Projects STRLCPY reverse_ssh Commits c4a0564e
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    58 58   - [Supported URI Schemes](#supported-uri-schemes)
    59 59  - [Help](#help)
    60 60   - [Garble](#garble)
    61  - - [Permission denied (publickey).](#permission-denied-publickey)
    62 61   - [Windows and SFTP](#windows-and-sftp)
    63 62   - [Foreground vs Background (Important note about clients)](#foreground-vs-background-important-note-about-clients)
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    385 384  ```
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    387 386  Then make sure that the `go/bin/` directory is in your `$PATH`
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    389  -## Permission denied (publickey).
    390  -Unfortunately the golang `crypto/ssh` upstream library does not support `rsa-sha2-*` algorithms, and work is currently ongoing here:
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    394  -So until that work is completed, you will have to generate a different (non-rsa) key. I recommend the following:
    395  - 
    396  -```
    397  -ssh-keygen -t ed25519
    398  -```
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    401 389  ## Windows and SFTP
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