Projects STRLCPY routeros-scanner Commits 592ef3e8
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     1 +environment:
     2 + host:
     3 + os: 'linux'
     4 + flavor: 'ubuntu'
     5 + version: '20.04'
     6 + 
     7 +# The following is a metadata section that describes the versioning scheme and basic version datacenter to use. This data will be used to
     8 +# generate content in the .version folder for use by your custom versioning steps.
     9 +# In fact, in this sample, a file named .version\PipelineAssemblyInfo.cs will be generated that contains the following code (ignore the actual
     10 +# versions because those are dummy values).
     11 +#
     12 +# // This is a CDPX pipeline generated file
     13 +# using System.Reflection;
     14 +# [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.060517.1000")]
     15 +# [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("1.0.060517.1000")]
     16 +# [assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("1.0.060517.1000-test-31f791f1")]
     17 +#
     18 +# The key point is that this file is not checked in by CDPX. So, we check in a dummy file with similar content and add this file as a compile
     19 +# item with a link. When the code is built in CDPX, the file is first overwritten with actual version numbers. Thus, when the code compiles,
     20 +# the new version numbers are picked up.
     21 +#
     22 +# Obviously, this may not work for everyone. So, in addition to these template files, CDPX writes out several info files whose content is some
     23 +# part of the version number. Which part is hinted at by the name of the file.
     24 +# For example, will contain patch semantic version number in the form 1.0.MMddyyrrrr-tag-commit.
     25 +version:
     26 + name: 'Official'
     27 + tag: 'alpha'
     28 + system: 'custom' # Must be one of patch, buildrevision, revisioncounter or custom. Other schemes can be added based on feedback.
     29 + exclude_commit: true # Set this to true if you would like to exclude the commit hash from the build number. Defaults to false.
     30 + 
     31 +restore:
     32 + commands:
     33 + - !!defaultcommand
     34 + name: 'Install'
     35 + command: ''
     36 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +pip install -r requirements.txt
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