Projects STRLCPY scan4all Commits 9cfb6e04
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    11 11  </p>
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    13 13  # 特性
    14  -Vulnerabilities Scan;15000+PoC漏洞扫描;20种应用爆破;7000+Web指纹;146种协议90000+规则Port扫描;Fuzz、HW打点、BugBounty神器...
     14 +Vulnerabilities Scan;15000+PoC漏洞扫描;20种应用爆破;7000+Web指纹;146种协议90000+规则Port扫描;Fuzz、HW打点、BugBounty神器...
    15 15  <h1 align="center">
    16 16  <img width="928" alt="image" src="">
    17 17  </h1>
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    40 40   opts.LevelSizeMultiplier = 20
    41 41   db, err := badger.Open(opts)
    42 42   if nil != err {
    43  - log.Println("Init2 k-v db 不能多个进程同时开启", err)
     43 + log.Printf("Init2 k-v db cannot open multiple processes at the same time, or please delete the %s directory and try again: %v", szDb, err)
    44 44   return err
    45 45   }
    46 46   r.DbConn = db
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