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    58 58  .PHONY: linux
    59 59  linux: ## Make binary for Linux
    60 60   @echo -e "$(OK_COLOR)[$(APP)] Build for Linux$(NO_COLOR)"
    61  - @$(LINUX_GO_ENV) $(GO) build -o $(APP)$(BUILD_OPTS) .
     61 + @$(LINUX_GO_ENV) $(GO) build -o $(APP) $(BUILD_OPTS) .
    62 62   
    63 63  .PHONY: macos
    64 64  macos: ## Make binary for macOS
    65 65   @echo -e "$(OK_COLOR)[$(APP)] Build for macOS$(NO_COLOR)"
    66  - @$(MACOS_GO_ENV) $(GO) build -o $(APP)$(BUILD_OPTS) .
     66 + @$(MACOS_GO_ENV) $(GO) build -o $(APP) $(BUILD_OPTS) .
    67 67   
    68 68  .PHONY: build
    69 69  build: ## Make binary
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