Projects STRLCPY reverse_ssh Commits 4be0ea3e
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    53 53   - [Windows Service Integration](#windows-service-integration)
    54 54   - [Full Windows Shell Support](#full-windows-shell-support)
    55 55   - [Webhooks](#webhooks)
    56  - - [Tuntap](#tuntap)
    57 56   - [Executable Downloading](#executable-downloading)
    58 57   - [Supported URI Schemes](#supported-uri-schemes)
    59 58  - [Help](#help)
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    328 327  As an additional note, please use the `/slack` endpoint if connecting this to discord.
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    330  -### Tuntap
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    332  -RSSH and SSH support creating tuntap interfaces that allow you to route traffic and create pseudo-VPN.
    333  -It does take a bit more setup than just a local or remote forward (`-L`, `-R`), but in this mode you can send `UDP` and `ICMP`.
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    336  -First set up a tun (layer 3) device on your local machine.
    337  -```
    338  -sudo ip tuntap add dev tun0 mode tun
    339  -sudo ip addr add dev tun0
    340  -sudo ip link set dev tun0 up
    341  - 
    342  -# This will defaultly route all non-local network traffic through the tunnel
    343  -sudo ip route add via dev tun0
    344  -```
    345  - 
    346  -Install a client on a *remote* machine, this **will not work** if you have your RSSH client on the same host as your tun device.
    347  -```
    348  -ssh -J user.wombo -w 0:any
    349  -```
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    352  -This has some limitations, it is only able to send UDP/TCP/ICMP, and not arbitrary layer 3 protocols. ICMP is best effort and may use the remote hosts `ping` tool, as ICMP sockets are privileged on most machines.
    353  -This also does not support `tap` devices, e.g layer 2 VPN, as this would require administrative access.
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    355 329  ### Executable Downloading
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    12 12  )
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    14 14  require (
    15  - v0.0.0-20210617225240-d185dfc1b5a1 // indirect
     15 + v0.0.0-20230124172434-306776ec8161 // indirect
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    17 17 v0.1.0 // indirect
    18 18 v1.7.1 // indirect
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