourl.projectID, query, &gitlab.SearchOptions{})
     44 + commits, _, err := handler.glClient.Search.CommitsByProject(handler.repourl.project, query, &gitlab.SearchOptions{})
    45 45   if err != nil {
    46 46   return nil, fmt.Errorf("Search.Commits: %w", err)
    47 47   }
    skipped 27 lines
    75 75   var queryBuilder strings.Builder
    76 76   if _, err := queryBuilder.WriteString(
    77 77   fmt.Sprintf("project:%s/%s author:%s",
    78  - handler.repourl.owner, handler.repourl.projectID,
     78 + handler.repourl.owner, handler.repourl.project,
    79 79   request.Author)); err != nil {
    80 80   return "", fmt.Errorf("writestring: %w", err)
    81 81   }
    skipped 4 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 33 lines
    34 34   {
    35 35   name: "Basic",
    36 36   repourl: &repoURL{
    37  - owner: "testowner",
    38  - projectID: "1234",
     37 + owner: "testowner",
     38 + project: "1234",
    39 39   },
    40 40   searchReq: clients.SearchCommitsOptions{
    41 41   Author: "testAuthor",
    skipped 3 lines
    45 45   {
    46 46   name: "EmptyQuery:",
    47 47   repourl: &repoURL{
    48  - owner: "testowner",
    49  - projectID: "1234",
     48 + owner: "testowner",
     49 + project: "1234",
    50 50   },
    51 51   searchReq: clients.SearchCommitsOptions{},
    52 52   hasError: true,
    skipped 26 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 33 lines
    34 34   {
    35 35   name: "Basic",
    36 36   repourl: &repoURL{
    37  - owner: "testowner",
    38  - projectID: "1234",
     37 + owner: "testowner",
     38 + project: "1234",
    39 39   },
    40 40   searchReq: clients.SearchRequest{
    41 41   Query: "testquery",
    skipped 3 lines
    45 45   {
    46 46   name: "EmptyQuery",
    47 47   repourl: &repoURL{
    48  - owner: "testowner",
    49  - projectID: "1234",
     48 + owner: "testowner",
     49 + project: "1234",
    50 50   },
    51 51   searchReq: clients.SearchRequest{},
    52 52   hasError: true,
    skipped 2 lines
    55 55   {
    56 56   name: "WithFilename",
    57 57   repourl: &repoURL{
    58  - owner: "testowner",
    59  - projectID: "1234",
     58 + owner: "testowner",
     59 + project: "1234",
    60 60   },
    61 61   searchReq: clients.SearchRequest{
    62 62   Query: "testquery",
    skipped 4 lines
    67 67   {
    68 68   name: "WithPath",
    69 69   repourl: &repoURL{
    70  - owner: "testowner",
    71  - projectID: "1234",
     70 + owner: "testowner",
     71 + project: "1234",
    72 72   },
    73 73   searchReq: clients.SearchRequest{
    74 74   Query: "testquery",
    skipped 4 lines
    79 79   {
    80 80   name: "WithFilenameAndPath",
    81 81   repourl: &repoURL{
    82  - owner: "testowner",
    83  - projectID: "1234",
     82 + owner: "testowner",
     83 + project: "1234",
    84 84   },
    85 85   searchReq: clients.SearchRequest{
    86 86   Query: "testquery",
    skipped 5 lines
    92 92   {
    93 93   name: "WithFilenameAndPathWithSeperator",
    94 94   repourl: &repoURL{
    95  - owner: "testowner",
    96  - projectID: "1234",
     95 + owner: "testowner",
     96 + project: "1234",
    97 97   },
    98 98   searchReq: clients.SearchRequest{
    99 99   Query: "testquery/query",
    skipped 29 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 33 lines
    34 34  // for gitlab this only works if ref is SHA.
    35 35  func (handler *statusesHandler) listStatuses(ref string) ([]clients.Status, error) {
    36 36   commitStatuses, _, err := handler.glClient.Commits.GetCommitStatuses(
    37  - handler.repourl.projectID, ref, &gitlab.GetCommitStatusesOptions{})
     37 + handler.repourl.project, ref, &gitlab.GetCommitStatusesOptions{})
    38 38   if err != nil {
    39 39   return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting commit statuses: %w", err)
    40 40   }
    skipped 16 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 39 lines
    40 40  func (handler *webhookHandler) setup() error {
    41 41   handler.once.Do(func() {
    42 42   projectHooks, _, err := handler.glClient.Projects.ListProjectHooks(
    43  - handler.repourl.projectID, &gitlab.ListProjectHooksOptions{})
     43 + handler.repourl.project, &gitlab.ListProjectHooksOptions{})
    44 44   if err != nil {
    45 45   handler.errSetup = fmt.Errorf("request for project hooks failed with %w", err)
    46 46   return
    skipped 24 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 34 lines
    35 35  func (handler *workflowsHandler) listSuccessfulWorkflowRuns(filename string) ([]clients.WorkflowRun, error) {
    36 36   var buildStates []gitlab.BuildStateValue
    37 37   buildStates = append(buildStates, gitlab.Success)
    38  - jobs, _, err := handler.glClient.Jobs.ListProjectJobs(handler.repourl.projectID,
     38 + jobs, _, err := handler.glClient.Jobs.ListProjectJobs(handler.repourl.project,
    39 39   &gitlab.ListJobsOptions{Scope: &buildStates})
    40 40   if err != nil {
    41 41   return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting project jobs: %w", err)
    skipped 22 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 36 lines
    37 37   return fmt.Sprintf("file://%s", r.path)
    38 38  }
    39 39   
     40 +func (r *repoLocal) Host() string {
     41 + return ""
     42 +}
     43 + 
    40 44  // String implements Repo.String.
    41 45  func (r *repoLocal) String() string {
    42 46   return r.URI()
    skipped 43 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 128 lines
    129 129   return ret0
    130 130  }
    131 131   
     132 +// URI mocks base method.
     133 +func (m *MockRepo) Host() string {
     134 + m.ctrl.T.Helper()
     135 + ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "Host")
     136 + ret0, _ := ret[0].(string)
     137 + return ret0
     138 +}
     139 + 
    132 140  // URI indicates an expected call of URI.
    133 141  func (mr *MockRepoMockRecorder) URI() *gomock.Call {
    134 142   mr.mock.ctrl.T.Helper()
    skipped 3 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 16 lines
    17 17  // Repo interface uniquely identifies a repo.
    18 18  type Repo interface {
    19 19   URI() string
     20 + Host() string
    20 21   String() string
    21 22   Org() Repo
    22 23   IsValid() error
    skipped 4 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    skipped 14 lines
    15 15  package e2e
    16 16   
    17 17  import (
    18  - "fmt"
    19 18   "os"
    20 19   "strings"
    21 20   
    skipped 163 lines
    185 184   }
    186 185   
    187 186   for _, tc := range tt {
    188  - fmt.Printf("attestor_policy_test.go: %s\n",
    189 187   f, err := os.CreateTemp("/tmp", strings.ReplaceAll(, " ", "-"))
    190 188   Expect(err).Should(BeNil())
    191 189   defer os.Remove(f.Name())
    skipped 16 lines
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